World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Spoilers for Valt vs Aiga
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That valt adventure is actually kind of different from aiga's , remember valt always had a bey and was always playing with normal valkyrie (manga) and later Victory valkyrie the problem was valt didn't understand how are the true concept of beyblade which shu pointed out it in s1 he was just launching and that's it, but after valt tried a bit harder thx to shu's and his friends influence he became stronger although it was more his instinct that was doing the job, at one point shu said that its possible that valt might have more talent but doesn't know it himself , so valt always had the potential but it only started to show in god or in this season. But I do agree that from s1 and s2 valt got lucky and a few matches to win. Now for aiga is completely different he started as a kid who never touch a bey at all than manage to be world class level in mere months which is a bit stupid its like saying you can be just as Strong as Roger Federer if you trained in mere months without you never touching a tennis racket which is not possible. That's the difference between these 2 characters, one always had a bey from the beginning and was training with competitive bladers, while the other training with a bunch of scrubs and reach top 5 level just like that, if they didn't do the aiga never about beyblade thing but instead he knew how to beyblade from the beginning would have been a very good main character. An other words aiga needed a 2 season for his growth.
(Feb. 14, 2019  4:11 PM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]That valt adventure is actually kind of different from aiga's , remember valt always had a bey and was always playing with normal valkyrie  (manga) and later Victory valkyrie the problem was valt didn't understand how are the true concept of beyblade which shu pointed out it in s1 he was just launching and that's it,  but after valt tried a bit harder thx to shu's and his friends influence he became stronger although it was more his instinct that was doing the job, at one point shu said that its possible that valt might have more talent but doesn't know it himself , so valt always had the potential but it only started to show in god or in this season. But I do agree that from s1 and s2 valt got lucky and a few matches to win. Now for aiga is completely different he started as a kid who never touch a bey at all than manage to be world class level in mere months which is a bit stupid its like saying you can be just as Strong as Roger Federer if you trained in mere months without you never touching a tennis racket which is not possible. That's the difference between these 2 characters, one always had a bey from the beginning and was training with competitive bladers, while the other training with a bunch of scrubs and reach top 5 level just like that, if they didn't do the aiga never about beyblade thing but instead he knew how to beyblade from the beginning would have been a very good main character. An other words aiga needed a 2 season for his growth.

I agree.
It has to happen. Valt can't claim the champion title for the whole season that would be lame in the very end. Aiga's main goal was to defeat Valt, indeed he did it once but that was back then when Phi controlled him with the dark resonance. SO this means that Aiga hasn't technically defeated Valt yet in a genuine real way. Also, hey they nerfed Aiga and I see the bey fans tend to like Aiga now, if not at least neutral perspective towards him. At least the guy is thinking and learning instead of just straight on defeating people with 1 go you know ?

(Feb. 14, 2019  4:11 PM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]That valt adventure is actually kind of different from aiga's , remember valt always had a bey and was always playing with normal valkyrie  (manga) and later Victory valkyrie the problem was valt didn't understand how are the true concept of beyblade which shu pointed out it in s1 he was just launching and that's it,  but after valt tried a bit harder thx to shu's and his friends influence he became stronger although it was more his instinct that was doing the job, at one point shu said that its possible that valt might have more talent but doesn't know it himself , so valt always had the potential but it only started to show in god or in this season. But I do agree that from s1 and s2 valt got lucky and a few matches to win. Now for aiga is completely different he started as a kid who never touch a bey at all than manage to be world class level in mere months which is a bit stupid its like saying you can be just as Strong as Roger Federer if you trained in mere months without you never touching a tennis racket which is not possible. That's the difference between these 2 characters, one always had a bey from the beginning and was training with competitive bladers, while the other training with a bunch of scrubs and reach top 5 level just like that, if they didn't do the aiga never about beyblade thing but instead he knew how to beyblade from the beginning would have been a very good main character. An other words aiga needed a 2 season for his growth.

He's not because all yall keep on hating him. So TT had to shut down Aiga as main, they ended up cramming this season for him being world champion.
To be fair, its anime plot armor. Even if everyone thinks a character will reign as champion forever, theyll go down eventually. It happens in every series and media
(Feb. 19, 2019  2:49 AM)Legend Red Eye Wrote: [ -> ]It has to happen. Valt can't claim the champion title for the whole season that would be lame in the very end. Aiga's main goal was to defeat Valt, indeed he did it once but that was back then when Phi controlled him with the dark resonance. SO this means that Aiga hasn't technically defeated Valt yet in a genuine real way. Also, hey they nerfed Aiga and I see the bey fans tend to like Aiga now, if not at least neutral perspective towards him. At least the guy is thinking and learning instead of just straight on defeating people with 1 go you know ?

