Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris does not have a zodiac sign- you know why?

Norris is an unknown constellation.
chuck norris lost his virginity before his dad did.
If you stare at the American flag for to long, a 3D image of Chuck Norris will appear.
An oblivious child mistaken a Duke Nukem Forever poster as a Chuck Norris picture.

None of the fanboys and fangirls of America ever dared to correct him.
Chuck Norris gargles Petroleum.

Chuck Norris died 20 years ago...Death could never find the courage to tell him.

Death had a near Chuck Norris experience.

The Boogy man checks his closet for Chuck Norris before he goes to sleep at night.

I only came up with the first one.
:V you can try running,but theirs no hiding from chuck Norris Serious
"chuck Norris has already been to mars,that's why their is no life their."
"Chuck Norris once broke wind,this is now known as the Big Bang Theory"
"crop circles are chuck Norris way of telling the aliens; don't make me come up their"
"Declare Chuck Norris. Not war"
"MacGyver can build a bomb out of paper clips,rubber bands,and soda cans. Chuck Norris can build a bomb out of Macgyver"

"Chuck Norris survived lone wolf on Halo:Reach"
Chuck norris can give you 2 black eyes with 1 punch.

chuck norris can beat mario bros. without using the jump button.

chuck norris can kick you in the back of your face.
"If Chuck Norris were to ever run out of Ammo, his weapon would keep firing out of fear of disappointing Chuck Norris."

"When the president pushes the Big Red Button, Chuck Norris' cell phone rings."

"Before his rise to fame, JAWS was Chuck Norris' gold fish."

"There used to be a street named after Chuck Norris, but it was changed since nobody crosses Chuck Norris and lives."

"Some magicians can walk on water. Chuck Norris can swim through land."

"Chuck Norris doesn't age, he levels up."

"Chuck Norris once peed in the ocean. This is now know as the oil spill in the golf."

I made the last one up... Don't even get me started on Chuck Norris jokes. I know a lot...

EDIT: " Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi trucks gas tank as a joke. That truck is now known as Optimus Prime." (ROFL!!)
Try to at least use proper spelling when making up these jokes..
(Mar. 08, 2011  4:20 AM)Dan Wrote: Try to at least use proper spelling when making up these jokes..
Are you talking about me? All of my words are spelled correctly...
Chuck Norris counted to Infinity. Twice.
Chuck Norris actually lives in a round house.
Chuck Norris is so fast he can run around the world and kick himself in the back of his head.
One man asked if Chuck Norris' real name was Charles. He said nothing, instead he stared at the man until he exploded.
Godliness is next to Chuck Norrisness.
Chuck Norris' hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
Whats the last thing thats going through his victims head? His foot.
A watched kettle never boils....unless Chuck Norris is doing the watching, in which case it explodes.
Chuck Norris once scared a baby. To this day that baby is still screaming in fear......his name is Justin Bieber.
Chuck Norris can't finish a "color by numbers" because his markers are filled with the blood of his victims. Unfortunately, all blood is dark red.
Some people check the closet for the boogeyman. The boogeyman checks his closet for Chuck Norris
Some kids wear Superman pyjamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pyjamas
who is chuck norris?? anyway i read a few of these jokes and i basically understand how to make them and chuck seems to be good at roundhouse kicks so here.
the earth doesn't quake chuck norris kicks it
(Mar. 08, 2011  12:45 PM)abhicherath Wrote: who is chuck norris?? anyway i read a few of these jokes and i basically understand how to make them and chuck seems to be good at roundhouse kicks so here.
the earth doesn't quake chuck norris kicks it

^Go Here^
Got one good one.....only one....

The Black Eyed Peas were only the Peas 'till Chuck Norris heard their music.....
Chuck Norris doesn't deserve hid own thread. He deserves his own forum.

It just came to mind while pooping :o
Hmm, I have another one. This one is pretty good...

"You know how some people pee their name into snow? Chuck Norris can pee his name into concrete!"
chuck eats coal and carps out diamonds

chuck Norris invented half by roundhouse kicking 1