Nov. 01, 2013 6:34 PM
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode)CF
The Concept (Click to View)
The concept of this combination is to act like a Tornado Staller when launched and when CF stops circling the Tornado ridge and E230 is constantly making contact with the opposing bey then it becomes destabilizer knocking the opponent of balance it works superb against WD since WD is easily knocked off balance and the fact that when off balance it slowly circles the center of the stadium while losing it's stamina quickly while CF is stationary waiting for WD to topple over.
The Launch (Click to View)
just a regular launch will do however since this combo needs enough stamina at the end of the circling when CF calms down you have to launch this thing hard enough so it acts like GCF at a 60-70% launch

Parts Choice (Click to View)
MF-F: To boost the stamina of the combo MF-L also works
Cygnus: This is a No brainer great for stamina and the only good Stamina CW I own
Phantom: I was originally going to use Duo but it's overhang was a bit of a disadvantage along with it's size and Phantom seemed to be overal better plus theblackdragon suggested I use it
E230 (lower mode): it's the main part to this combo upper mode sometimes works better if your going against a synchrome stamina or defence type and I've found E230 to not pnly be great for defence but Destabilization
CF: MF doesn't have enough balance GCF is too aggressive and didn't have enough stamina so CF just seemed right plus when it topples over that ring helps it win a lot
Cygnus: This is a No brainer great for stamina and the only good Stamina CW I own
Phantom: I was originally going to use Duo but it's overhang was a bit of a disadvantage along with it's size and Phantom seemed to be overal better plus theblackdragon suggested I use it
E230 (lower mode): it's the main part to this combo upper mode sometimes works better if your going against a synchrome stamina or defence type and I've found E230 to not pnly be great for defence but Destabilization
CF: MF doesn't have enough balance GCF is too aggressive and didn't have enough stamina so CF just seemed right plus when it topples over that ring helps it win a lot
BB:10 Attack Type Stadium
Beylauncher L/R
3-Segment Grip
Batteries added to launcher
Tests (Click to View)
vs. Stamina
Spoiler (Click to View)
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode)CF (PC) vs. Duo Cygnus W145WD (DC)
Phantom Launched first Launches alternated
DC: 7/20 (All OS)
PC: 13/20 (All OS)
0-Ties Redone
PC win percentage~65%
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode) CF (MF-F PC) vs. Phantom Cygnus W145WD (PC)
Phantom Swapped every 5 rounds MF-F PC launched first launches alternated Same equipment used in the OP
PC: 0/10
MF-F PC: 10/10 (7 OS 3 KO'S)
0 ties redone
PC Win Percentage~100%
I stopped at 10 because no matter what happened when CF calmed down at the end of the battle E230 destabilized Phantom and then was stationary spinning while phantom W145WD went around in circles close to E230 occasionally hitting it of balance draining it's stamina until it falls over while Phantom E230CF is still spinning... The KO's where win CF would cut through the middle befor tornado stalling and E230 would drag WD near the exit at the tornado ridge then when it circled it KO'D W145WD XD
Phantom Launched first Launches alternated
DC: 7/20 (All OS)
PC: 13/20 (All OS)
0-Ties Redone
PC win percentage~65%
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode) CF (MF-F PC) vs. Phantom Cygnus W145WD (PC)
Phantom Swapped every 5 rounds MF-F PC launched first launches alternated Same equipment used in the OP
PC: 0/10
MF-F PC: 10/10 (7 OS 3 KO'S)
0 ties redone
PC Win Percentage~100%
I stopped at 10 because no matter what happened when CF calmed down at the end of the battle E230 destabilized Phantom and then was stationary spinning while phantom W145WD went around in circles close to E230 occasionally hitting it of balance draining it's stamina until it falls over while Phantom E230CF is still spinning... The KO's where win CF would cut through the middle befor tornado stalling and E230 would drag WD near the exit at the tornado ridge then when it circled it KO'D W145WD XD
