Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - The Supreme One - Jan. 11, 2018
So, seeing as customization testing threads have more or less died with Burst, I figured I would attempt to bring them back with this combo. aC .8C.Ds is a destabilizer with great potential for both burst attack and burst defense. I chose to use Destroy for its moderately aggressive performance and excellent LAD. In my preliminary testing, I also found that 8 had greater burst potential against stamina match-ups than 7 or 4, with more or less equal stamina and decided to go with it, using C as my frame because it synergized nicely with Destroy's LAD. Alas, I do not have mG yet, but I'll be able to do some additional testing with both the red and yellow versions in the coming weeks. For all of the following tests, with the exception of lS, I used single Beylauncher L and Beylauncher Rs. Additionally, none of the layers I used showed signs of wear and all testing was done in a Burst Standard Type Beystadium. So without further ado...
aC .8C.Ds vs Stamina
Right-Spin Stamina (Deathscyther)
aC .8C.Ds vs Deathscyther Knuckle Revolve (Deathscyther launched first)
aC wins: 11/15, 73.33% (10 Burst Finishes, 1 KO)
DKR wins: 4/15, 26.67% (all OS)
1 tie (OS)
In about half of the cases in which aC bursted DKR, the former would burst soon after, illustrating that although it had more destabilizing ability than Deathscyther, it was still vulnerable to bursts itself.
aC .8C.Ds vs Deathscyther Gravity Revolve (Deathscyther launched first)
aC wins: 10/15, 66.67% (9 Burst Finishes, 1 KO)
DGR wins: 5/15 (23.33% (all OS)
1 tie (Burst Finish)
No surprise here. The results were nearly identical to the DKR match-up.
aC .8C.Ds vs Deathscyther Spread Revolve (Deathscyther launched first)
aC wins: 9/20, 45% (all Burst Finishes)
DSR wins: 11/20 55% (all OS)
2 ties (1 OS, 1 simultaneous Burst Finish)
These results were interesting, as I expected them to mirror those of DGR and DKR, but I ended up doing 20 rounds instead of 15 because of how closely matched the two were. One explanation for these differing results is that aC has more trouble destabilizing once the opposing stamina Beyblade has begun to precess, and DSR appeared to begin precessing earlier than DGR and DKR, making it more of a challenge for aC to come into contact.
Left-Spin Stamina (Drain Fafnir)
aC .8C.Ds vs dF .7G.At (dF launched first)
aC wins: 9/10, 90% (all OS)
dF wins: 1/10, 10% (1 OS)
5 ties (all OS)
Due to the nature of this match-up (aC being the clear victor) I decided to do just 10 rounds. The number of ties here was unsurprising, as dF, being a rubber-coated left-spinning layer, had no trouble spin-equalizing aC. At the same time, aC's ability to destabilize dF early on in the match enabled it to win by approximately one rotation in most rounds.
aC .8C.Ds vs Balance
aC 8C.Ds vs sX 4M.T (alternating launches)
aC wins: 9/10, 90% (all OS)
sX wins: 1/10, 10% (1 KO)
Much like the dF match-up, I stuck to 10 rounds as aC was the clear winner. Due to aC being a defensive layer, it was able to easily deflect sX's major attacks, and while it was destabilized quite a bit, aC's ability to precess longer than sX turned nearly every round into a battle of stamina, which it was able to easily win.
aC 8C.Ds vs L2 7G.H (alternating launches)
aC wins: 9/15, 60% (1 KO, 8 OS)
L2 wins: 6/15, 40% (4 KO, 2 OS)
1 tie (OS)
This was a hard match-up to imitate, and I found myself unsure of whether to weak launch L2, or launch it at full power because of aC's aggressive nature. Ultimately, I chose to bank it at close to full power in hopes of L2 KOing aC (which is did rather successfully compared to sX). While aC had a stamina advantage, it was surprisingly vulnerable to L2's attack, regardless of which one was launched first. At the same time, both L2 and dF managed to lose two clicks on average in each round, while aC typically lost zero or one, illustrating its superior burst resistance.
