World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Apr. 25, 2017  8:54 PM)Sunburnninja Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, those are quite unsupportive parents.

Tbh, I can't say I agree with it. I have seen stricger parents (even of bladers) and compared them, his parents just ask him to stop beyblade, which is atleast better then throwing all you beys. If you see this by there perspective, you will see beyblade​ is just a spin top game, in fact for almost from all "non-bladers" view (for example, my uncle think it's completely useless game and there is no skills involved at all. Just spinning tops faster and faster. When I tried to explain​ him, there are so many types of combos, different launch techniques nd all. He don't believe on it at all and say I'm just showing off about game), it's just a pointless game. To fell in love of beyblade, you need heart of a 5 year old kid, and passion to retain if for life.

Though there are still some parents who actually support beyblading (Like Burn_Phoenix's dad. Who are too quite passionate about his kid's hobby and so he can get to play every month, he is even ready to be regular host) and are sometimes, even they like beyblade too (I think @[Morsoe] is good exampleWink.)
I agree with FIREFIRE, I have friends which are only 4 years older, so they were a little older when beyblade arrived here too, so they respect me playing, but see NO point on investing in it, it's not a matter of what it represent to us, but to them, and for them is a toy for kids

My mother sees pointless the amount of money I put on hobbies in general, the reason she stopped bothering with it is because she knows and understands that I really like them and I'm not harming anyone to say it's bad
(May. 03, 2017  8:50 PM)FIREFIRE CPB Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh, I can't say I agree with it. I have seen stricger parents (even of bladers) and compared them, his parents just ask him to stop beyblade, which is atleast better then throwing all you beys. If you see this by there perspective, you will see beyblade​ is just a spin top game, in fact for almost from all "non-bladers" view (for example, my uncle think it's completely useless game and there is no skills involved at all. Just spinning tops faster and faster. When I tried to explain​ him, there are so many types of combos, different launch techniques nd all. He don't believe on it at all and say I'm just showing off about game), it's just a pointless game. To fell in love of beyblade, you need heart of a 5 year old kid, and passion to retain if for life.

Though there are still some parents who actually support beyblading (Like Burn_Phoenix's dad. Who are too quite passionate about his kid's hobby and so he can get to play every month, he is even ready to be regular host) and are sometimes, even they like beyblade too (I think @[Morsoe] is good exampleWink.)

Yh as I think I mentioned, me being an middle eastern Asian individual, my parents and most around me call me dumb and a kid for liking beyblades especially cos of my age as I'm 19 years old and still into collecting them. I had to literally make up a bunch of stuff about how I use them to test spin velocity etc in order to even keep my ones. I mean I still hide them from my dad so he don't bin it like my old bag with like many dragoon gt nib, nib zeus , nib dranzer gt and nib gigars all over a bad grade.

(May. 04, 2017  1:46 PM)Izhkoort Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with FIREFIRE, I have friends which are only 4 years older, so they were a little older when beyblade arrived here too, so they respect me playing, but see NO point on investing in it, it's not a matter of what it represent to us, but to them, and for them is a toy for kids

My mother sees pointless the amount of money I put on hobbies in general, the reason she stopped bothering with it is because she knows and understands that I really like them and I'm not harming anyone to say it's bad

My little brother keeps saying that I'm investing in something that gives me nothing back and is unproductive so it isn't even restricted to just older people telling us that beyblades are bad etc. My mum don't mind it as much for the same reason as urs as I said that it's better I do that than do drugs and other bad stuff. My dad still calls me an idiot for collecting them but he laid off a bit as opposed to before.
Damn, I'm late to this thread!

When I was in high school my family would scrutinize me for enjoying this game. My family wanted me to give it up to the point that they actually made fun of me to my face for enjoying this. I kept my interest in the series a secret from my friends, and I only played with the tops by myself in my room and discussed the hobby here on WBO. Don't let other people put you down for who you are or what you like. You do you. If you like Beyblade, don't let the opinions of others affect that, it doesn't make you strange for enjoying a game.

I moved to Japan almost 1 year ago, before leaving I went to a WBO event and I had an absolute blast and I met some amazing people there whom I still enjoy talking to over social media. Here in Japan, I actively play a game called beigoma which is the traditional game Beyblade comes from. 2 or 3 times a month now I go out and play this game with people of a huge age group, from young kids all the way to old men. Just yesterday I played against a really old guy, and he was super cool. All the grandpa's who show up to play are amazing, they're like masters of the game, and then there's a lot of kids who show up too. They're all good, and it's fun to watch the different generations battle it out. And of course there's some people closer to my age as well.

