Oct. 06, 2012 1:25 PM
NOTE: This Story has a public poll, so do not vote unless you have an explanation as to why, and don't say things like, "LOL I was trolling". That's a stupid excuse...
So, this is my 4th, and final, story in my series. After this, I will retire from writing. So, here it is, another story starring Miles and the gang!!
Miles closed the journal and put it away in his dresser. He got up and walked to the window to think. He was surprised by the sight.
It was snowing. It was the first time it snowed that winter. It didn't snow too much in North Carolina last year, but now Miles and his friends got to see it.
"Guys!" Miles yelled. "Look out your window!!"
Everyone did. Miles could hear the awes of interest and happiness. Miles then remembered R-Dev was downstairs, so he must've not heard him. He came downstairs, but his smile turned to a face of disbelief.
In front of him, was Dylan Wolfeh, passed out, and In front of Dylan, was MF-F Basalt Impaler 230CS.
Or at least, that's what Miles recognized. Impaler was literally in shatters, barely recognizable. Miles knew the Blue, Gray, Pink, Green, and Orange.
"Dylan!!!" Miles shouted, "What the hell happened?!?!?!"
Dylan was fortunately able to wake up from consciousness. "R...R-Dev...he's....not right anymore... He... is evil again, Miles..."
Miles' friends came down, scared and wondering how it happened. As Dylan told them everything, Miles gained a stunning realization from his past. He looked out the open door of his house, the cold breeze blowing against his body... He couldn't believe it...
"Please don't let it be true..." Miles said. "Please, don't let it be true...."
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (WARNING: Some blood.)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I will update the OP with chapters at least once a week or two. Feedback is appreciated, and REQUIRED when voting...
So, this is my 4th, and final, story in my series. After this, I will retire from writing. So, here it is, another story starring Miles and the gang!!
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December 3, 2012,
So, I guess this is all I want to vent to you, my journal.
I have written in you every day. I know my life full of stories is far from over, but I have the feeling that I'd rather have these feelings to tell only my dearest friends.
I am glad you have given me the opportunity to tell you what I wanted and need to say, but it's time for me to move on.
Miles Power Serge
So, I guess this is all I want to vent to you, my journal.
I have written in you every day. I know my life full of stories is far from over, but I have the feeling that I'd rather have these feelings to tell only my dearest friends.
I am glad you have given me the opportunity to tell you what I wanted and need to say, but it's time for me to move on.
Miles Power Serge
Miles closed the journal and put it away in his dresser. He got up and walked to the window to think. He was surprised by the sight.
It was snowing. It was the first time it snowed that winter. It didn't snow too much in North Carolina last year, but now Miles and his friends got to see it.
"Guys!" Miles yelled. "Look out your window!!"
Everyone did. Miles could hear the awes of interest and happiness. Miles then remembered R-Dev was downstairs, so he must've not heard him. He came downstairs, but his smile turned to a face of disbelief.
In front of him, was Dylan Wolfeh, passed out, and In front of Dylan, was MF-F Basalt Impaler 230CS.
Or at least, that's what Miles recognized. Impaler was literally in shatters, barely recognizable. Miles knew the Blue, Gray, Pink, Green, and Orange.
"Dylan!!!" Miles shouted, "What the hell happened?!?!?!"
Dylan was fortunately able to wake up from consciousness. "R...R-Dev...he's....not right anymore... He... is evil again, Miles..."
Miles' friends came down, scared and wondering how it happened. As Dylan told them everything, Miles gained a stunning realization from his past. He looked out the open door of his house, the cold breeze blowing against his body... He couldn't believe it...
"Please don't let it be true..." Miles said. "Please, don't let it be true...."
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Miles and the other seven, including Dylan, on his team went out, searching for R-Dev. They searched every part of Princeton they possibly could, and they couldn't find him.
News stations picked up the story and helped out as much as they could too. Nothing was working.
Then, the evening of December 4th, Miles got a note. He was terrified, but he opened it and read the once again scribbled handwriting:
Guess what? I'm back...
