Galaxy Phoenix CH120RF

its weak against ray unicorno btw. a few days ago i made a beyblade called Galaxy Phoenix, that time i didnt have an account. the best things about it is that u can change it to CH120 to CH145 so it it is a high attacker change it to CH145 if its a low attacker change it to CH120.

Each with 15 Battles

Vs. Storm Pegasus 105RF

Phoenix: 13 Wins
Pegasus: 2 wins

Vs. Ray Unicorno D125CS

Phoenix: 6 Wins
Unicorno: 9 Wins

Vs. Earth Aquila 145WD

Phoenix: 11
Aquila: 4 Wins

Vs. Flame Sagitario C145S

Phoenix: 13 Wins
Sagitario: 2 Wins

this 1 is my brother's beyblade i borrowed, i forgot to type the last result when i started to type this so heres the last result

Vs. Rock Aries ED145B

Phoenix: 8 Wins
Aries: 7 Wins

Different Beyblade Wins: 1. Galaxy Phoenix CH120RF Wins: 4
test it against top tier combos in an attack stadium....
to prove its good.....? take a look:
srry if i didnt add Burn Pegasus W105R2F and Dark Cancer 135MS, it is the beyblade parts i used to make a random bey after Galaxy Phoenix
(Aug. 16, 2010  6:59 AM)Beyblade Lover1 Wrote: srry if i didnt add Burn Pegasus W105R2F and Dark Cancer 135MS, it is the beyblades i costomized secondly after Galaxy Phoenix

No. Just no. Not Dark. Please.
Or it would help to see some results of Dark, incase it's kept it's abilities hidden this whole time...
god,you wasted a beautiful metal wheel =3=.
also why not using Ray instead of galaxy, and control it's recoil by MF?
you see that the result fighting with Ray uicorno is so poor.
Beyblade Lover1, unless you provide tests with the conditions established in the topic mchlbant linked you to, this thread will be closed.
good news guys Burn Pegasus W105R2F is made now!
Topic closed.