When I first moved to Japan I didn't have any close friends for quite a while. But through beyblade I found beigoma (basically the same game), and through that I made some really amazing friends. This morning on the train I read some wonderful messages from some of the people I play beigoma with saying how happy they were that I joined the group, and that I'm getting better at the game too. If I had let the opinions of others get in my way, I wouldn't have made those amazing friends.

I worked as a bartender for a few months last year, my mom didn't like it but that's the "adult" thing to do I suppose. It's a pretty normal job for people close to my age. She didn't like Beyblade either, but now she's certainly happy that I made my friends through beigoma and not through serving out drinks at the bar. This isn't a statement against bars or alcohol, but I'm just saying they'll change their mind eventually when they see it's not so bad after all.
Tell her "your (age) and your still playing with my emotions"
like a great person (Emgo :v) said to me: you don´t stop playing because you grow old,you grow old because you stop playing.
By the way, here is a dive into part of my philosophy: isn't it more natural for us to be the sum of our ages? Why would you just forget and leave behind what and who you were at previous ages? Why would you be so stuck to the "Right Now" and be only what a nineteen years old is? Did you just arrive on Earth, at that age? No. You should not be so punctual, so stuck to the instant, because we are already spending such a small period of time in this life. Keep in mind the continuity.

So personally, I acknowledge that I have my baby sides, my kid sides, my teenage aspects, an adult maturity and, even, I have the nerve to believe that I have the wisdom of older ages due to all the reflection I have done.
I just joined and am probably the oldest person in this whole site.  I have a daughter who played a little Beyblade before but mostly watched the show when she was young.  Many years after, we now have our 5 year old son who's in summer camp and was watching a group of kids playing Beyblade and my wife told me how sad he looked.  Long story short, we bought him some tops and, I bought some tops, just got our stadium and now are battling.  Its embarrassing but I find myself looking for vintage tops on Craigslist or eBay trying to catch up. I'm the weird old guy.  Might have to learn beigoma as Wizard posted above.  Enjoy this hobby everyone!
Tell me one it bad to love beyblade even u are a girl??
My sister laughs at me since I love beyblade even though she is 10 years younger than parents too lecture me sometimes...and few of my frnds too laugh at me because I am a girl and I love beyblade....and not at all mature enough to do things what 20 year olds do.....they say I am too much immature that I love beyblade....sometimes things just go out of my hands....tell me what should I do?? I dont want to quit beyblade....I love it too much......
(Aug. 03, 2017  4:58 PM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Tell me one it bad to love beyblade even u are a girl??
My sister laughs at me since I love beyblade even though she is 10 years younger than parents too lecture me sometimes...and few of my frnds too laugh at me because I am a girl and I love beyblade....and not at all mature enough to do things what 20 year olds do.....they say I am too much immature that I love beyblade....sometimes things just go out of my hands....tell me what should I do?? I dont want to quit beyblade....I love it too much......

I believe as others have mentioned, they just need to see that it's a way healthier hobby than other things people your age would do, get drunk and do drugs etc. 

I would say probably find a good time(they're in a good mood) try talking to them nicely asking which would they prefer to see you do. Hang out at a night club or playing a traditional sport thats modernised....making sure to be nice about it.

Usually parents are just too concerned about us. Be it health or studies etc etc. So it'll help if you can find the root cause and then tackle it( if it's studies just make sure you have decent grades etc)
(Aug. 03, 2017  5:01 PM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 03, 2017  4:58 PM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Tell me one it bad to love beyblade even u are a girl??
My sister laughs at me since I love beyblade even though she is 10 years younger than parents too lecture me sometimes...and few of my frnds too laugh at me because I am a girl and I love beyblade....and not at all mature enough to do things what 20 year olds do.....they say I am too much immature that I love beyblade....sometimes things just go out of my hands....tell me what should I do?? I dont want to quit beyblade....I love it too much......

I believe as others have mentioned, they just need to see that it's a way healthier hobby than other things people your age would do, get drunk and do drugs etc. 

I would say probably find a good time(they're in a good mood) try talking to them nicely asking which would they prefer to see you do. Hang out at a night club or playing a traditional sport thats modernised....making sure to be nice about it.

Usually parents are just too concerned about us. Be it health or studies etc etc. So it'll help if you can find the root cause and then tackle it( if it's studies just make sure you have decent grades etc)

No they are not studies...I get much good grades in my few subjects I am one of the parents just want me to be a good doing work...and doing household work..and trust me I do...but sometimes they just dont get satisfied....

