Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

Does anyone here play it
Im still kinda nooby only on lvl2
But thats only because I went to the Internet Cafe 2 times and that the only place I can play.

Just curious
What you favourite person to play with and why?

EDIT: Wait I think theres a thread for this....
yeah i play, my main is akali. level 19 right now. i usually play once a night for the first win of the day bonus.
I go for Fiddlesticks. Grin Hey co-LoLers, can you help me win this Share-A-Link contest here in the LOL Philippines scene? All you have to do is to click this link: and you're done. Whoever has the highest visits will be proclaimed winner. Please help me out, brothers. You can help me endorse my link if you want... Smile A BIG THANK YOU! Smile
Ahmahgahd I was hoping somebody was going to make a thread for this! I love this game. Lvl 30 and I usually play Casseopeia, Brand, Vlad, Ryze, and sometimes Karthus.
I play League of Legends! Im only level 8 though. My mains are Tristana and Kayle, and Miss Fortune when she's free. Anyone on the European servers add me: NoLuckXIII
LoL and heroes of newarth,for reasons I cannot fathom have the most extreme nerd rages I have ever experienced in any game.And I have played a lot of them.Most of the OP classes being donation classes, pretty much whoever donates always wins against regular players if they know how to use their class, pretty lame.
Wow you guys are beating my level be heaps
Im only lvl2
I need to download it again once the computer resets its data
Once I get it again I will add you guys
BTW If you want to add me im YoNerd
I don't play LOL but many of my cousins do, I don't know their usernames but they are Level 30. I know a bit of LOL, My favourite character is Teemo.
O just forgot to say that my sister pheonce(Boyfriend) has one and his on level 30
Rofl I was about to make this thread in 2 mins...
If I didn't see this one

I am playing Malphite atm

I am trying to make a rank team.
SO message me if you level 30 and are good...
And have skype
I hate getting crappy teams in Normal Games Tired" I love being Brand but my laning partners are usually so defensive and scared.
finally got to level 20
tier 3 runes yes.
(May. 09, 2011  2:47 AM)Otsu Wrote: finally got to level 20
tier 3 runes yes.

We should play together this week coming weekend!
After exams!
Let me in on that, I need someone else to team with.
I'll add you quick but I won't play tilll this weekend
I'm Vanthorsan. So is anyone getting Vayne? She sounds like she'll be fun.

looks exactly like a char i would play. i'm definitely buying her day 1. even though i've only bought 2 heroes total. akali and nidalee.

my chars must have sexy skins. keke :p
So I'm online right now if anyone wants to play some games, I'm using Brand.
Name: Vanthorsan
vayne is so sick. she is a very difficult hero to use though. a lot of mouse skill and precision involved. plus she is super fragile.
Most of the Vayne's I fought so far have been pretty pathetic so I figured she was hard to figure out. Reading through her skills, she seems to be really based on using Tumble right.
Hey, I'm an avid LoLer too!
I main Warwick, the awesomest lycanthrope in existence. (NOT Jacob Black) My semi-mains (Champs who I play as when I'm bored with Warwick) are Annie, Fiddlesticks and Miss Fortune. I'm on LoL PH Summoner Name InfinitySekhmet.
finally got to level 30!

but. . . . you have to own 14 heroes before you can play ranked!!! wtf. . Tired;;; i only own 4.
Haha, I didn't know that! Well I'm only level 27... maybe 28, I'm not too sure. But I don't really have a main champ, I cycle through jarvan, jax, blitzcrank, and recently kennen. In fact I've gotten a quadra kill the first time I played as kennen XD.
Hrm old thread. I play fizz as mid lane, and man, too OP.