Not as the one you remember me as, or even the one before you met me. No, this is much worse...
This is the normal R-Dev, the one you fought side-by side with all of autumn. The one who didn't betray you or deceive you by any means...
That is, until now...
Don't bother trying to find me. I'm not coming back. If you're that desperate, come find me yourself.
Oh, and in case you already didn't know, I am not using Impaler like you remember. I have Dylan's Dragoon^2 SA165EWD. I can already tell you that I have grown much better with this bey than I ever did with Impaler, so to make sure I never switch back, I destroyed Impaler.
And I've made sure all of those A.E.M. members joined my side to fight you...
So, come and get me, Miles... I dare you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Your Worst Nightmare
Bryan walked in to find Miles tearing up to the note.
"Miles?" Bryan asked.
Miles didn't reply. He just covered his eyes and ran to his room, hiding his tears.
Bryan quickly ran after him and stopped Miles from slamming the door shut.
"Miles!" Bryan yelled out.
As Miles tried to run, Bryan stopped him. Miles turned to look in Bryan's eyes.
It was then that Bryan realized all of the pain Miles was feeling now. He let go, and Miles just stared, his blue eyes filled with tears.
Miles just grasped onto Bryan, and cried. he had nothing else to say or do. He just cried.
Bryan couldn't say or do anything else but hold onto Miles. They stood there, in silence...
News stations picked up the story and helped out as much as they could too. Nothing was working.
Then, the evening of December 4th, Miles got a note. He was terrified, but he opened it and read the once again scribbled handwriting:
Guess what? I'm back...
Not as the one you remember me as, or even the one before you met me. No, this is much worse...
This is the normal R-Dev, the one you fought side-by side with all of autumn. The one who didn't betray you or deceive you by any means...
That is, until now...
Don't bother trying to find me. I'm not coming back. If you're that desperate, come find me yourself.
Oh, and in case you already didn't know, I am not using Impaler like you remember. I have Dylan's Dragoon^2 SA165EWD. I can already tell you that I have grown much better with this bey than I ever did with Impaler, so to make sure I never switch back, I destroyed Impaler.
And I've made sure all of those A.E.M. members joined my side to fight you...
So, come and get me, Miles... I dare you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Your Worst Nightmare
Bryan walked in to find Miles tearing up to the note.
"Miles?" Bryan asked.
Miles didn't reply. He just covered his eyes and ran to his room, hiding his tears.
Bryan quickly ran after him and stopped Miles from slamming the door shut.
"Miles!" Bryan yelled out.
As Miles tried to run, Bryan stopped him. Miles turned to look in Bryan's eyes.
It was then that Bryan realized all of the pain Miles was feeling now. He let go, and Miles just stared, his blue eyes filled with tears.
Miles just grasped onto Bryan, and cried. he had nothing else to say or do. He just cried.
Bryan couldn't say or do anything else but hold onto Miles. They stood there, in silence...
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The gang decided to split up into groups to find R-Dev.
Devin, Dan, and Cloud went towards the west, while Bryan, Bri, Miles, and Dylan, using his extra bey Saramanda^2 E230MB, went east.
Miles' group immediately ran into trouble with CD, G-A, Jakester, and Lashie.
"Miss us?" G-A remarked.
"Oh dear god..." Miles said. "Get the hell out!!!" Miles readied his bey, and so did his partners. All eight bladers fired. Immediately, Miles' group was shocked when Draco, Lynx, Disaster, and LLD took over. As the evil group looked as if they were going to win...
A quick gleam of blue light struck, and immediately retreated to where it came from.
Both sides were caught off guard. "W-What was that?!" G-A said.
"I don't know!" Bri replied.
Then, the streak struck again, knocking out all eight beys in one single hit.
Terrified, CD, G-A, Jakester, and Lashie ran away.
