World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
General Health Thread - Printable Version

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RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - May. 11, 2012

Really, recent health trend crazes have essentially started an "Everything's Terrible" movement in the food marketing industry - something that is wholly unnecessary. Preservatives are being labelled as demonic in nature, despite the horrendous majority of them being completely without impact on any part of the body - most notorious of all of these is the "MSG Scare" that originated about fourty years ago and still has not, to this date, had anything but anecdotal "science" backing it. People seem not to realize what preservatives do - it is as if the meaning of the word changed from "keeps this food from rotting and turning into poison" to "IS POISON AND WILL KILL YOU WITH GUNS".

Then there's the whole myth about how vegan/vegetarianism is healthier all around than eating meat/processed foods, which is, again, inconclusive and more of a lifestyle choice(a hideously frivolous, first world luxury one, no less) than hard science. Really, though, I am genuinely hostile toward vegetarian preaching, so it's best I avoid that subject entirely. Maybe all that meat eating has inspired me with omnivorous furor toward those who shun their canine teeth and natural food chain birthright.

It is largely the Americas that have taken these trends into complete and total excess of any rational thought, and it's not uncommon. I can only hope we're back to advising sane diets within ten or fifteen years, because the constant diet trending is just... disgusting. I mean honestly, I'd rather people just be fat than have all these lies forcefed to them by the media. Even overweight people can be quite healthy without suddenly converting to the diet of an Alpaca.

RE: General Health Thread - bugturtles - May. 11, 2012

need help (not necessarily diagnosing a problem but identifying bones in the body)

What is the bone next to the kneecap? I'm talking about the bones to the right and a little under of my kneecap and same goes for the left. They don't feel like "smooth plates", but more like "balls" similar to the first joint that connects your thumb to the actual hand.

Reason for this is I am trying to figure out a way how to protect this area. These spots are the ones I fall most on when rollerblading.

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - May. 11, 2012

I'm assuming you're talking about the Tibia, bugturtles, but just in case, you could've simply done this:

RE: General Health Thread - Coach - May. 11, 2012

Really Hazel that's why my DOCTOR suggests only eating red meat 3 times a month is best for you... When in fact if you buy non-organic chicken it was most likely soaked in chlorine bleach. As a matter of fact most things that you buy non organic are loaded with chemicals like this. Need a reason to get healthy?
Belly Fat is a major contributor to:
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Some types of cancer
Type 2 diabetes
Insulin resistance
High triglycerides
Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol
Metabolic syndrome
Sleep apnea
Mayoclinic report
Eat as natural as possible it does taste good, youll feel amazing. Nuts, berrys, veggies no salt or sugar added Nuts and Dark Chocolate eat belly fat.

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - May. 11, 2012

Your doctor, like all doctors, is free to say whatever he or she feels is best. However, sensationalism has penetrated the health care organization just as much as the media. Yes, being overweight causes bad things - I'm not sure who was arguing that it didn't. However, some people are physiologically hindered in ways that either make their weight almost impossible to shed by any natural means, and others have physical disabilities that render it less than worth the effort to try and fight nature. These individuals can still lead perfectly healthy lives, so long as they do not live in excess of what is appropriate.

As for red meat 3 times a month being best for everyone, or even a staple at all, that's a crock and I'd tell your doctor that to their own face. "Red meat", first of all, does not denote the fat content in and of itself whatsoever - the type of cut, the trim, the method of cooking, the size of the portion, and numerous other factors play very huge roles in selecting the appropriate amount for your diet. What's more likely is that your doctor was talking specifically about you - but that's your business. Yes, red meat is overall more unhealthy for you than fish and chicken, but in moderation(and not nearly so strict as thrice a month), it will not be the thing that kills you or anyone else unless you bought tainted stock.

I do find it endearing how you used the word "fact" so many times, though, as if you were talking down to someone. No one was even talking about red meat, nor trying to claim it obesity did not have negative effects. Furthermore, you seem entirely unaware of the dietary trends to which I was referring. If you are, on the off chance, actually talking about a diet of raw grass and yeast and other insipid food trends, then I will denounce your credibility into the dust, because that does not taste good, is not good for you, and is not for the betterment of any society on this planet.

If, in the future, you do decide to post here again, do it without the attitude. You are not above anyone else.

RE: General Health Thread - Coach - May. 11, 2012

Sorry, yes a was overly rude but this is very important to me. My wife has been through cervical cancer, and has had 5 lumps removed, many cysts and she is also allergic to any pain killer. S
o making your body work for you instead of working against it is VERY important to us. And I do not agree with your "diet" opinion. And we never diet we live a life style of health that is the difference. Oh and yeast is horrible as well by the way. But Nuts, All berrys, veggies especially asparagus and broccoli are amazing, and who doesn't love Dark Chocolate, those are all your "raw grass diet" you hail against...

