Amazing Defense type

I have found an amazing defense type. The face bolt is aries. The energy ring is aries. The fusion wheel is twisted. The spin track is 130 (I'm not sure but it is from fang leone.) The tip rf I think (the tip from twisted befall) this bey has amazing defense. It also has amazing balance. Its weakness is stamina and its strong point is attack. Its a good idea to launch it in the center of the stadium. P.S. it works better with shorter spin tracks. Feel free to leave any suggestions Stupid
That's not really a Defense type, whereas an Anti-Attack Beyblade. But it's not that good. Please list your parts in the Build Me a Combo #2 topic. Smile
Aries isn't very good, Bull would be better.
EWD; the tip, isn't a defense tip, it's a Stamina tip.
You'd need WD or RS.
130, no you should either use A230, 230, or something like D145.
You guys, he said he's using the Bottom from Twisted Befall, which is RSF, so the combo is Twisted Aries 130RSF.

MasterOfDragons: Like Echizen said, the Build Me a Combo topic is where you'd wanna go to get combo building advice and feedback. If you just list all your parts and the stadium(s) you'll be most likely to play in, then we'll be happy to help tailor your combos to your situation.