
Hello everyone. I'm East. I'm new here but I understand forum rules so from this point, I just seek to meet and battle new people. I'm a Philadelphia blader who has yet to be defeated so I am looking to set up tournaments or at least compete with some spirited players. Basically, I am here for the love of the game as I am sure and would hope you all are too. With all that being said, check me out!
Welcome to the WBO! Have FUN!Grin
Good job reading the rules!Smile
heres a Philadelphia thread
Welcome! You'll find a wealth of information here. Good luck in Philly!
Welcome to the WBO!! If u have beyblade questions feel free to PM me Smile
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'll be looking forward to meeting and competing with you all as well as introducing a few new things as well.
Hey hey welcome to wbo have fun don't get into trouble lol Grin