(Feb. 14, 2019  4:11 PM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]That valt adventure is actually kind of different from aiga's , remember valt always had a bey and was always playing with normal valkyrie  (manga) and later Victory valkyrie the problem was valt didn't understand how are the true concept of beyblade which shu pointed out it in s1 he was just launching and that's it,  but after valt tried a bit harder thx to shu's and his friends influence he became stronger although it was more his instinct that was doing the job, at one point shu said that its possible that valt might have more talent but doesn't know it himself , so valt always had the potential but it only started to show in god or in this season. But I do agree that from s1 and s2 valt got lucky and a few matches to win. Now for aiga is completely different he started as a kid who never touch a bey at all than manage to be world class level in mere months which is a bit stupid its like saying you can be just as Strong as Roger Federer if you trained in mere months without you never touching a tennis racket which is not possible. That's the difference between these 2 characters, one always had a bey from the beginning and was training with competitive bladers, while the other training with a bunch of scrubs and reach top 5 level just like that, if they didn't do the aiga never about beyblade thing but instead he knew how to beyblade from the beginning would have been a very good main character. An other words aiga needed a 2 season for his growth.

He's not because all yall keep on hating him. So TT had to shut down Aiga as main, they ended up cramming this season for him being world champion.

Your missing the point just because someone stated facts doenst need you hate a characters,  every time some talks about Aiga some of you just assume we hate aiga. And about the aiga was possessed when he was champion, you really want to use he was possessed thing to justify him getting the title that's not an exuse you know ,phi infected him and that's it everything else  was all aiga ,he beat valt and became champion its as simple as that. if your going to use that than we can say the with hearts who also possessed dark power and was champion it was still him was the champ just like aiga that fact doesn't change regardless the way.  Aiga wasn't nerfed the give him character development which they should've done before and put that possessed arc than surpassed it after that you give him the championship if the problem was really  valt being champion than they could've use other characters for that theirs like 5 top bladers in the show to do it. Anyway my point is simple aiga should've started by knowing how to beyblade and strong  from the beginning than build him up more and more until he gets the gold that's how you make a great character that's how you make fans like the main although they don't really care about fans that much it's more about showing and selling the products . For The story it was already being rush it's not cause of the fans that's the writers fault aiga had already accomplish everything with only half the season their nothing more to do about him so  of course story is rush, any character you put in aiga's place will end up hated by most fans.  I'm not hating aiga but that's the just the issues that made the character have which he shouldn't, not more nothing less.

(Feb. 19, 2019  5:00 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 19, 2019  2:49 AM)Legend Red Eye Wrote: [ -> ]It has to happen. Valt can't claim the champion title for the whole season that would be lame in the very end. Aiga's main goal was to defeat Valt, indeed he did it once but that was back then when Phi controlled him with the dark resonance. SO this means that Aiga hasn't technically defeated Valt yet in a genuine real way. Also, hey they nerfed Aiga and I see the bey fans tend to like Aiga now, if not at least neutral perspective towards him. At least the guy is thinking and learning instead of just straight on defeating people with 1 go you know ?

He's not because all yall keep on hating him. So TT had to shut down Aiga as main, they ended up cramming this season for him being world champion.

Your missing the point just because someone stated facts doenst need you hate a characters,  every time some talks about Aiga some of you just assume we hate aiga. And about the aiga was possessed when he was champion, you really want to use he was possessed thing to justify him getting the title that's not an exuse you know ,phi infected him and that's it everything else  was all aiga ,he beat valt and became champion its as simple as that. if your going to use that than we can say the with hearts who also possessed dark power and was champion it was still him was the champ just like aiga that fact doesn't change regardless the way.  Aiga wasn't nerfed the give him character development which they should've done before and put that possessed arc than surpassed it after that you give him the championship if the problem was really  valt being champion than they could've use other characters for that theirs like 5 top bladers in the show to do it. Anyway my point is simple aiga should've started by knowing how to beyblade and strong  from the beginning than build him up more and more until he gets the gold that's how you make a great character that's how you make fans like the main although they don't really care about fans that much it's more about showing and selling the products . For The story it was already being rush it's not cause of the fans that's the writers fault aiga had already accomplish everything with only half the season their nothing more to do about him so  of course story is rush, any character you put in aiga's place will end up hated by most fans.  I'm not hating aiga but that's the just the issues that made the character have which he shouldn't, not more nothing less.

Agreed but still Phi did gave him power yk.
Ok time to kill myself.
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:09 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]Sad day for burst fans, Valt lost. If this happens in the anime I'll kill myself.

Apparently you didn't,still
(Mar. 27, 2019  2:42 AM)Megacharizardx Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 13, 2019  11:09 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]Sad day for burst fans, Valt lost. If this happens in the anime I'll kill myself.