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - May. 11, 2012

An individual can still live a lifestlye of health and still eat all manner of critter safe for eating, red meated or otherwise.

The diets to which I'm referring are extremist vegan movements and the Raw Food Craze, both of which are more of a lateral move than vertical in terms of health, as well as being wholly unsatisfying on every level to the majority of individuals who actually have had real food. There is nothing that can replicate meat. Not the taste, not the texture, not the millions of ways it interacts with other foods on the palate, and no one has to give these things up short of having an allergy - they just need to know how much to eat, and how to prepare it.

Whatever the case, I'm not certain what your wife's cervical cancer has to do with any of this, tragic though it may be. However, I emplore you to seek out better pharmacists if you truly believe she is allergic to "any" painkiller, as the likelihood of an individual having an allergy to every single pain medication is extraordinarily slim. I am also a veteran of more than a dozen surgical operations and extreme chronic pain, so I am more than a bit familiar with the process.

RE: General Health Thread - Coach - May. 11, 2012

Its about making your body work for you instead of you against your body. That's what a healthy lifestyle is all about.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - May. 12, 2012

You know what I always think? If everyone focused as much on what to eat as much as they focus on what not to eat, we'd all be healthier! I don't give a honkidankerdimberdamberee if you're paleo, vegan, or human, (like that one?) as long as you're healthy! Man oh man, the fitness industry is so full of [wordforpoo] I don't know why so many people get so far into all the marketing.

Quick note on the vegan thing: there's also moral reasons, haha

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - May. 12, 2012

Just think of them as the meatiest, juiciest, most splendiferous flowers you've ever seen.

With a cute little face.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - May. 12, 2012

With blood around it? And some dude killing it? And it wanting to live just as much as I do?

Oh god, haha

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - May. 12, 2012

Personally, I can not imagine living as a vegetarian, nevermind living as a vegan. It'd be difficult to get enough protein throughout the day, even with protein shakes. If you're of a light build then being vegetarian might be easier, but the heavier you get the harder it becomes. From a moral standpoint... eh, circle of life I guess. My favourite type of meat is lamb and even though my girlfriend is all 'it was only a baby' it just doesn't affect me cos the meat is just so damn tender and juicy, lamb steak is amazing. I don't think you should restrict yourself to red meat only 3 times a month, but I do think you should eat more chicken and fish than red meat.

Anyway, I lost a couple of big beyblade lots on Y!JA so I'm gonna use that money to buy myself something for my home gym that I've always wanted... a lat pulldown machine. I work out at home, but the few times I have been to an actual gym, the lat pulldown machine always gave me amazing results. I bought a workout tower a few months ago to do pull ups and dips. I love dips, even the weighted variety, but pull ups are just something I can't get down with.

Maybe it's just the style of my routines but I feel like I'm more adapted to pushing/pulling weights on barbells/dumbbells rather than the bodyweight exercises. I can do a lot of dips and push ups though, so maybe it's just the fact that pull ups are hard. When I was lighter I could do a lot of pull ups, but they were pull ups done on a bar between a doorway. My workout tower's pull up handles are pretty wide and there is no 'normal pull up' grip, only a hammer grip. Those kinds of pull ups are harder (for me) than normal grip (about shoulder width) under handed pull ups. With the hammer grips I can only get 8, though that's after a few sets of heavy deadlifts, rows and shrugs. Still, even if I was completely fresh I'd probably only get around 10. My biceps give out a lot quicker than my lats do, which annoys me a lot. Lat pulldowns specifically target my back and lats, I don't have to worry about stopping cos my biceps got tired. Plus, I'm not really seeing any back growth from pull ups and progress is slow.

Wide grip pull ups are almost impossible for me. The grip is pretty far out, like maybe 4 feet wide from hand to hand. On the underhanded I can get 4, on the overhanded I can get 2. It's not that my lats get tired, I just can't exert force with that grip, feels like not all my back muscles are activating and that I'm trying to pull myself up with the tendons in my biceps. So yeah, I'm super excited for this lat pulldown machine. Just giving my reason so no one says 'oh no pull ups are the best lat pulldowns suck'. I won't kick pullups completely out of my routine but they'll have less emphasis. Maybe lat pulldowns will help my pull up strength. Anyway, my question was gonna be....

