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I'm sure most of us do it on a regular basis, read that is. Hopefully, you read more than what your English teacher assigns you, which in my case are typical books that I would have already read anyways (I think I've read The Outsiders three times now...). Anyway, post what book(s) you are reading at the moment along. Remember, I said BOOKS, which means manga doesn't count!

Eclipse- Stephanie Meyer. Okay, I like some love stories, and it helps there are vampires and werewolves involved. I haven't started the first page of this book yet, but this is where I'm currently at in this series.

Yes, Your Parents Are Crazy!- Michael Bradley. Psychology is awesome. Using psychology to understand how my brain is developing as a teen and why I feel so screwed up is awesome, too. I'm only on the first chapter of the first section and I'm already beginning to see some new stuff, stuff some of you older members probably have already figured out, or maybe not. I guess it depends how long you've spent trying to discover who you are.
Well, I've started quite a few books recently and haven't finished any of them. lol

First one I started reading was Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It's been touted as the main source of inspiration for the game BioShock and one of the best books of our time so the decision to check it out was an easy one to make. Unfortunately I only made it one chapter in and stopped reading for some reason and I never went back to it. Although I DO plan on finishing it some day, it probably won't be anytime soon -- it's carp massive. (1,000+ pages and it's written in a very intellectual style; in other words, incredibly hard to comprehend at times lol)

Next up is Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. I love all of Palahniuk's books, he's a brilliantly depressive and cynical writer. I got so close to finishing this and I just never got around to it. Again, I lost interest and moved on to other things.

Another is Forever by Pete Hamill. It's a New York Times best seller and I got about 200 pages in and once again, reader's ADD struck and I quit reading it.

There are at least five more books that I've done this with recently. It seems the only books I have the attention span to finish are those in the Harry Potter series. lol
I don't read all that often, but recently I've been reading through the .hack//Another Birth books and I'm on Volume 4: Quarantine right now. It's a nice substitution for not playing the games.
Just read Fight Club.

Over Christmas break I read Stephen Colbert's I Am America(And So Can You!).

I'm in the process of finishing 1984.
I've started reading plenty of books, but don't have time to finish any because I'm wasting my life on the computer.

Alex Rider Series - I've read all of them (they're a bit childish now ._.) and the new one just came out. I'm going to get it eventually...

The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Amulet of Samarkand - I just started this series (this is the first in the trilogy) and I got bored after getting around 150 pages into the book X_X

Great Expectations, Charles Dickens - "YOU NEED TO READ MOAR CLASSICS" is what my mother tells me frequently. So here's my attempt. I'm only like, 2 chapters into the book. Chocked

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley -assigned by my teacher, which is why I stopped reading everything else for a while. This book is about some Utopian world where humans are manufactured. Read the first 5 chapters and moving on; what I read so far makes me think that Huxley was a freaking pedophile...

I'm also waiting for the last book in the Inheritance Trilogy (Eragon). I hated Eldest, so I'll see how good the last one is once it comes out.
SexyMichael Wrote:Just read Fight Club.

Over Christmas break I read Stephen Colbert's I Am America(And So Can You!).

I'm in the process of finishing 1984.

I've been wanting to read Fight Club forever but I just never picked it up.

You should check out Diary if you're into Palahniuk; it's by far my favorite work of his. <3
Native Son by Richard Wright.
In the middle of DJ MacHale's Pendragon series as well as The Princess and The Captain by Anne-Laure Bondoux.
im going to be reading halo: contact harvest pretty soon.
SexyMichael Wrote:Just read Fight Club.

Over Christmas break I read Stephen Colbert's I Am America(And So Can You!).

I'm in the process of finishing 1984.

How were they?

I'm not a big reading fan but those both interest me. lol
at least trying to read The Republic - Plato
after about half way through I slow to a crawl
right now im reading this dear bought land and 12th night
Blue Wrote:at least trying to read The Republic - Plato
after about half way through I slow to a crawl

That's very brave of you to attempt to read the whole book from start to finish!

I've almost finished Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer. He might be a twat but he's great at creating riveting stories.
I'm currently re-reading Memoirs of a Geisha.

After having bought and watched the movie adaptation, I really wanted to read the book again. lol
I read for a few hours straight last night and finished Kane And Abel - what a remarkable story. I can't wait to read the rest of Jeffrey Archer's books!

I think I'll go back to The God Delusion now as I never finished reading it... has anyone else? What did you think?
Guitar_Legend Wrote:
SexyMichael Wrote:Just read Fight Club.

Over Christmas break I read Stephen Colbert's I Am America(And So Can You!).

I'm in the process of finishing 1984.

How were they?

I'm not a big reading fan but those both interest me. lol

Well I enjoyed both of them. Fight Club is probably my favorite movie ever, and the book is a different experience, while still being really similar.
I've just finished re-reading the His Dark Materials trilogy, and now I'm reading back through my Chris Ryan series.
I will soon be reading the Colin Dann Animals of FArthing Wood series when I've acquired them.
Oh and I'm readin the Animators Survival Kit
I'm reading Fight Club (for English, actually), Invitation to a Beheading, and the Welcome to the NHK novel. Good stuff.
New Post!

Fight Club was the carp. I couldn't put it down--it was similar to the movie, only darker. Palahniuk's writing style is really something.
I've steamed through 3/4 of 'The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes', a collection of short stories, these past couple of days. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was an amazing author and the Sherlock Holmes stories are fascinating - not only because of the captivating mysteries and the manner in which Holmes solves them all, but because of the character development and relationship between him and Doctor Watson.

If anyone has not yet read a Sherlock Holmes novel... DO IT NOW FFS >8(
last book i read was fight club, because i had to do a bookreport on a book..that was almost a year ago

i'm not really a big fan of reading books
The only book I've read by Palahniuk is Choke. The message is so sweetly insane, it offers a lot of perspective.

I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series for the 14th or 15th time, not joking.

I tried to read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. The first one was really good, but the second one got boring after the naked heroine induced gunfight.
I am currently reading Fight Club. I am almost finished. I think this is my favorite book, although I don't read much, or ever. After Fight Club I will read Sun Tsu's The Art of War.
I finished Eclipse sometime last week, so now I'm reading Death Note: Another Note.
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