Apparently you didn't,still

I did, from the inside.
AIga won against Valt by a burst finish in the 4th battle. It was like
1st battle Draw
2nd Battle Aiga won by an over finish
3rd Battle Valt won by a burst finish
4th Battle Aiga became the champion by defeating Valt by a burst finish
with a score of 3-2
(Apr. 03, 2019  6:08 PM)Legend Red Eye Wrote: [ -> ]AIga won against Valt by a burst finish in the 4th battle. It was like
1st battle Draw
2nd Battle  Aiga won by an over finish
3rd Battle Valt won by a burst finish
4th Battle Aiga became the champion by defeating Valt by a burst finish
with a score of 3-2

Yes we know.
(Feb. 14, 2019  3:36 PM)Dt20000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 14, 2019  3:29 PM)Aadi Lui Wrote: [ -> ]I know but then he took the right path of winning, though he lost some battles, he decided to learn from them and so did Valt.

Yes, but Valt was not arrogant at first an trained and trained until he could beat Rantaro. Then he became arrogant and was proven wrong and grew as a character. He lost a lot of battles, but he kept training until he was able to win.

Aiga was arrogant and beat 100 people on his first day. He never received any development and is still arrogant
188 people. Lost to Fubuki, tied with Ranjirou, lost to Lui twice, lost to Suoh, lost to Hoji, lost to Phi, lost to everyone on the Battleship Cruise that was new, gave into the dark power and abandoned the bond with his bey, had said bey be broke, still traumatized from having his bey be broken, regrets breaking bey he destroyed, wins with only having fun in his heart without letting victory be his own.

Arrogant, yes, willing to accept when he screws up or needs help, yes.
ehm...I think this thread got it's days bois. It's GACHI TIME!!! MEANING NEW SEASON DITCH CHOZ!
would you want Aiga to return in Gachi in the mid 30s or so?
(Apr. 04, 2019  1:14 AM)Strider Xanthos Wrote: [ -> ] would you want Aiga to return in Gachi in the mid 30s or so?

Off topic. A post has to be relevant towards the topic, or it should rather contribute I should say.
(Apr. 04, 2019  1:14 AM)Strider Xanthos Wrote: [ -> ] would you want Aiga to return in Gachi in the mid 30s or so?

Absolutely, I'm going to miss him. I hope Valt beats him this time
Me too, and given how Aiga beat Valt and Valt's still a chill guy, he's probably just going to have fun mastering his new bey while aiming to beat him, especially since their final battle was neck and neck.
To much luck involved with Aiga’s win for me. Idk he did develop well and I did come to like him in the latter of the series. But not having bladed a day in is life then winning a championship in the same year was a big turnoff for me.
(May. 31, 2019  10:29 PM)MrOfficial Wrote: [ -> ]To much luck involved with Aiga’s win for me. Idk he did develop well and I did come to like him in the latter of the series. But not having bladed a day in is life then winning a championship in the same year was a big turnoff for me.
To be fair, prodigies exist, and he did train pretty hard . Remember people:
gave Aiga mad fish...craprapraprapraarccrraapp for only using Achilles as an attack type, and later altered his style to use defense and stamina types.
pointed out Aiga was winning or tying in first 2 episodes only to lose to Fubuki, Lui twice, Suoh, and Hoji and had to overcome all his flaws to beat them.
Lost to all of the Z4 pre Hearts and Kyle and was on a mental losing streak until he got his act together and chilled pre Dark Resonance.
Lost his friendships and abadoned everyone for the sake of strength only to spiral hard.
Get the help he needs to find his passion and love for bey.

And one thing people keep forgetting about Aiga is that he's got a lot of physical strength from all the work he did on his family farm for who knows how, and launch strength is one of most impact factors in a battle, and bladers grow from every battle. Yeah having a decent bey is good, but some bladers started out or got physical improvements that helped them; Xhaka's a martial arts, Lui had the machine, Ken took on stamina types after training with Beasts, Free was already strong and when he went back to training...Nothing Breaker says it all. Xhan was new to blading but was pretty strong and learned from Xhaka, need I say more?
I have fafnir, anyone want to battle? You wont win easy.
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:33 PM)Thael Wrote: [ -> ]I have fafnir, anyone want to battle? You wont win easy.
Don't post that in a year old thread.
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:38 PM)kai edits Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:33 PM)Thael Wrote: [ -> ]I have fafnir, anyone want to battle? You wont win easy.
Don't post that in a year old thread.
Almost 2 years. Don't netroscope.
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:41 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:38 PM)kai edits Wrote: [ -> ]Don't post that in a year old thread.
Almost 2 years. Don't netroscope.
Who me?
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:48 PM)kai edits Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:41 PM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]Almost 2 years. Don't netroscope.
Who me?
Mmmmm no. The other guy.
(Sep. 16, 2020  9:33 PM)Thael Wrote: [ -> ]I have fafnir, anyone want to battle? You wont win easy.

You made 2 mistakes, necroposting and not sticking to the subject
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