And say boys and girls of my age dont watch cartoons...I am obsessed with them...I am just like a kid with mental age of 5 years...and because of that everybody underestimates me and put the whole blame on beyblade.....
When I was I high school I used to think I would eventually outgrow beyblade. Everyone was saying I should focus on more productive and less "childish" things and it was getting to me a bit. Today, I am almost 23 years old, I have finished university, I have finished a post grad course and I am halfway through a masters degree and I still love spinning tops, pokémon, videogames, cartoons, etc. I think sometimes people forget that these "childish"  things (just because the target audience is kids) are created by adults, who, in most cases, love working on these things too.

Today I do not give a carp. I just do whatever I want and I don't care what people think. It's my time, my hard earned money and my life.

My advice to everyone is this: Just do whatever you want and enjoy whatever you want (as long as it's not illegal). There will ALWAYS be people who mock you or don't like you, whatever you do or whatever you enjoy. You cannot please everyone. Be yourselves and be happy with yourselves. ;)
(Apr. 25, 2017  7:57 PM)rokoPM Wrote: [ -> ]I just had a hearth broken conversation with my parents.Im almost 15 im in the 8 grade and next year i will go to high scool.They said that something is wrong with me i shouldnt be playing with beyblades playing pokemon or yugioh TCG i shouldnt be playing with toys...How do i tell them that i sont want to quit beyblade..... ;(

I can understand how you feel Unhappy.

(Apr. 25, 2017  8:20 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 25, 2017  7:57 PM)rokoPM Wrote: [ -> ]I just had a hearth broken conversation with my parents.Im almost 15 im in the 8 grade and next year i will go to high scool.They said that something is wrong with me i shouldnt be playing with beyblades playing pokemon or yugioh TCG i shouldnt be playing with toys...How do i tell them that i sont want to quit beyblade..... ;(

The truth is, no one is normal, but we're unique. All "normal person" is now is a stupid and misused definition that teens use when you don't cater to something that's trendy or the same things they do, or trying too hard to look grown up or edgy without actually being one.

If a "normal" person can spin a fidget spinner and waste time for hours and nobody has any problem, then why can't we people play beyblade? Pinching_eyes

(Apr. 25, 2017  10:08 PM)Yblader1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 25, 2017  8:54 PM)Sunburnninja Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, those are quite unsupportive parents.

He's quite lucky his parents only said it and didn't take action. My dad tossed out half my beyblades when I was 15 cos I had messed up one exam. I actually hid my beys from my parents ever since. They know I got them but my beys are still hidden in a safe place. One of the perks of being an afghan dude is everyone in the family thinks u grown out of stuff like beyblade at age 10 lol. I'm the anomaly in my family into both beyblade and anime, 2 things my family see as taboo apparently to society standards. My mum is accepting of my hobbies now tho, it's my dad that still thinks of me as a kid cos I like this stuff. I remember always hiding my packages when they came lol.

Note: it's impossible to be normal cos everyone has their own perception of normal so the answer to that question is that non of us are normal

Damn! I'm feeling sorry for you Unhappy.
Tbh, Yugioh is a little more beneficial with the fact that it involves with both strategy(critical thinking) and quick math with bigger numbers, so there that for an excuse for Yugioh. Beyblade, I am not sure what to say in that. It could work as Physics as Shaady mentioned. But conder it as a hobby. Unfortunately for pokemon, I have nothing to say there (except that it gives you creativity for art/fine art for your own creature). But anyway, here are a few ideas that I have in mind. You can just study hard with good grades and plan on ahead on what you really want to do for a career. That way, you can not only have your parents not worry about you of your hobbies, but also enjoy the hobbies that you love to do without your parents worrying about you on what you do with the hobbies that you enjoy. 

EDIT: One more thing, if you want to keep your hobby, be sure to have a strategy. If you do not have one, here are a few tips that I can give you. 

Do not do anything to annoy your parents that involves your hobbies. Like for example, leaving your cards scattered in the house or in your room. This can seriously can give your parents a second thought about your hobbies, with the fact that they can get sick and tired of telling you to clean after yourself. So if I were you, I would keep all your stuff (cards and beyblades) in your room while your room is all nice, tidy, and organized(maybe chores around the house to gain alittle bit more of their trust). So keep all your stuff in your room at all cost.

