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Full Version: April introduces new Beyblade Burst system-Dual Layers!
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Huh, that's ... interesting. So it's not really a new customization system, but rather a change in the way Layers are constructed? I'm curious but that doesn't seem like much of a marketable feature.

Just from the description, the new Layers sound less aesthetically impressive than the current ones. I always thought the clear look was a really amazing stylistic evolution, so sad to hear that it's being downplayed in newer releases.

I hope, at least, this construction system enables new elements of game design to shine through in Burst.
Wait to be clear, you cannot change or customize these two (dual) layers that are screwed together? What makes these different from any other Layer?
It sounds kind of like how xcalibur's sword protrudes, being part of the bottom layer of plastic. Except this sounds way more xtreme Grin
(Jan. 27, 2016  8:23 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: [ -> ]Wait to be clear, you cannot change or customize these two (dual) layers that are screwed together? What makes these different from any other Layer?

It does not seem customizable at all, so yes, Beyblades will still only have three parts, apparently. So far.
So it basically means no improvement at all in term of customization ? Oh well...
Huh. Seems like a strange thing to use as a marketing point, if it's just a change in design. At the very least, they sound like they'll be at least aesthetically interesting. I gotta say though, a part of me was hoping we were going to get something SAR or 4D system-y from this. It's still pretty early days for that, though, I guess.
(Jan. 27, 2016  8:35 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It does not seem customizable at all, so yes, Beyblades will still only have three parts, apparently. So far.

I am both relieved and disappointed at the same time. I like the current system except for a few gripes so I'm happy that it'll stay mostly the same, but I was looking forward to having more customizability. So long as this fixes the problem with the teeth I don't really care what they do.
it's kind of sad to hear that that dual layers aren't interchangeable, i hope we don't get stuck with a 3 layers system for another year, i hope that that layers will become interchangeable, and the driver can be split in two somewhere down the line.
any news on when we may be able to see pictures of the new blades, the releases aren't too far away.
Well that is not really a game changer, but who know? Maybe Takara has some tricks in their launchers.
What? I dont really see the point of Dual layers then, it I liked the clear shell, that's why Xcalibur wasn't that appealing, except the gold one of course!
Well, I expected a AR/SAR ring system, but I'm not disappointed... the 4D core and frame were not meant to be separated, but the mode change gimmick was quite funny. Maybe it won't be a game changer and this mode change option might be more or less useless as for MFB4D, but anyway... let's wait for further information ^^
(Jan. 27, 2016  10:17 PM)DrigerGatling Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I expected a AR/SAR ring system, but I'm not disappointed... the 4D core and frame were not meant to separated, but the mode change gimmick was quite funny. Maybe it won't be a game changer and this mode change option might be more or less useless as for MFB4D, but anyway... let's wait for further information ^^

If it's meant for mode change, I'll happily accept it, since 4D is my favourite system.
Wow, that is unexpected. I would have thought that you would be able to switch them out, like clear wheels. I was hoping to be able to switch out, and hopefully buy seperately, just the tooth part of the the layer. Oh well, it should still be really cool and I would think that they will still address the tooth wear issue somehow. Super exciting! Only 2-3 months away!
Yeah, I'll try look forward and see how it can actually help, I don't think there's a point of starting to act like a man-child over something different, hopefully.
Well, if the change in the way the Layer is constructed allows it to have larger projections (due to not worrying about the clear part breaking), that seems to be somewhat of an improvement. But we should be careful about jumping to too many conclusions before we know the whole story ...
(Jan. 27, 2016  11:06 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if the change in the way the Layer is constructed allows it to have larger projections (due to not worrying about the clear part breaking), that seems to be somewhat of an improvement. But we should be careful about jumping to too many conclusions before we know the whole story ...

If that's the case then it would be cool, the clear parts don't seem that breakable except on Xcalibur.
Yeah, but Xcalibur's clear parts don't really have any strong projections. (Also, I think only the BeyLauncher is fragile.)
(Jan. 27, 2016  11:11 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, but Xcalibur's clear parts don't really have any strong projections. (Also, I think only the BeyLauncher is fragile.)

I dunno, the shape seems thin and flimsy, I mean on Valkyrie it doesn't seem to look easily breakable.
OK, but ... I've never heard of an Xcalibur layer breaking. Have you?

(I have seen pics of the clear plastic on Valkyrie cracking before, but only once, from a Japanese player.)
The tip of the sword of Xcalibur will inevitably worn down, though.
(Jan. 27, 2016  11:42 PM)MissingNo. Wrote: [ -> ]The tip of the sword of Xcalibur will inevitably worn down, though.

Yeah. That's my concern. Definitely on some Layers I have, like Wyvern, that has the solid plastic exposed, there are some nasty dents. Since they weren't a prominent part of the contact points up until now though, I didn't consider this a big issue.
(Jan. 27, 2016  11:23 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]OK, but ... I've never heard of an Xcalibur layer breaking. Have you?

(I have seen pics of the clear plastic on Valkyrie cracking before, but only once, from a Japanese player.)

No?... For that matter, I've never seen any layer break. My point was that the Clear parts don't break that easily so I was wondering why they did this! I said Xcalibur SEEMED the most breakable.
Bear with me here; can we confirm that there is absolutely no possibility the colored plastic part will actually be made of metal this time round? (Just do it already, TT)
(Jan. 28, 2016  12:06 AM)Beylon Wrote: [ -> ]Bear with me here; can we confirm that there is absolutely no possibility the colored plastic part will actually be made of metal this time round? (Just do it already, TT)

Pretty much. I guess we won't know for sure until some photos leak, but don't count on it.
So wait, there are NFC chips in burst beys? I'm confused how that works how would you sync it to the logger?
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