[Unanswered]  MFB Limited for Beginners: where to start?

Hey folks. Me and some friends got together to play with our old beyblades, and ended up having a blast. That was Saturday, and now we're planning on buying some beys for ourselves.

I've been looking into getting some Hybrid/4D beys just to play amongst ourselves, and that's when I started looking into how beyblades actually work, how to build combos, etc. Initially, I looked through Youtube and after struggling to find anything really useful, I ended up here.

With context out of the way, what I'm really looking for is resources on what different bey types want, what parts are best for specific playstyles, etc.

These resources can be written or in video format, doesn't really matter, I just want to learn more about building my own combos, what works and what doesn't, and specially the "why"s.

Thank in advance for any help!
You should join the Discord server and ask these kinds of questions in the Metal Fight Channel. Best way to get tailoured responses to your questions. Otherwise SwiftMFB's YouTube channel provides excellent beginner content.
hi so I'll start by recommending swift MFB YouTube channel he has great channel and a pretty good guide for the formats and what to buy. (Accidentally I called the tip bit)
and now the recommendations: for attack combos buy lightning L Drago and storm Pegasus or screw Capricorn and storm Pegasus, what you'll want to do is to take the bit of Pegasus (rubber flat) and put it with screw/lightning the reason is that both of them hit hard and rf gives them both the speed and the friction to reliably attack hard and not knock themself out. reasons to pick Capricorn: I feel like the combo hits hard more times per battle and is more satisfying plus the lower track (90) is better and the other tip has more uses in comp combos, if you buy screw, you can put metal flat on storm Pegasus, and it will be somewhat mediocre combo but as a staller it's somewhat good. reasons to pick L Drago: I find it more reliable because it knocks himself out of the stadium less, and he is a left spinning bey which is recommended having at least one left spinning bey, plus lighting deals much better with f230 combo (which I'll talk about lately but for now it's one of the most annoying and meta changing combos) lightning is more combo versatile which means you can use it in more combos. if you want instead of storm, you can buy galaxy Pegasus for r2f (right rubber flat) which is faster but have less stamina and harder to control plus wears down faster.
for defense and stamina. buy bakushin Susano and ray striker, bakushin can deflect attacks really good and the tip of ray striker (coat sharp) having good defense while having enough stamina for most attackers. you can also buy the earth eagle 90 s/hf midfake instead of bakushin. eagle is also a great option for defense and with the metal face to add weight it's also gives you ways to make all sorts of great combos better, and because of its low track (90) it will be even better. besides the tip while not being competitively viable is really cool and fun to play with. you can also buy flame byxis and make the f230 combo, the flame 230 combo is a tall combo that hard to effectively attack the most reliable ways to attack it is with a 145 track or taller, thus making the meta more versatile instead of only low tracks meta.
if you bought screw Capricorn you can consider adding gravity Perseus to your arsenal as gravity on mid tracks and metal flat makes a great combo that can be either left spin or right spin.
there are more attack, stamina, defense and other niche combos but they are less cost effective
(Oh, and don't be afraid to buy midfakes they are way cheaper while having almost if not the same quality)