"Who could that've been?" Dylan asked. Nobody knew, but Miles was silent. "Miles?" Bryan asked, "Something wro--"
"Shhhh..." Miles replied. he was listening, then, he quickly turned to his left and fired Pegasis^2. it hit the other bey head-on, and it quickly retreated. Miles ran in the direction of the shot, his friends right behind him.
They finally made it to the building, and ran to the roof, and spotted the player.
"Freeze!!!" Miles said, with Pegasis^2 ready. "Don't move!!"
The character, obviously terrified, put his hands in the air and slowly turned around.
The character was a boy, about 15, wearing only a pair of hot pink pants with a white stripe.
Light blue paint, like a tattoo, covered his sides and up to his neck, and down each arm to the elbow, with the rest of his arms covered in white paint...
If this was a person, it was the most awkward one Miles has seen. Basically, picture Pink, light blue, and white. Baby colors...
"Please, I didn't mean to do anything..." he said. "I was not sure if you guys were a threat or not. Please...don't hurt me..."
Bri believed him, and made Miles put Pegasis^2 down. "What is your name?" she asked.
"Kira. Kira Harune..." the boy replied.
"Kira..." Bri repeated. "What are you doing this for?"
"I heard of a guy named R-Dev went missing on the news..." Kira replied. "I am trying to find him and fend off whoever's helping him by myself...
"Hmmm,...." Bri said. "Do you wanna join us?"
Kira immediately reacted. "Yes!! Yes I do, I REALLY do!!!"
"Well..." Bri said, pulling out Meteo L-Drago TR145EWD. "Battle me..."
Kira's eyes widened. Even Miles, Dylan, and Bryan were surprised.
"Uhhhh...." Kira hesitated.
"What's wrong?" Bri remarked. "Afraid to fight a girl~?"
Kira blushed a heavy red. "N-N-No... O-Of course not!!! N-Never!"
Miles saw what Bri was doing, but stayed silent, a big grin on his face.
"Well?" Bri remarked again. "Let's get started~"
She attached L-Drago, while Kira reluctantly attached his bey, Gryph Begirados LW160LRF.
3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!
Devin, Dan, and Cloud went towards the west, while Bryan, Bri, Miles, and Dylan, using his extra bey Saramanda^2 E230MB, went east.
Miles' group immediately ran into trouble with CD, G-A, Jakester, and Lashie.
"Miss us?" G-A remarked.
"Oh dear god..." Miles said. "Get the hell out!!!" Miles readied his bey, and so did his partners. All eight bladers fired. Immediately, Miles' group was shocked when Draco, Lynx, Disaster, and LLD took over. As the evil group looked as if they were going to win...
A quick gleam of blue light struck, and immediately retreated to where it came from.
Both sides were caught off guard. "W-What was that?!" G-A said.
"I don't know!" Bri replied.
Then, the streak struck again, knocking out all eight beys in one single hit.
Terrified, CD, G-A, Jakester, and Lashie ran away.
"Who could that've been?" Dylan asked. Nobody knew, but Miles was silent. "Miles?" Bryan asked, "Something wro--"
"Shhhh..." Miles replied. he was listening, then, he quickly turned to his left and fired Pegasis^2. it hit the other bey head-on, and it quickly retreated. Miles ran in the direction of the shot, his friends right behind him.
They finally made it to the building, and ran to the roof, and spotted the player.
"Freeze!!!" Miles said, with Pegasis^2 ready. "Don't move!!"
The character, obviously terrified, put his hands in the air and slowly turned around.
The character was a boy, about 15, wearing only a pair of hot pink pants with a white stripe.
Light blue paint, like a tattoo, covered his sides and up to his neck, and down each arm to the elbow, with the rest of his arms covered in white paint...
If this was a person, it was the most awkward one Miles has seen. Basically, picture Pink, light blue, and white. Baby colors...
"Please, I didn't mean to do anything..." he said. "I was not sure if you guys were a threat or not. Please...don't hurt me..."
Bri believed him, and made Miles put Pegasis^2 down. "What is your name?" she asked.
"Kira. Kira Harune..." the boy replied.