2) Money & Limits
Be sure to limit yourself of yourself and your collection. Beyblades can tend to be expensive to buy, along with Yugioh cards(with the fact that some cards can be very expensive by themselves). So if I were you, I would save money so that your parents wouldn't worry about the amount of beyblades that you buy. So if I were you, I would wait and see what beyblades are worth buying/keeping. It would be best to wait and see to buy any beyblades with the best deal. For example, if you were to buy the Galaxy Zeus, wait at least a month or so. The reason behind this is because when a new beyblade is released, it becomes expensive, "Right off the Bat". So wait until the price goes down on what you want. But if you really want the beyblades faster, get a part-time job on your 2nd year(since you are almost in highschool). But still save money for outside of your hobbies (reallity). So save money separately so that you can separately so that you can buy some beyblades. 

3)Zankye's Giveaways 
If you do not want to spend any money, then your best bet would be giveaways. You can try your luck on winning the random draw, but the chances are slim with the fact there are alot of participates competing for the prize as well. But if I were you, I would look at Zankye's latest winner anouncement. The reson behind this is that once you find the range of where the names would be picked, you have a better chance of winning. This tip is not very accurate, but if you are willingly to win from Zankye, you can try. But to try this, you need to earn your parent's trust on this. As long as your parents does not see this as a hindrance on both your grades, school and them, they might allow it(but chances are slim on this as well).
(Aug. 03, 2017  11:47 PM)DragonicMeister Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh, Yugioh is a little more beneficial with the fact that it involves with both strategy(critical thinking) and quick math with bigger numbers, so there that for an excuse for Yugioh. Beyblade, I am not sure what to say in that. But conder it as a hobby. Unfortunately for pokemon, I have nothing to say there (except that it gives you creativity for art/fine art for your own creature). But anyway, here are a few ideas that I have in mind. You can just study hard with good grades and plan on ahead on what you really want to do for a career. That way, you can not only have your parents not worry about you of your hobbies, but also enjoy the hobbies that you love to do without your parents worrying about you on what you do with the hobbies that you enjoy. One more thing, do not do anything to annoy your parents. Like for example, leaving your cards scattered in the house or in your room.

Beyblade is essentially Physics. Every Layer/Disc/Driver has a designed purpose or Intended gimmick (where or not it works as intended is irrelevent) and everything about the way a beyblade functions is dictated by the laws of physics. There are so many variables that effect how each and every piece of a beyblade functions whether it is the recoil on a layers design (in conjunction with a layers teeth) effecting the likelihood of a layer bursting or the friction caused by the contact of a driver with the stadium which can effect a beyblades stamina (the higher the friction the faster a bey looses rpm), defense (less friction makes a bey easier to be knocked around by an opposing beyblade), not to mention attack (greater friction with the stadium means more speed) and so much more.
Been dealing with this issue my whole life. Im 24 and my mother/lil brother/friends/housemates still laugh at me. Doesn´t matter if I try to explain them this is a sport and a passion to me.
Specially in countries like Spain, were anything japanese-related and/or gaming is considered child stuff, its always hard to enjoy and share this hobby.
I´ve always had to play alone except for a couple of weeks it was "trend" in my village. Sometimes all I wanna do is to have a really great battle, but of course i have to do it alone. So I just launch a few times, get frustrated and end contemplating my X2 hoping i could put it to good use
At this point its something so rooted within me I just don´t give a f*** anymore about what damn "normal" folk think/say of me . Been playing games and watching anime since I can remember, and its one of a few things that really keeps me "alive" even though most of the time im f****** alone.
So yeah man, i completely understand you and support you.
Just keep in mind this: You can build your own life, find your own family and follow your own path and STILL be happy in the process.
So embrace the Darkness my friends!
ps: Sorry for my english Smile.
(Aug. 04, 2017  12:47 AM)Shaady Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 03, 2017  11:47 PM)DragonicMeister Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh, Yugioh is a little more beneficial with the fact that it involves with both strategy(critical thinking) and quick math with bigger numbers, so there that for an excuse for Yugioh. Beyblade, I am not sure what to say in that. But conder it as a hobby. Unfortunately for pokemon, I have nothing to say there (except that it gives you creativity for art/fine art for your own creature). But anyway, here are a few ideas that I have in mind. You can just study hard with good grades and plan on ahead on what you really want to do for a career. That way, you can not only have your parents not worry about you of your hobbies, but also enjoy the hobbies that you love to do without your parents worrying about you on what you do with the hobbies that you enjoy. One more thing, do not do anything to annoy your parents. Like for example, leaving your cards scattered in the house or in your room.

