World Beyblade Organization

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I am hosting a special move contest. There will be no prizes and but I would enjoy hearing what special move you made up. Rules are as follows:

-Burst moves only
-No fanfic moves unless you have wrote that move in a fanfic or it involves a bey already made by Takara Tomy
-Stock combos only


The voting phase has started, no one can enter their moves now, but they can vote (by liking the post with that move) for the best move.

Voting is over,

1st Place is Ultimate Master
2nd Place is BeyZoid Corrupt
3rd Place is GreenK9148

I shall now use this thread to post custom made special moves along with hearing yours.
Bump, Idk what to say.
Bump, this flunked.
Here is a special move I made when testing Hades H3. (This is the format I want the participants entries to be.)

Dread Sythe: Hades H3

Move template

Move name: Bey name
Ok I've got one

When testing out pXhyrus I made a special move

Not pXhyrus gXbetromoth is what I meant

I call it Lat da da daaaaaa!

The slingshock switch!

I got a loose flugel-s and when it hit the stadium floor it instantly switched to slingshock mode!
(Dec. 27, 2019  5:11 AM)Themasterofx Wrote: [ -> ]Ok I've got one

When testing out pXhyrus I made a special move

Not pXhyrus gXbetromoth is what I meant

I call it Lat da da daaaaaa!

The slingshock switch!

I got a loose flugel-s and when it hit the stadium floor it instantly switched to slingshock mode!

That happens all the time with me too

The voting round will start when we have 10 move entries.
Don't steal my special move though
So here’s an actual move I do.

I basically do a front flip when I launch. Kinda like Cuza but a front flip not backflip. It will cause the beyblade to have a tilt and jump. Even though I’ve done this move correctly I don’t do it very often because I don’t want to get hurt doing gymnastics.
You are in

Turbo Revival (Cho-Z Spin): Turbo Spryzen S4 or Cho-Z Spiggan
My Dread Bahamut really surprise me sometimes, one day I used it against ZA, the battle end when Db countered a Z dive, it was so fast, I couldn't see but I heard the sound of wall and orbit metal, so, I deduce that bahamut went against the stadium, and the combo makes a giant counter that sent ZA out of the stadium. I called the move "Dread Counter"
I have one that I do with turbo valtryek
It’s were he spins so fast at the beginning of the match he goes left and he Barely goes into the left rail like on the corner of it and then I say break any zooms down to the center of the stadium and obliterates anybody in one hit never fails but if I do it Wrong he loses all of his stamina and it’s game over for me that’s why I don’t do that much

I call it triple winged break Since all three wings hit the opponent then bursts The opponent

The move sent turbo spryzen up into the air and then spryzen burst of the mid air

It also sent Turbo Achilles into the air and out of the stadium
Ight I have a special move. It involves Turbo/Cho Z Achilles. It's called turbo sword counter. Let's say a beyblade like Dead Phoenix uses dread canon, when the armour and bey hit the two swords it uses the burst stoppers to spring the two parts away and away from Achilles. I know it isn't that good of a concept but we never see the swords used as a defensive move
Move: Judgement Crush
Judgement Valkyrie bashes it's opponent against the wall

Move: Judgement Rush
Judgement Valkyrie charges forward with the recoil from hitting the wall sort of like Winged Launch from Valtryek
(Dec. 30, 2019  12:44 AM)DreadAqua Wrote: [ -> ]Move: Judgement Crush
Judgement Valkyrie bashes it's opponent against the wall

Move: Judgement Rush
Judgement Valkyrie charges forward with the recoil from hitting the wall sort of like Winged Launch from Valtryek

You can only choose 1
Sea of Obliteration:Tretune T4
Treptune is launched with its driver worn down and crashes the opposing bey and keeps the bey on the the edge of the stadium until the opposing bey burst.
My Judgement is really OP and surprises me sometimes, like at a tournament I used JD Bl X' and it hit the opposing beyblade into multiple walls, making it lose all its stamina, so I called it "Judgement Wall"

Name: Judgement Wall
Bey: Judgement Diabolos

The voting round Starts on 12:00 1/1/20 and ends on 1/10/20, Get your Entries in now!
For Regalia Genesis. It’s called Hybrid reserve.

So, Genesis get bursted but the hybrid driver is still spinning a a decent speed the layer hits the opponent like the revive/dead armor. And hybrid activate its motor to attacks the opponent or stalls on tornado ridge to outspin opponent.

(This can be used with any other layer too.)
Move Name: Dual Strike
Description: The bey that uses it collides with another beyblade with one of its spear heads, then uses the one on the other side to hit it, bursting the opposing beyblade instantly.

Beyblade that uses it: Urgent Ursa.
[Image: 3fr5ym.jpg]
Bey: Poison Dragon (Random Booster Vol. 18)
Move: Toxic Regeneration or Toxic Regen
A move in which the rubber grips a Beyblade and because of Volcanic and Poison it bounces off gaining speed circles on the edge/ridge of the stadium and does an amazing attack.
The Voting Phase has started, to vote for a move, you must like the post that contains the move. The move with the most vote wins.
Can you vote for yourself?
(Dec. 31, 2019  9:09 PM)bekfastblader Wrote: [ -> ]Can you vote for yourself?

No you cannot, that is cheating.

(Dec. 25, 2019  9:20 PM)lilphilyb Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a special move I made when testing Hades H3. (This is the format I want the participants entries to be.)

Dread Sythe: Hades H3

Move template

Move name: Bey name
[spoiler] move details 
The moves I made are not entries.
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