aC .8C.Ds vs Smash Attack
aC .8C.Ds vs lS 4M.X (aC launched first, lS in right spin, launched with a long winder for a better sliding shoot)
aC wins: 10/20, 50% (4 KO, 5 OS, 1 Burst Finish)
lS wins: 10/20, 50% (6 KO, 2 OS, 2 Burst Finish)
1 tie (simultaneous KO)
All no-contact KOs (primarily lS's loss) redone
To conclude my testing, I matched up aC against a popular lS combination to test its resistance to smash attack. These results were interesting for a number of reasons. Not only was I surprised that aC was able to KO lS in several instances, but even more interesting was that lS out-spun aC in two rounds, despite both being launched at the same power each time. It was fascinating to see aC beat lS in a variety of ways and vice versa. While lS would have had a lower win percentage had I counted no-contact KOs, I was mostly interested in how aC would handle lS's attack power and wanted the data to reflect its ability to withstand attacks. As I personally prefer using long-winders for a better sliding shoot (and sometimes greater launching power), I chose not to use a right spin beylauncher for these tests.
Summary: To conclude, aC .8C.Ds is in many ways a jack-of-all trades, with its greatest potential being a counter to balance types and pure stamina customizations. While aC can be countered by smash attack combinations and other set-ups in which it has few opportunities for contact, its ability to handle nearly every type with a 50% win rate or better makes it a strong choice against popular customizations. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more tests once I'm able to get my hands on some of the newer releases :)
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - TrainiacJ - Jan. 12, 2018
oh god yes these types of threads are so good
This looks like a really good Balance combo, I'll have to try this out too.
Also, I'm glad someone else finally realized the LAD properties of Cross, haha. It's better for LAD than Glaive, since Revolve and Atomic transition pretty well into it. More importantly, it doesn't have the same directional smoothness issues Glaive has in Right-spin. I thought I made a post or two about it somewhere when I first got my hands on Cross, but it must have been swept up in the dF Polish/Glaive meta... sorry for getting off track there. :p
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - MonoDragon - Jan. 12, 2018
(Jan. 12, 2018 12:21 AM)TrainiacJ Wrote: oh god yes these types of threads are so good
This looks like a really good Balance combo, I'll have to try this out too.
Also, I'm glad someone else finally realized the LAD properties of Cross, haha. It's better for LAD than Glaive, since Revolve and Atomic transition pretty well into it. More importantly, it doesn't have the same directional smoothness issues Glaive has in Right-spin. I thought I made a post or two about it somewhere when I first got my hands on Cross, but it must have been swept up in the dF Polish/Glaive meta... sorry for getting off track there. :p
I was noticing that too, I just got some Glaive Frames and the LAD isn't anywhere near Cross' or even Star's
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - The Supreme One - Jan. 12, 2018
(Jan. 12, 2018 12:21 AM)TrainiacJ Wrote: oh god yes these types of threads are so good
This looks like a really good Balance combo, I'll have to try this out too.
Also, I'm glad someone else finally realized the LAD properties of Cross, haha. It's better for LAD than Glaive, since Revolve and Atomic transition pretty well into it. More importantly, it doesn't have the same directional smoothness issues Glaive has in Right-spin. I thought I made a post or two about it somewhere when I first got my hands on Cross, but it must have been swept up in the dF Polish/Glaive meta... sorry for getting off track there. :p
Yeah no one really posts them much anymore so I figured I'd bring it back. If you get around to doing some formal testing, feel free to share & I'll add it to the OP! I like Cross a lot for LAD - I was honestly surprised that it works as well on Destroy as it does :) I'll see if I can do a little more testing before I head back to college on Saturday, as I probably won't have much time once I'm taking classes & working again.
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - Rebel Blader - Jan. 12, 2018
I would like to see how that aC balance combo performs against top tier stamina combos of now which are dC (a mould god chip) 7 cross orbit and gk(a mould god chip) 7 revolve
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - pegasus0000 - Jun. 23, 2018
Wait, which mode did you use on aC?
It makes a big difference.
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - ThePheonix - Jun. 23, 2018
Shouldn't this go on the Alter Chronos testing thread? Correct me if I'm wrong...
RE: Alter Chronos .8C.Ds Testing - Beyblader101_ - Jun. 23, 2018
sorry if this is late, but do you now have Maximum Garuda? if so, can you test it against it?