"Kira..." Bri repeated. "What are you doing this for?"
"I heard of a guy named R-Dev went missing on the news..." Kira replied. "I am trying to find him and fend off whoever's helping him by myself...
"Hmmm,...." Bri said. "Do you wanna join us?"
Kira immediately reacted. "Yes!! Yes I do, I REALLY do!!!"
"Well..." Bri said, pulling out Meteo L-Drago TR145EWD. "Battle me..."
Kira's eyes widened. Even Miles, Dylan, and Bryan were surprised.
"Uhhhh...." Kira hesitated.
"What's wrong?" Bri remarked. "Afraid to fight a girl~?"
Kira blushed a heavy red. "N-N-No... O-Of course not!!! N-Never!"
Miles saw what Bri was doing, but stayed silent, a big grin on his face.
"Well?" Bri remarked again. "Let's get started~"
She attached L-Drago, while Kira reluctantly attached his bey, Gryph Begirados LW160LRF.
3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!
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Begirados and L-Drago landed right there on that rooftop. They quickly went into clashing head-on.
Bri looked confident, standing tall, not losing any of her courage and determination to win, with her bountiful blader spirit. Kira...not so much, but nevertheless, he wasn't backing down.
"Come on, Begirados!!!" Kira yelled. "Show her what you got!!"
Begirados began trying to smash L-Drago, the big weakness of a spin-stealing beyblade.
L-Drago did a good job dodging, leaning and rolling on its TR145 track, staying alive.
Kira was obviously frustrated at this because, at his level, he never had anybody stand up to him this long.
"Go Begirados! Use all of your power!!!" Kira exclaimed.
Begirados charged with power almost equivalent of R-Dev himself, but alas, L-Drago dodged the attacks yet again...
"Now it's our turn!!" Bri remarked. "Go L-Drago, Dragon Fire Rampage!!!"
L-Drago flew up, covered in its orange, fiery aura, charged right at the quick-moving Begirados.
Direct hit to Begirados. It immediately stopped right there. L-Drago landed and returned to Bri's hands. Her friends celebrated behind her.
"Now Kira, a question..." Bri remarked. "Are you sure you're not afraid to fight a girl?" She stared at him with a grin on her face...
Kira obviously panicked, made a run to jump off of the roof to escape, but Bri caught him before he could leave the ground.
Miles walked up after her, and knelt down to Kira, who was now held down on the ground by Bri. "Congrats, Kira! You're on the team! One, actually, many things, we need to work on..."
Kira calmly got up after Bri let him go, and they followed back to Miles' house.
That night, Miles, with some assistance, set up the futon in the living room for Kira. Kira, pretty much ready to pass out, laid down, but Miles wasn't going to allow him to sleep just yet...
"So, Kira..." Miles asked. "Why did you try to run from Bri, and why did you hesitate when she tried to battle you?"
Kira didn't wanna answer.
"Kira, I will take this bed down and you can sleep on the floor..." Miles warned.
Kira fessed up there. "I...know it's kinda weird, but...when I saw Bri, I...I loved her..."
"Love at first sight, huh?" Miles said.
"Yeah...I guess..." Kira answered.
"Well, she's open~"
"I thought she would, but ya see, the problem is--"
"You're too nervous and scared to ask her yourself, and you're afraid that if you do, she'll say no..."
Kira nodded yes.
"Lemme take care of telling her..." Miles said. "Now get some sleep. You've got a busy day tomorrow..."
Miles headed upstairs. Kira turned off the light and went to bed...
Bri looked confident, standing tall, not losing any of her courage and determination to win, with her bountiful blader spirit. Kira...not so much, but nevertheless, he wasn't backing down.
"Come on, Begirados!!!" Kira yelled. "Show her what you got!!"
Begirados began trying to smash L-Drago, the big weakness of a spin-stealing beyblade.
L-Drago did a good job dodging, leaning and rolling on its TR145 track, staying alive.
Kira was obviously frustrated at this because, at his level, he never had anybody stand up to him this long.
