World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: I need a trusted ebay seller
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Im looking to buy a beylogger plus. I had ordered one, waited the full time and it never came. The seller refunded me. Im sure they never even sent the item. Ugh. So does anyone know a trusted seller i can get one from. All that have them ive not had any experiencee with and i tried the one that looked best, and you see whare that got me...
this seems to be cheapest atleast on ebay

But if possible I would say try and get from Yahoo Japan auction instead. using Zenmarket. it will take more times and bit more hard but thats cheapest way you can get.
Thats the one i ended up ordering. Do you have any experiwnce with the seller? And i feel like YJA would be hard to use from a phone. I only have access to the internet from my phone atm. Havnt got wifi at the new house yet. Im also super unfamiliar with YJA in general...
I got mine from a seller called sfhm1 122, good price and fairly quick dispatch. I'm on eBay UK, but if it helps, here's the link:
(Feb. 13, 2018  6:42 PM)Mstubbs88 Wrote: [ -> ]Thats the one i ended up ordering. Do you have any experiwnce with the seller? And i feel like YJA would be hard to use from a phone. I only have access to the internet from my phone atm. Havnt got wifi at the new house yet. Im also super unfamiliar with YJA in general...
that seller is from japan so ususally seller from there aren't scammer. try ZM its very easy to use and cheap and works on phone
You can try "toysgotw"
He's a trusted seller from Taiwan and that's where I buy my Takara Tomy Beys (MFB and Burst)
I'm not sure if he sells a Beylogger or a Beylogger+ but I heard he sells TT Bey products for a cheap price. Smile
I have the same issue as you, I got scammed with a limited edition lost Longinus gold ver and I’ve been sceptical about this stuff ever since. Now I just go to tournaments and buy what mr LT has ?