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Full Version: Spoilers for Valt vs Aiga
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Sad day for burst fans, Valt lost. If this happens in the anime I'll kill myself.
Same here
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:46 PM)JavariTheChamp Wrote: [ -> ]Same  here

Not happy with the result either huh?
Yeah, see I don’t like it because Aiga had terrible Charcter development, plus he is being scrapped, the way TV Tokyo and TT did Aiga is unfair! He didn’t deserve to win, but he didn’t deserve to Be replaced imo. If Aiga got 1 more season it would be good.
How did valt loose
I think by spin or ring out finish
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:52 PM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]How did valt loose

He got out-spun at the last second.

(Feb. 13, 2019  11:53 PM)JavariTheChamp Wrote: [ -> ]I think by spin or ring out finish

Spin finish.
In the manga
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:50 PM)JavariTheChamp Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, see I don’t like it because Aiga had terrible Charcter development, plus he is being scrapped, the way TV Tokyo and TT did Aiga is unfair! He didn’t deserve to win, but he didn’t deserve to Be replaced imo. If Aiga got 1 more season it would be good.

I agree.
Or in the show
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:54 PM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]Or in the show

Didn't happen in the show yet.
Ok thanks i was so worried for a second
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:57 PM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok thanks i was so worried for a second

You should be, Valt is not safe.
Yeah I really don't like the idea of Aiga becoming champion, I thought the chapter was cute and it made me happy for him to win, but in terms of Aiga being Champion and holding that role it just feels too soon for him, I know he had it for a bit before, but he just doesn't feel as mature as Valt does to hold that position, and I would've liked to see him lose, and still be happy, since his obsession with winning was the entire driving force for his development, it would've been more interesting had he lost, similar to Akira losing against Zac thinking that he didn't shine just because he lost, when the truth is that he's been shining since the very moment he's been working to get where he was now, what he accomplished is still admirable because of how hard he worked and the passion he put into it, with Aiga winning it feels like he's being rewarded for something that he very recently has begun to develop passed. Had he lost and happily accepted it, being able to be proud of how far he's come anyway, and having good sportsmanship, that would've shown us his development more than anything, and really helped his character to grow. I hope the anime decides to take a different route, but if they don't I hope they at least work to make it as optimistic and happy of a battle as it was in the manga as opposed to antagonizing Valt too heavily, it should be a battle between friends not a protag v antag and I'd really hate it if they try and make Valt appear that way, I doubt it, but still.
(Feb. 14, 2019  3:45 AM)yukenta Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I really don't like the idea of Aiga becoming champion, I thought the chapter was cute and it made me happy for him to win, but in terms of Aiga being Champion and holding that role it just feels too soon for him, I know he had it for a bit before, but he just doesn't feel as mature as Valt does to hold that position, and I would've liked to see him lose, and still be happy, since his obsession with winning was the entire driving force for his development, it would've been more interesting had he lost, similar to Akira losing against Zac thinking that he didn't shine just because he lost, when the truth is that he's been shining since the very moment he's been working to get where he was now, what he accomplished is still admirable because of how hard he worked and the passion he put into it, with Aiga winning it feels like he's being rewarded for something that he very recently has begun to develop passed. Had he lost and happily accepted it, being able to be proud of how far he's come anyway, and having good sportsmanship, that would've shown us his development more than anything, and really helped his character to grow. I hope the anime decides to take a different route, but if they don't I hope they at least work to make it as optimistic and happy of a battle as it was in the manga as opposed to antagonizing Valt too heavily, it should be a battle between friends not a protag v antag and I'd really hate it if they try and make Valt appear that way, I doubt it, but still.
You know even if Valt does lose, making him lose by a very close spin finish would be the best way.
Cool Valt lost.

Nice that Aiga won, I think Valt was a total noob in God and SEASON 1 and all of a sudden he becomes the hero, the god. No offenders but Valt sucks !

I meant no offence
(Feb. 14, 2019  11:31 AM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]Cool Valt lost.

Nice that Aiga won, I think Valt was a total noob in God and SEASON 1 and all of a sudden he becomes the hero, the god. No offenders but Valt sucks !

I meant no offence
I respect your opinion.
Thanks a lot
(Feb. 14, 2019  11:31 AM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]Cool Valt lost.

Nice that Aiga won, I think Valt was a total noob in God and SEASON 1 and all of a sudden he becomes the hero, the god. No offenders but Valt sucks !

I meant no offence

Ironically,that's actually the case with Aiga ,not Valt.Aiga literally got his bey in the first episode of the show whereas Valt had it before the show started.Valt had wàaaaaaaaaay more experience than Aiga does.
(Feb. 14, 2019  11:31 AM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]Cool Valt lost.

Nice that Aiga won, I think Valt was a total noob in God and SEASON 1 and all of a sudden he becomes the hero, the god. No offenders but Valt sucks !

I meant no offence
I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Valt started out as a noob, but he constantly trained and worked to become better, and his character grew from a crybaby into a much more serious Blader. Aiga, meanwhile, started out by thinking bladers are geeks and stuff, and then randomly decided to make a bey and without any training randomly beat 100 bladers and tied with the world champion.

Aiga was annoying and always won with very little training, but Valt trained and worked hard for that title. Valt deserves the title over Aiga.
Yeah I agree but People considered Valt won because of luck till God. And all of a sudden, He bounced back in Turbo and did an awesome job as an idol to Aiga and I agree that Aiga beating 100 Bladers was a lucky shot but the way he has moved over and become stronger within a year while Valt took 3 years to become a serious blader. So Aiga is better this way though I agree both of them started as crybabies and noobs, Aiga was shown winning in his first battle, while Valt wasn't that progressive. Aiga continued working on his skills, so did Valt but Aiga became a serious blader sooner than Valt. I admire Valt and Aiga for their hardworking attitude.
Aiga lost in his first battle.
I know but then he took the right path of winning, though he lost some battles, he decided to learn from them and so did Valt.
(Feb. 14, 2019  3:29 PM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]I know but then he took the right path of winning, though he lost some battles, he decided to learn from them and so did Valt.

Yes, but Valt was not arrogant at first an trained and trained until he could beat Rantaro. Then he became arrogant and was proven wrong and grew as a character. He lost a lot of battles, but he kept training until he was able to win.

Aiga was arrogant and beat 100 people on his first day. He never received any development and is still arrogant
No after losing to Phi, he decided to train hard forgot ?? He was at one point ready to do anything to beat Phi. I like Phibas my favourite but I would support Aiga 50.8% and Valt 50.2%

I meant Phi but not Phibas
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