"Go Begirados! Use all of your power!!!" Kira exclaimed.
Begirados charged with power almost equivalent of R-Dev himself, but alas, L-Drago dodged the attacks yet again...
"Now it's our turn!!" Bri remarked. "Go L-Drago, Dragon Fire Rampage!!!"
L-Drago flew up, covered in its orange, fiery aura, charged right at the quick-moving Begirados.
Direct hit to Begirados. It immediately stopped right there. L-Drago landed and returned to Bri's hands. Her friends celebrated behind her.
"Now Kira, a question..." Bri remarked. "Are you sure you're not afraid to fight a girl?" She stared at him with a grin on her face...
Kira obviously panicked, made a run to jump off of the roof to escape, but Bri caught him before he could leave the ground.
Miles walked up after her, and knelt down to Kira, who was now held down on the ground by Bri. "Congrats, Kira! You're on the team! One, actually, many things, we need to work on..."
Kira calmly got up after Bri let him go, and they followed back to Miles' house.
That night, Miles, with some assistance, set up the futon in the living room for Kira. Kira, pretty much ready to pass out, laid down, but Miles wasn't going to allow him to sleep just yet...
"So, Kira..." Miles asked. "Why did you try to run from Bri, and why did you hesitate when she tried to battle you?"
Kira didn't wanna answer.
"Kira, I will take this bed down and you can sleep on the floor..." Miles warned.
Kira fessed up there. "I...know it's kinda weird, but...when I saw Bri, I...I loved her..."
"Love at first sight, huh?" Miles said.
"Yeah...I guess..." Kira answered.
"Well, she's open~"
"I thought she would, but ya see, the problem is--"
"You're too nervous and scared to ask her yourself, and you're afraid that if you do, she'll say no..."
Kira nodded yes.
"Lemme take care of telling her..." Miles said. "Now get some sleep. You've got a busy day tomorrow..."
Miles headed upstairs. Kira turned off the light and went to bed...
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Kira woke up around 7:45am that morning. Bri came downstairs to find him awake.
"Morning, Kira..." she said. "How are ya?"
"Uh, good..." Kira said. "You?"
"Good. So, I heard ya like me, huh~?"
"H-How did you know?!"
"Miles told me everything. I knew it..."
"You mean...You already--"
"Kinda expected you to fall in love with me? Yeah..."
"W...Well, w...what do you think?" Kira looked nervous as hell...
"Well..." she pondered for a second, then smiled at him. "Sure..."
"R-Really??" Kira said. He obviously did not think she'd say yes...
"Yeah, but please, do me a favor and don't be so nervous about asking me something next time, okay?"
Kira nodded as Miles came downstairs. "Look who's up..." Miles said. "And just in time too! Kira, it's time for your workout training..."
"W-W-Workout training?!" Kira stammered.
Bri and Miles took Kira by his arms and pulled him out of bed.
From there, Miles and Bri pushed Kira into many training exercises. He would need to be ready physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to handle running with the big boys.
After 40 grueling minutes, Kira looked like he was gonna pass out. He plopped down, panting super hard.
"Aw, come on, Kira. You got some problem if you're done and we're still all good..." Miles remarked.
"I...can't...keep...up...." Kira panted.
"Then we'll MAKE you keep up..." Bri stated, grinning. She pulled him up, and went on with the regimen.
Another 40 grueling minutes, and the training was over. Miles and Bri stuffed as much skill and knowledge they could into Kira.
Did Kira learn it all? If he did, it certainly wasn't when they finished. He collapsed in total exhaustion, barely able to stay awake.
"Well, Kira? How ya feel??" Miles asked.
Kira almost didn't have any energy to speak. "Horrible...." He said, after one big gasp.
"Well, there's one last thing we need you to do, Kira, and then we'll be done for today..." Bri stated.
Kira got up slowly and weakly. "Oh god....What is it...?"
Bri pulled out her launcher and attached L-Drago to it. "Me and you, Round 2..." He said, smirking.
