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Full Version: [LTD] MSF-H Theif Phoenic R145/H145 R2F (Crystal Up Mode)
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Purpose: Add an unsynchromed Zero-G bey to the list of viable attack beys. Gravity is so spammed at many of the tournaments. Hopefully this could be a bey that virtually everybody has, that is an effective alternative. Maybe it will help keep Gravity from getting banned, or maybe it could even prove to be better in certain situations.

Why Theif Phoenic?
I've noticed this for a while and tried to find some use for Phoenic as a bottom wheel where the "wings" protrude like the points on Blitz. When Phoenic is on top they are going the wrong way to be useful.

R145: It adds weight as well as is just a natural good fit on many 3 sided beys whether attack or defense.

H145 R145 gets OWNED by LTDC, so I tried H145 and had much better success vs LTDC.

R2F Condition is brand new to produce as much speed as possible although it does have increased recoil this way.

Total weight: 46.68 grams

R145 Defensive Test (Click to View)

H145 Defensive Tests (Click to View)

Stamina Tests (Click to View)

Attack Tests (Click to View)

L's Tests (Click to View)
(Jan. 09, 2014  6:03 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Tested this as part of my batch testing of chrome wheels for attack in Right Spin HERE

Spoilers: It's better than everything I have, including wyvang, in Right. I really love this combo haha.

(Jan. 09, 2014  10:46 PM)" L Wrote: [ -> ]MSF-H Theif Phoenic H145R2F vs MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RB
Phoenic: 12/20 (0 OS'S, 12 KO'S)
Bakushin: 8/20 (7 OS'S, 1 KO)
Phoenic win %: 60%

I thought my H145 was going to snap-in-half, haha.

This is one of my favorite customs.

Ok this was my first Testing thread. Constructive criticism and advice is appreciated. Further testing will happen too especially against defense. The defensive list is rather small right now but I'm thinking this combo could definitely have trouble against LTDC as well.
Do you think you could test this against MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RSF? And maybe MSF-H Samurai Wyvang CH120/GB145RF/R2F?

This looks like a OK combo. I'll be testing this for sure.
I was thinking the same thing.
Because its basically, a blitz in left rotation, but in right rotation.
It doesn't rotate left though...
Anyway, nice tests!
(Dec. 31, 2013  12:07 AM)Galaxy Blade Wrote: [ -> ]Do you think you could test this against MF-H Bakushin Leone 90RSF? And maybe MSF-H Samurai Wyvang CH120/GB145RF/R2F?

This looks like a OK combo. I'll be testing this for sure.

Got your tests done! and as you see Bakushin LTDC owned the R145, which made me switch things up a little and that proved successful but not dominating still. The Wyvang one was fun too I'm happy Phoenic did so well KOing it.
Wow, thanks Coach! I know Bakushin would mess it up on R145, but not so much H145, haha.

Um... Not bad against Wyvang. I'll have to consider this combo on the Sketch up CC list. If it proves to be good; Just a bit more.
Can you try MF-H Libra 85 RSF? Thanks
Testing VS. MSF-H Bandit Reviser GB145RSF please. Smile
(Dec. 31, 2013  4:45 AM)Stamina. Wrote: [ -> ]Can you try MF-H Libra 85 RSF? Thanks
When I get my Libra in the mail no problem.

(Dec. 31, 2013  4:49 AM)Kaizer Wrote: [ -> ]Testing VS. MSF-H Bandit Reviser GB145RSF please. Smile
Crystal up or down?
Crystal down please.
Oh this is fantastic so far. Looks to be on its way to being a good alternative to Gravity Attack Customs. I am not sure if they are required or just recommended, but adding a benchmark to your post can help to compare this custom to Gravity.

I know there really have not been any tested, but how would this custom fare (on H145 and R145) against a mid height Defense Custom? Something using GB145 possibly.
I think it would be even more lethal if Takara-Tomy would have designed Pheonic with blitz's extremely sharp contact points,still the combo seems like a winner.Nice job Coach!
Hm, I've never had trouble with R145 v LTDC myself, but perhaps that's because I've been using heavier wheels than Phoenic (Gravity, Wyvang).

So glad to see phoenic testing, though, thanks a bunch, Coach! Grin
Thank you Th!nk. Yes I think the weight might have a little bit to do with it. (36.2 grams for Theif Phoenic combined) But I think the sloped shapes, of bakushin on a low track and gravity on a d125rf which seemed to grip real well, had a larger effect on it.
Hm, I use bakushin pretty often so I don't think it would be just that, but perhaps it's because I usually use RF over R2F or maybe my R145 is particularly flexible or something haha. I've got a thief phoenic coming that should arrive soon, so I'll definitely give this a shot (though it'll be next week before til I get an MSF-H, so I won't be able to look at much other than this R145 thing initially, I guess). Still, between this and the ZG stuff I already have, I've pretty high hopes for Attack becoming a bit more varied (still torn over gravity spin stealers though, but eh, we'll see how things go as more tournaments come up).
(Dec. 31, 2013  4:49 AM)Kaizer Wrote: [ -> ]Testing VS. MSF-H Bandit Reviser GB145RSF please. Smile