Does anyone know of a good price for a lat pulldown machine? The one I want is about $330. It's a good machine, anything cheaper than that in my searches has been add ons for specific benches which I don't have. This is a stand alone machine and you can do other exercises like tricep pushdowns, which I really want to put in my routine. My friend who is my gym partner will split the cost, so $165 each seems like a good deal to get a lat pulldown machine.

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - May. 12, 2012

Haha, our opinions on workout choices are like opposite. I absolutely hate any kind of machine.

I just love the way a well sculpted back looks like though, so I support this case, haha.

By the way, if you need help progressing on pull ups, just ask, I like to think I know a lot about them, haha.

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - May. 12, 2012

I think we agree, actually, because I hate most machines. I'm not gonna knock them when there is potential though, but I despise the smith machines that I see people squatting in and benching in, I'm a big advocate of freeweight exercises although I can see the benefit of machines like the hack squat machine and have felt the benefit of lat pulldowns. Machines are really good for isolating and shaping the muscle, although doing lat pulldowns at above bodyweight is pretty good for mass. As of now my entire routine is done with freeweights, even my calf raises, although that's just cos I can't afford a calf raise machine. It's not fun walking out of the squat rack and climbing onto some stacked 10k plates to do calf raises rofl

The thing about pull ups is, I'm sure I could progress on them if I really focused on them but I don't see them as important as my other exercises like deadlifts, rows, shrugs, good mornings etc. so I'm always tired by the time I get to them. My first working set on back/biceps day is heavy deadlifts and then deficit pulls, I can barely stand by the time I have to do shrugs, and I do 225 lbs on those for 3 sets of 12, so by the time I'm on pull ups I'm absolutely fried. I've heard good things about negatives though, so I might try those. What do you think? I read putting a chair or bench underneath the pull up stand and doing partial reps + slow negatives is the best to get better at pull ups. That and losing weight. My friend who weighs like 100 lbs can do 20 one-handed pull ups with ease!

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - May. 12, 2012

Ah that's good, I use free weights too.

Yeah negatives are great. Don't use the chair for theme though. Whenever I use the chair or any other assist apparatus, my body gets used to that weight, so I progress on a weight lighter than my body. Pyramids are also great, they work a tiny bit differently for bodyweight exercises though. Start on 1 rep, then rest 10 seconds, then 2 reps, then 20 seconds rest, then 3 reps, then 30 seconds rest, and so on until you get to the highest number you can, then of course continue the whole thing backwards. With pullups, I notice that even when I just do like, 2 or so sets per day, enough that won't get me a pump but will allow me to do them more frequently during the week, that sometimes helps, but of course you shouldn't do that for a long time.

It's mostly about consistency, like every other exercise. Just make sure you do each rep from a dead hang, no kipping, and you should be fine. By the way, for me, I feel like I get much better form when the pull up bar is high enough so that I can hang without my knees bent at all.

RE: General Health Thread - Ultra - Jun. 03, 2012

I've been reading up at weight loss recently since I am trying to (so far lost half a Stone in the last week or so) and I found out today that there are actually foods which help you burn fat. I was quite amazed at that. Also that the main reason for weight gain is that humans aren't adapted to use refined processed carbohydrates. I was reading about a cheat day in which you eat fats with some carbs, to make sure your leptin level doesn't go low enough that your fat burning slows too. Which would be the best day for this?

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - Jun. 03, 2012

You lost half a stone in just one week? That's a lb a day! How much did you weigh before losing that weight? Height?

As for cheat days, I usually take em on the day where I'm resting the most (Sunday). If you're interested in this kind of diet though, you should look into ketosis. Our bodies were meant to use fat as the main energy source, but with diets today carbs have become the primary fuel. Keto diets involve restricting carbs to something like 30g a day and increasing protein and fat intake. Eventually, your body will burn fat for energy instead of carbs (state of ketosis), making fat loss very efficient. It's a great way to lose weight if you can handle it. Personally, I couldn't, cos for some reason I was getting multiple heavy nosebleeds during my workouts!

Anyway, yeah, I drifted from your point a little, but just thought you'd be interested in it.

RE: General Health Thread - Ultra - Jun. 03, 2012

Maybe it was a few days more. I weighed 13 Stone. Not sure what height. 5 something. For some reason I always find it quite easy to go from 13 to 12.5 even when i'm not bothering to it right but can't do the same for anything below that. Although I do excercise then. I'm glad you diverted. That's the kind of diet i'm interested in.

RE: General Health Thread - Hazel - Jun. 03, 2012

Suddenly drastically lowering your carbohydrate intake can have pretty serious ramifications on the body - if you're going to go into an extreme limiting diet like that, you need to slowly coast into it, rather than cold turkeying carbs save for one day a week of minimal indulgence.