Kira's eyes widened. He already felt destroyed from the work. "After all the training we did?!?! You still want me to battle?!?!"
"A true blader would push through their exhaustion and weakness to protect themselves..." Miles said. "You can't survive in the wild by running. You have to fight back..."
Kira weakly stood up, and attached Gryph Begirados to his launcher. "Fine..." he said. "If it's a fight you want, Bri, it's a fight you'll get..."
Miles counted down for the two bladers.
"3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!"
As Begirados and L-Drago landed, It was clear that Begirados was weak.
Though it was clear as well that Kira was not going to end this battle quickly...
"Morning, Kira..." she said. "How are ya?"
"Uh, good..." Kira said. "You?"
"Good. So, I heard ya like me, huh~?"
"H-How did you know?!"
"Miles told me everything. I knew it..."
"You mean...You already--"
"Kinda expected you to fall in love with me? Yeah..."
"W...Well, w...what do you think?" Kira looked nervous as hell...
"Well..." she pondered for a second, then smiled at him. "Sure..."
"R-Really??" Kira said. He obviously did not think she'd say yes...
"Yeah, but please, do me a favor and don't be so nervous about asking me something next time, okay?"
Kira nodded as Miles came downstairs. "Look who's up..." Miles said. "And just in time too! Kira, it's time for your workout training..."
"W-W-Workout training?!" Kira stammered.
Bri and Miles took Kira by his arms and pulled him out of bed.
From there, Miles and Bri pushed Kira into many training exercises. He would need to be ready physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to handle running with the big boys.
After 40 grueling minutes, Kira looked like he was gonna pass out. He plopped down, panting super hard.
"Aw, come on, Kira. You got some problem if you're done and we're still all good..." Miles remarked.
"I...can't...keep...up...." Kira panted.
"Then we'll MAKE you keep up..." Bri stated, grinning. She pulled him up, and went on with the regimen.
Another 40 grueling minutes, and the training was over. Miles and Bri stuffed as much skill and knowledge they could into Kira.
Did Kira learn it all? If he did, it certainly wasn't when they finished. He collapsed in total exhaustion, barely able to stay awake.
"Well, Kira? How ya feel??" Miles asked.
Kira almost didn't have any energy to speak. "Horrible...." He said, after one big gasp.
"Well, there's one last thing we need you to do, Kira, and then we'll be done for today..." Bri stated.
Kira got up slowly and weakly. "Oh god....What is it...?"
Bri pulled out her launcher and attached L-Drago to it. "Me and you, Round 2..." He said, smirking.
Kira's eyes widened. He already felt destroyed from the work. "After all the training we did?!?! You still want me to battle?!?!"
"A true blader would push through their exhaustion and weakness to protect themselves..." Miles said. "You can't survive in the wild by running. You have to fight back..."
Kira weakly stood up, and attached Gryph Begirados to his launcher. "Fine..." he said. "If it's a fight you want, Bri, it's a fight you'll get..."
Miles counted down for the two bladers.
"3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!"
As Begirados and L-Drago landed, It was clear that Begirados was weak.
Though it was clear as well that Kira was not going to end this battle quickly...
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As Begirados struggled to keep spinning, L-Drago kept taking Begirados' energy.
Kira looked as tired as could be. He was slowly losing the energy to even stand. His legs were quivering in weakness...and fear.
"Come on, Kira!!' Bri said. "Stop giving up so easily!!"
Whether Kira listened or not was unknown as he plopped down to his knees.
"Fine then..." Bri said. "If you're not gonna fight, you don't deserve to be my boyfriend. L-Drago, Burning Fire Rampage!"
L-Drago flew up and charged at the weak Begirados. Kira looked finished.
Then, L-Drago's attack was deflected by Begirados.
Bri and Miles widened their eyes at the move...
"Kira?" Miles asked. No response.
Miles went up to Kira, not moving, his eyes covered by his hair.
"Kira..." Miles asked again, poking. He poked a few more times, before Kira grabbed his wrist.