Beyblade is essentially Physics. Every Layer/Disc/Driver has a designed purpose or Intended gimmick (where or not it works as intended is irrelevent) and everything about the way a beyblade functions is dictated by the laws of physics. There are so many variables that effect how each and every piece of a beyblade functions whether it is the recoil on a layers design (in conjunction with a layers teeth) effecting the likelihood of a layer bursting or the friction caused by the contact of a driver with the stadium which can effect a beyblades stamina (the higher the friction the faster a bey looses rpm), defense (less friction makes a bey easier to be knocked around by an opposing beyblade), not to mention attack (greater friction with the stadium means more speed) and so much more.

True there, but parents won't probably be convinced about it. But still very good point. Btw my post was edited.
Well truth to be told...after reading everybody's personal opinion and views....I feel happy to feel I am not alone....and to answer the question "Are we normal?" I will say " yes we are normal"....
(Aug. 04, 2017  2:55 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Well truth to be told...after reading everybody's personal opinion and views....I feel happy to feel I am not alone....and to answer the question "Are we normal?" I will say " yes we are normal"....

 Depends on what you consider 'Normal', if normal means following along blindly and only doing what others do/want you to, then I am NOT normal nor do I ever want to be. I think we as individuals should do what we enjoy regardless of what others think. If someone has a negative opinion about you or something you do, the only way that opinion can affect you, is if you choose to validate that opinion.
To be honest, I believe that adults having hobbies such as board games and trading cards game (which is the closest genre that Beyblades fits in)is becoming more socially acceptable in the West. If not, so what? Who the hell should care that much about your hobbies if they are not harming you or others.
(Aug. 04, 2017  3:31 AM)Shaady Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 04, 2017  2:55 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Well truth to be told...after reading everybody's personal opinion and views....I feel happy to feel I am not alone....and to answer the question "Are we normal?" I will say " yes we are normal"....

 Depends on what you consider 'Normal', if normal means following along blindly and only doing what others do/want you to, then I am NOT normal nor do I ever want to be. I think we as individuals should do what we enjoy regardless of what others think. If someone has a negative opinion about you or something you do, the only way that opinion can affect you, is if you choose to validate that opinion.

In my terms...normal means normal person with exceptional likings....we dont really have to listen to other people who always taunt us or say bad things about us....but the problem is that not all things they say is a lie...thats where it hurts the most....but I respect ur opinion....
I feel the same way, and agree with all of you who are standing up for older people who like Beyblade. And even though I am not an "older blader" per say, I am often "talked to" about liking Beyblade. So I just want to say thank you, to all of the people who stand up for Beyblade, and the fact that it is more than just a kids tv show/hobby.
Agreed, there are even adults playing Pokemon Go and you call them childish? They are no better to judge with the fact that everyone is very different.
(Aug. 04, 2017  4:58 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 04, 2017  3:31 AM)Shaady Wrote: [ -> ] Depends on what you consider 'Normal', if normal means following along blindly and only doing what others do/want you to, then I am NOT normal nor do I ever want to be. I think we as individuals should do what we enjoy regardless of what others think. If someone has a negative opinion about you or something you do, the only way that opinion can affect you, is if you choose to validate that opinion.

In my terms...normal means normal person with exceptional likings....we dont really have to listen to other people who always taunt us or say bad things about us....but the problem is that not all things they say is a lie...thats where it hurts the most....but I respect ur opinion....

 You seem to have misunderstood my meaning somewhat. (Normal - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected) In brackets is the Dictionary definition of Normal as it what I was referring to. I was not suggesting that you should ignore all criticism/opinions because as you said some it may be true or hold meaning, but rather that you and only you can decide whether or not that criticism/opinion is worth listening to and that noone should feel forced by another's opinion.
(Aug. 04, 2017  5:50 AM)Shaady Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 04, 2017  4:58 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]In my terms...normal means normal person with exceptional likings....we dont really have to listen to other people who always taunt us or say bad things about us....but the problem is that not all things they say is a lie...thats where it hurts the most....but I respect ur opinion....

 You seem to have misunderstood my meaning somewhat. (Normal - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected) In brackets is the Dictionary definition of Normal as it what I was referring to. I was not suggesting that you should ignore all criticism/opinions because as you said some it may be true or hold meaning, but rather that you and only you can decide whether or not that criticism/opinion is worth listening to and that noone should feel forced by another's opinion.

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