In general, the human body gets really mad when you change habits - no matter what they are.

RE: General Health Thread - Ultra - Jun. 03, 2012

For the moment i'm just going to continue with what i'm doing (eating healthily) to see if it works well.

RE: General Health Thread - Coach - Jun. 03, 2012

eat sweet potatoes for an excellent healthy source of Carbs. There are good ways to get carbs and sweet potatoes are one of the best.

RE: General Health Thread - Yuko Ray14 - Jun. 03, 2012

i am 150lbs but i am very athletic not very fast speed wise but i have alot of upper body strengh when i fight at school (leageally) they pucnch me in my stumach i punch them in there's they go down. in baseball i pitch about 60mph

RE: General Health Thread - 3-Dog - Jun. 03, 2012

Yeah, if you suddenly drop into a keto diet then the negative side-effects like headaches and nausea will become amplified. Ease into it over a couple of weeks and you should be golden. You don't need to do Keto for long since it results in quick fat loss... I'd say do it for 8 weeks, and if you still wanna lose more weight, ramp up to a normal carb intake over 2 weeks (just like the first phase, only in reverse) so that you don't pile on the fat once you've finished Keto.

It's a good idea to have one carb loading day a week per keto, mine was Saturdays where I'd have a high amount of carbs, mostly complex but some simple in there too. If the exercise you undertake during your diet will involve weightlifting, you might wanna go with the Targeted Keto Diet instead. The first one I was talking about is the CKD, Cyclical Keto Diet.

Targeted Keto Diet takes out the refeed days, so you don't get one whole day of reloading on carbs BUT you get to have a higher amount of carbs before and after workouts. I'd only recommend this for if you're gonna lift weights... it can be done for high intensity cardio sessions too, such as sprinting, but in my opinion you shouldn't be doing high intensity cardio on keto. Low intensity but longer sessions like jogging worked best for me.

Once you've finished your 8 weeks of keto and returned to a normal carb intake, you can try dieting with a 40/30/30 split or a 30/50/20 split. The format is Protein/Carbs/Fats and represents your total caloric intake for the day, NOT the percentage. That's because 1g of fat contains 9 calories whereas 1g of carbs/protein contains 4. Example:

Meal 1 = 400 calories. 400 calories in a 40/30/30 split would have 160 calories from protein, 120 calories from carbs and 120 calories from fat. That translates to 40g of protein, 30g of carbs and 13g of fat (since fat has higher caloric density than the other macros).

It can become bothersome eating that much protein, though, so I'd suggest the 30/50/20 split. You can also work these numbers around to figure out what suits you best since different things work for different people. Best to experiment so you can see what helps you the most. High protein diets are great cos you don't feel hungry all the time.

I'm actually dieting right now too hehe, right now I'd say my split is kind of 35/40/25. I'm doing powerlifting sessions 3 times a week (tuesday, thursday, saturday) to retain muscle and lose mostly fat. I'm doing 1 long high intensity cardio session on Monday (Muay Thai class) and on Wednesdays and Fridays I do a set of complexes called Cosgrove's Evil 8, link here:

It's pretty amazing stuff, you should give it a go. You can do it with like a broomstick or something, that's how hard they are. I'm using a 30 KG bar with 45 second rests between sets and that pretty much just knocks me the hell out. Satisfying stuff! I'm seeing some definition already and it's only been a week.

Anyway yeah this message was way too long but I was bored. If you try keto and decide it's too hard then just do any variation of the 40/30/30 split... It took me 3 months to get down from around 20% bodyfat to 9% on a 40/30/30 split which is pretty damn good!

RE: General Health Thread - Coach - Jun. 03, 2012

I like that Zain. Here's another that might work for you Ultra:
I did GSP's Rushfit program and the Nutritional guide actually says
Pre workout eating
65% Carbs
25% Protein and
10% Fat.
Post Workout Meals:
55% Protein
35% Carbs
10% Fat.
It's by far the most carbs I've ever seen in a Nutritional plan, but Carbs are useful to your body as long as you're not loading up on white breads and flour Pastas. So if your body is craving some carbs Ultra, you can have some might just have to find the right plan for your body. What I did was try to keep my carbs to breakfast and lunch and limit them for dinner, no spaghetti or rolls, simple stuff like that...

RE: General Health Thread - Shabalabadoo - Jun. 03, 2012

Oh hey, how did you like rushfit? It's an interesting program, pretty different stuff than I'm used to, mind going over it a bit?