Do you miss your old MFB

Poll: Do you miss your old MFB ?

yes really miss
not really
Total: 100% 5 vote(s)
So guys TakaraTomy released their new Beyblade Zero G beyblades and anime right now so how do you feel the new Zero g ? I must admit that our old MFB is best you could say if you missed the old MFB here I really missed my old MFB Crying
I did at first when is watch metal fusion i missed the plastics and when i think of Zero-G i miss my old MFB. we shall get adicted to it later
yes a bit cause the moment i can obtain a bey i always wanted a new series comes -3-
We will miss you MFB!
A salute to MFB for each and everything it thought us....
I like how some admitted that Metal Fight was getting shallow around the end, and then they miss it to death (no pun intended) already. Let's be glad we can use our favorite track and tips still...

Is there really that much to miss yet?
I'll admit I wasn't too fond of 4D when it first started; I liked the original Beyblades better. But The 4D Beys were cool, and I'm looking forward to the Zero-G Attack Type Stadium. What I think is weird about Zero-G is that the Beyblades are asymmetrical and off balance. I don't like that.
This topic makes no sense when almost all of you have not even played with the new stadium gimmick yet ...