vs. Defence
Spoiler (Click to View)
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode)CF (PC) vs. Reviser Killerken BD145CS (RK)
Phantom Launched first Launches alternated
RK: 7/20 (4 OS 3 KO)
PC: 13/20 (12 OS 1 KO)
4-Ties Redone
PC Win Percentage~65%
Phantom Launched first Launches alternated
RK: 7/20 (4 OS 3 KO)
PC: 13/20 (12 OS 1 KO)
4-Ties Redone
PC Win Percentage~65%
vs Attack
Spoiler (Click to View)
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode)CF (PC) vs. MF-H Flash Orion W145MF (FO)
Phantom Launched First Launches Alternated
FO: 3/20 (All KO)
PC 17/20 (14 OS 3 KO)
1-Tie Redone
PC Win Percentage~85%
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode) CF (PC) vs. MF-H Flash Orion S130R2F (FO)
PC always launched first sliding shot use with FO worn R2F
FO: 1/10 (All KO)
PC: 9/10 (8 OS 2 KO)
1-Tie Redone
PC Win Percentage~90%
I stopped at 10 so because I didn't want to increase the wear of my R2F anymore anyway the thing here wasn't the fact that my R2F is worn it's the fact that CF was too fast for R2F Flash couldn't even touch it CF would avoid Flash and every time Flash made contact while in the flower patter it was with E230 the one KO from both was when either Flash was in the flower patter and Phantom hit it right when R2F grabbed the tornado ridge and it was too close to the exit or when Flash caught Phantom when it was titled near the exit and smashed it out XD
Phantom Launched First Launches Alternated
FO: 3/20 (All KO)
PC 17/20 (14 OS 3 KO)
1-Tie Redone
PC Win Percentage~85%
MF-F Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode) CF (PC) vs. MF-H Flash Orion S130R2F (FO)
PC always launched first sliding shot use with FO worn R2F
FO: 1/10 (All KO)
PC: 9/10 (8 OS 2 KO)
1-Tie Redone
PC Win Percentage~90%
I stopped at 10 so because I didn't want to increase the wear of my R2F anymore anyway the thing here wasn't the fact that my R2F is worn it's the fact that CF was too fast for R2F Flash couldn't even touch it CF would avoid Flash and every time Flash made contact while in the flower patter it was with E230 the one KO from both was when either Flash was in the flower patter and Phantom hit it right when R2F grabbed the tornado ridge and it was too close to the exit or when Flash caught Phantom when it was titled near the exit and smashed it out XD
vs Balance
Spoiler (Click to View)
Phantom Cygnus E230 (Lower Mode) CF (PC) vs. MF-L Phantom (Attack Mode) Cygnus 85MF (PCA)
PC launched first launches alternated Phantoms and Cygnus's Swapped every 5 rounds
PC: 14/20 (9 OS 5 KO)
PCA: 6/20 (All OS)
2-Ties Redone
PC Win Percentage~70%
PC launched first launches alternated Phantoms and Cygnus's Swapped every 5 rounds
PC: 14/20 (9 OS 5 KO)
PCA: 6/20 (All OS)
2-Ties Redone
PC Win Percentage~70%
LMAO's Testing (Click to View)
LMAO Wrote Wrote:Phantom Cygnus E230CF vs. MF-H Flash Orion S130RF
Flash Orion wins: 16 (All KO's)
Phantom Cygnus wins: 4 (2 KO's, 2 OS's)
Phantom Cygnus win percentage: 20%
*Notice that, I'm pretty good with sliding shoot, and know how to use RF effectively, so that is why Flash did so well against it, which are different from what Lazer got.
Next, I wanted to test it out against Wyvang Dragooon, so here are the tests for that:
Phantom Cygnus E230CF vs. MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F
Phantom Cygnus wins: 1 (1 OS)
Wyvang Dragooon wins: 19 (All KO's)
Phantom Cygnus win percentage: 5%.
*Ah, well I guess this combos weakness is Attack, Wyvang Dragooon dominated this with ease.
DrPepsidew's Testing (Click to View)
DrPepsidew Wrote Wrote:MF-F Phantom Cancer E230 (Lower Mode) CF (PC) VS Wyvang^2 GB145 R2F (WE)
PC 3 wins (All OS) 17 losses
WE 17 wins (All KO) 3 losses
Phantom Cancer win rate: 15%
So what do you guys think? I need some tests against Dragooon and some tests against Phantom W145WD