World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Best dub rename for beys
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(Dec. 01, 2020  9:22 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 01, 2020  7:11 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]And you know that in spanish the name Luces means light?

well he was the angel of light tho

yeah. But he is also the fallen angel. Tho the avatar looks like a moth
(Dec. 01, 2020  9:22 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 01, 2020  9:22 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: [ -> ]well he was the angel of light tho

yeah. But he is also the fallen angel. Tho the avatar looks like a moth

Tom Ellis is moth man confirmed
(Dec. 01, 2020  9:22 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 01, 2020  9:22 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: [ -> ]well he was the angel of light tho

yeah. But he is also the fallen angel. Tho the avatar looks like a moth

yes, he looks like a moth and a dragon crossed together, and he was a very powerful angel, but we all know what happened and he went to hell
I also liked Betromoth too
Command Dragon is a cool name
(Dec. 01, 2020  9:25 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: [ -> ]Command Dragon is a cool name

Ace, Glyph, and Rock Dragon would like to speak with you
satomb,doomscizor, and cognite
Luinor all the way!
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