MSF-H Theif Phoenic R145R2F vs. Bandit Revizer (crystal mode down) GB145RSF
Phoenic: 13 wins (2 OS, 11 KO)
Revizer: 7 wins (4 OS, 3 KO)
Phoenic Win %: 65%
This was actually the best result for Phoenic vs Defense so far. I think the 145 vs 145 height proved benificial as it wasn't hitting with the Crystal wheel as much like when facing a taller opponent nor was Revizer able to get underneath and lift Phoenic up like with LTDC. This was a requested battle but I would highly recommend against using Revizer in LTD as it's huge imbalance issue caused issues with launching. I had to relaunch it quite a few times because it would get hung up on the prongs. I even restarted the test after I switched launchers after about 6 rounds the first time. So while Revizers shape seems to be perfect for defense be ware you might go through your reshoot clauses very quickly if used in a tournament. Although I did like the choice of Bandit on the bottom as it actually looks like an SA165 if not looking closely.

(Dec. 31, 2013  4:57 AM)Kai Hiwatari Wrote: [ -> ]I know there really have not been any tested, but how would this custom fare (on H145 and R145) against a mid height Defense Custom? Something using GB145 possibly.
Taken care of
To be fair, 145 in Crystal Down Mode is one of the worst balanced Revizer setups I know of, especially with GB145, which exaggerates the imbalance pretty badly. Also not sure why Kaizer asked for Bandid as from what pictures show it looks awful for defense in terms of shape, and it's not one of the heavier Crystal Wheels either. Revizer's stamina is somewhat problematic in everything I've tried for Limited (though I don't have an MSF-H, maybe that'll help the balance issues - it's one of the main reasons I'm dying to get my MF-2's, so I can look into it more) but that setup seems like a particularly awful way of using it, so don't just judge it by that, haha.
(Dec. 31, 2013  3:28 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]To be fair, 145 in Crystal Down Mode is one of the worst balanced Revizer setups I know of, especially with GB145, which exaggerates the imbalance pretty badly. Also not sure why Kaizer asked for Bandid as from what pictures show it looks awful for defense in terms of shape, and it's not one of the heavier Crystal Wheels either. Revizer's stamina is somewhat problematic in everything I've tried for Limited (though I don't have an MSF-H, maybe that'll help the balance issues - it's one of the main reasons I'm dying to get my MF-2's, so I can look into it more) but that setup seems like a particularly awful way of using it, so don't just judge it by that, haha.

Wouldn't Kraken be a better choice, than Reviser?

From personal experience, it's not too bad. Tongue_out

Bandit is definitely not the best Crystal Wheel. I like Guardian on Reviser just because it matches up nicely (even though it still has horrible stamina), but on Kraken I'd think maybe Samurai. Tongue_out

Then again, I may be wrong, haha. Just my thoughts.

Either way, I really like this combo, Coach. Grin
Looked into the R145 vs H145 thing today. The reason using R145 results in so much recoil against Bakushin with this combo is because it doesn't cover up phoenic's underside like H145 does. Using a plain 145 basically confirmed it for me, Phoenic bounces upwards like it wants to be one with the Sun. Also H145 does seem noticeably more effective on this combo than most for some reason (perhaps a really good imbalance/weight focus over its contact points somehow???), though of course without an MSF-H I had very severe recoil issues haha, the result being a tonne of DKOs. I'll do some formal testing on this once I get an MSF-H (either for this thread or in a batch test of some Zero G setups for attack to get some numbers on them, as many have shown at least some promise), but this is honestly one of my favourite Zero G based attack setups so far.

Also, I was very sad TR145 didn't work on this because it's so close in color to the Thief from the ZGRB1 prize/SonoKong release, and I was thinking maybe I could blind my opponents with all the fluorescent yellow zooming around the stadium.

EDIT: Oh, also, figured I'd mention that it's worth nothing that Thief is generally really good for exposing contact points, and also has surprisingly decent weight to it for a crystal wheel. I'm not a huge fan as it doesn't *seem* to do as much to 230 as Gladiator does for me because it doesn't really face the right way, but I'll eventually do some formal testing on that when I get more Crystal wheels or at least an MSF-H.
Fake tests (Click to View)
WBO Committee: It was recently brought to our attention that all tests by Crescent in this topic are fabricated. We urge you to forget their results and that someone trustworthy conduct the actual tests for the sake of this metagame.
Could you test MSF-H Archer Goreim LW105BS[Crystal Up], please.
Against this combo? If so, what Track? R145 or H145?
How about...R145, please?
I'm planning on testing against MF-H Earth Sag II R145RSF soon as well as I'd like recommendations for a 230 height defensive bey to test against as well. If anybody would like to help out with official testing that would be greatly appreciated.
Umm... R145 has proven years ago it had too much recoil for Defense, so I wouldn't suggest it.
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