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Unanswered question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Printable Version

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RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - bladekid - Jan. 25, 2020

(Jan. 09, 2020  4:45 PM)ReekoBlader Wrote: Uhhh.... cuz Hasbruh is inferior to TT...?
Eh probably, but Hasbro can still be used to win. Still viable in tournaments imo.

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - wolflead2 - Mar. 14, 2020

Can anyone help me I got this beyblade, spryzen s4 and there is no spin lock

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Me-has-Bro - Mar. 15, 2020

You mean you can not change the direction of spinning. Then it's probably a fake.

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Camick - Mar. 16, 2020

(Mar. 14, 2020  10:50 PM)wolflead2 Wrote: Can anyone help me I got this beyblade, spryzen s4 and there is no spin lock

Did you buy it from that link?

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzan S4 - TooOldForThis94 - Mar. 19, 2020

(Dec. 01, 2019  2:34 PM)FreeFafnir64 Wrote: I have a Turbo Spryzen, and it falls off because the launcher or rip cord is too weak, so you need to use a VERY new launcher or rip cord. If you put it for even a click on the "new" launcher, it'll stay on.

Sorry for answering on an old threat, but I have the same issue and slowly twisting it right before the click seems to work for me as well. So it seems this is normal for the Spryzen? I also think maybe it falls off faster because it's a relatively heavy Bey. Not sure though, I'm only a noob lol.

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Kiwi-bladerYT - Mar. 19, 2020

Have you guys tried bending in the prongs on your launcher ever so slightly? Whenever i have an issue of beys falling off the launcher, i usually press the prongs toward each other just a bit and then seat the bey. What this does is provide a slightly tighter grip on the seats in the energy layer. Dont press the prongs in to far though or the beys will jam on them

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - powerboi - Mar. 23, 2020

the same thing happend to me but what i did was testing it if its in left spin but your puting it on right it will fall of unless its on right spin

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Suoh sadboii - Mar. 23, 2020

(Mar. 19, 2020  1:06 AM)Kiwi-bladerYT Wrote: Have you guys tried bending in the prongs on your launcher ever so slightly? Whenever i have an issue of beys falling off the launcher, i usually press the prongs toward each other just a bit and then seat the bey. What this does is provide a slightly tighter grip on the seats in the energy layer. Dont press the prongs in to far though or the beys will jam on them

Yeah. I used to have issues with my Regulus R3 and Balkesh B3, but I figured that they didn't have good grip and tried that, which worked.

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Kiwi-bladerYT - Mar. 24, 2020

It's a neat little trick aye? Doesn't work to well for clone launchers though. The prongs on those tend to be abs plastic which is rigid, stiff and won't bend

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - TooOldForThis94 - Mar. 24, 2020

I returned my Spryzen because of it and bought a new Spryzen. Same thing happens... I guess it's just "normal" for the Spryzen, but there is a way to make it work. First of all the Right and left spin setting is reversed so to speak. To make it spin right you need to have the inside of the bey (white part) pointing to the L's. For left you put it on R. You can do this with the end of your ripcord. If you already did that, what you do is twist the beyblade slightly on the launcher. You don't have to twist till the launcher clicks, that means yoh twisted too far. You just gotta add a good amount of twist till you feel pressure and it slides on. This should make it work fine, but yeah.. it isn't exactly a tight fit.

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - Xcalius Savage - Mar. 26, 2020

Or you could save up and get a dual spin string launcher

RE: question bout Turbo Spryzen S4 - JavariTheChamp - Mar. 27, 2020

Quite Possibly A Dual String Would Work. But you can always opt out for lord sprighan if you can