[Buying]  Tyson-V's Buying Thread

Hi, guys!
This is my buying thread!
I will show you the blades I want you can PM me if you are interested in making a deal!
Please do NOT spam, deals twice!
Here are the Plastic Beyblades I want:

Dragoon V- (anime version only)
Draciel V- (anime version only)
Master(Kid) Draciel- (MINT condition only)
Master(Kid)Dragoon-(MINT condition only)
Dragoon V2-(anime version only)
Dragoon GT-(Silver or anime version only, MINT condition only)
Zeus-(MINT condition only)
Dranzer V2-(anime verision only)

Right Launcher-(MINT condition only)
Left Launcher-(MINT condition only)
Sniper Grip-(Max Edition)

HMS Beyblades:
Dranzer MS-(anime version only, MINT condition only)
Dragoon MS-(anime version only)
Hopper Attack MS- (green version only)
Wolborg MS-(gray version only)

Guys, these are the beys I want for now!
I hope you enjoyed my thread!
If you want to make a deal PM me only!

This is in the wrong thread. Please post this in the Buying thread under Selling and Trading.
(Jan. 15, 2013  1:44 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote: This is in the wrong thread. Please post this in the Buying thread under Selling and Trading.
This can't be in the wrong thread because it is a thread...
UltimateFantasy worded it wrong, though splitting hairs isn't very useful.

The thread is in the wrong forum.
I have moved this into the 'Buying' forum.
UWIK thanks, man I wanted it to do that too Smile!