Avatar and Signature rating topic.

After a quick search, I have not found a thread like his, so I'll create it Grin

Here are the rules.

When you post, you must vote and comment on the person above you. For the first one to post now, that will be me.

please use 1 to ten as points, where one is absolutely horrid and 10 is something among the best you have seen.

Sample vote:

Avatar: 8/10
I like how you put the focus on ****, but there is a colour mishap and the render is a bit low-res

Signature: 7/10
Too much white space. Would get 9/10 if you cut it away.

Anyhows, here we go!
EDIT: Might have been better to throw it over in the "Your Works" part... Sorry for any trouble.
Jellyboy made one... got closed in two minutes. Bye bye useless thread
Hmm... maybe you could change your thread into something else, like a contest? I guess so. I see the idea here, but not everyone even has a signature.
Unfortunately it will lead to a lot of SPAM since the same people will be posting repeatedly with "your sig is effin' AWSUM!!!!!", which is totally false in most cases. If people want real constructive criticism, they should open a thread to demonstrate their work, or you could always contact me ...