World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Beyblade Story] Never Forget The Past [RATED PG]
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NOTE: This Story has a public poll, so do not vote unless you have an explanation as to why, and don't say things like, "LOL I was trolling". That's a stupid excuse...

So, this is my 4th, and final, story in my series. After this, I will retire from writing. So, here it is, another story starring Miles and the gang!!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (WARNING: Some blood.)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

I will update the OP with chapters at least once a week or two. Feedback is appreciated, and REQUIRED when voting...
Oh no!
First the final season of iCarly, and then this?!
Unhappy I'll miss your stories.
To be honest, I believe my stories have gone dry.
I might retire, too.
Anyways, good luck!
Wait, whats dylan doing there? Didnt he move to australia? And i think r dev needs to seek psychological help XD i really hope you keep writing and this story is turning out great!
Edit: And chinablade might retire too? Nooooo! Whos stories am i gonna read?
(Oct. 07, 2012  1:35 AM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, whats dylan doing there? Didnt he move to australia? And i think r dev needs to seek psychological help XD i really hope you keep writing and this story is turning out great!
Edit: And chinablade might retire too? Nooooo! Whos stories am i gonna read?
Everyone elses....there are plenty of stories here

- I started writing a story! DefStamina88 says that I'm his successor. Tongue_out_wink

Noooooooooo!!! Crying I'm gonna cry. Crying *bawls* O-Okay, I'll stop now. Woah, what?! R-Dev is evil again?! Oh no.

Sotries? Chocked_2
(Oct. 07, 2012  4:06 AM)MexaMaster Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 07, 2012  1:35 AM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, whats dylan doing there? Didnt he move to australia? And i think r dev needs to seek psychological help XD i really hope you keep writing and this story is turning out great!
Edit: And chinablade might retire too? Nooooo! Whos stories am i gonna read?
Everyone elses....there are plenty of stories here
And my question to you is, how many are as good as defstaminas and chinablades?
of Hades Oh yah! I almost forgot XD Ok, so there are some other amazing writers but still, I will miss defstamina and chinablade.
Anyway, back on topic, I'm really excited for chapter 1!

I am handling the issue about kyoya321 voting the last option...

Anyways, Chapter 1!!

(Oct. 07, 2012  3:30 PM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]I am handling the issue about kyoya321 voting the last option...

In a diplomatic fashion, I presume? No harassment.
(Oct. 07, 2012  3:37 PM)Insomniac. Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 07, 2012  3:30 PM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]I am handling the issue about kyoya321 voting the last option...

In a diplomatic fashion, I presume? No harassment.

In a very diplomatic fashion~
(Oct. 07, 2012  11:32 PM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]In a very diplomatic fashion~

Good to hear. Its the new trend I'm forcing on to everybody Cute

Here's Chapter 2!!!

Ooh cool. New character! Great chapter!
i love this story. @ china and defstamina, why??!!!?? I need you guys to keep writing! I'm only gonna have duck to rely on! and who can afford that? there are almost no good stories out there anymore. [mainly because i'm a grammar nazi, but don't post it.] by the way, I like where you're going with this new character idea! c: (<- CUTEST SMILEY FACE EVER!!!!)
other than DefStamima88 and ChinaBladeâ„¢ - I feel so pressured! Cute

Ah, another great chapter. Needless to say, great job!
Here's Chapter 3!!

Can't wait for da next chapter I have a feeling it will end up a tragic love story.
OOooohhh Bri has some love now. Good luck getting over her, Miles Wink
I voted the 2nd option cause well, I never really 'loved' your stories, they were good, but well, not spectacular, you get my flow? Your writing will still be missed as a show of quality.

KIU man, we'll be missing you...
(That being said, I wonder if I should continue with my novel, derp)
Bri has found love! I wonder how it'll turn out...

Wonderful cliff-hanger. Tired
Here's Chapter 4!!

Great chapter!!! I don't really like Kira as a character, though. It almost seemed like Bri was showing off to him. Eee
Here's Chapter 5!!

That is so cute!
Great chapter, and go Kira! Grin
Eh... Kira isn't my fave. I love this story though!
I still have a feeling that Kira/Bri is going to end tragically. Unhappy Amazing chapter, anyhow! Wink
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