Miles, panicked, not knowing whether this was an improvement or a problem, tried to break free. Kira pushed him back, and stood back up.
"As I said..." He mumbled. "If it's a fight you want... It's a fight you'll get!!!"
Begirados charged and hit L-Drago many times, slinging it around the ground with abundant force.
"Now, Special Move!! Monstrous Behemoth!!" Kira yelled.
The attack landed perfectly. L-Drago immediately stopped spinning. Begirados flew to Kira's hands, and Kira stormed inside. The slam of his door could be heard from outside.
Miles went to the door. "Kira?" he asked.
"GO AWAY!!!!" Kira yelled from behind the door.
Miles did go away, and Bri came a few minutes later...
"Kira, may I come in...?" she politely asked.
This time, a long pause. "Sure..." he said this time, and Bri entered, closing the door behind her. Kira was sitting on the edge of the futon, looking at the floor. Bri sat down beside him.
"Why'd ya storm off...?" she asked him.
No response.
"I think..." he started. "I just get too carried away with my emotions when I'm messed with. I just...didn't like being pushed around. I..didn't mean to snap on Miles like that..."
"Look..." Bri said. "It's okay. I can understand. I know where you're coming from, but you can't let them get to you..."
"You're right..." Kira replied.
"Hey..." Bri said. "I got something I wanna say to you..."
"What is that?" Kira asked.
Bri then took Kira and kissed him on the lips. Kira was stunned by this, and couldn't believe it was happening, but he took in his very first kiss like it was the best thing to happen to him.
Bri pulled back. "I love you~" she finally said to him...
Kira regained his composure. "I love you too..." he replied, and he hugged Bri for the longest time.
Looks like the problem has been solved...
Kira looked as tired as could be. He was slowly losing the energy to even stand. His legs were quivering in weakness...and fear.
"Come on, Kira!!' Bri said. "Stop giving up so easily!!"
Whether Kira listened or not was unknown as he plopped down to his knees.
"Fine then..." Bri said. "If you're not gonna fight, you don't deserve to be my boyfriend. L-Drago, Burning Fire Rampage!"
L-Drago flew up and charged at the weak Begirados. Kira looked finished.
Then, L-Drago's attack was deflected by Begirados.
Bri and Miles widened their eyes at the move...
"Kira?" Miles asked. No response.
Miles went up to Kira, not moving, his eyes covered by his hair.
"Kira..." Miles asked again, poking. He poked a few more times, before Kira grabbed his wrist.
Miles, panicked, not knowing whether this was an improvement or a problem, tried to break free. Kira pushed him back, and stood back up.
"As I said..." He mumbled. "If it's a fight you want... It's a fight you'll get!!!"
Begirados charged and hit L-Drago many times, slinging it around the ground with abundant force.
"Now, Special Move!! Monstrous Behemoth!!" Kira yelled.
The attack landed perfectly. L-Drago immediately stopped spinning. Begirados flew to Kira's hands, and Kira stormed inside. The slam of his door could be heard from outside.
Miles went to the door. "Kira?" he asked.
"GO AWAY!!!!" Kira yelled from behind the door.
Miles did go away, and Bri came a few minutes later...
"Kira, may I come in...?" she politely asked.
This time, a long pause. "Sure..." he said this time, and Bri entered, closing the door behind her. Kira was sitting on the edge of the futon, looking at the floor. Bri sat down beside him.
"Why'd ya storm off...?" she asked him.
No response.
"I think..." he started. "I just get too carried away with my emotions when I'm messed with. I just...didn't like being pushed around. I..didn't mean to snap on Miles like that..."
"Look..." Bri said. "It's okay. I can understand. I know where you're coming from, but you can't let them get to you..."
"You're right..." Kira replied.
"Hey..." Bri said. "I got something I wanna say to you..."
"What is that?" Kira asked.
Bri then took Kira and kissed him on the lips. Kira was stunned by this, and couldn't believe it was happening, but he took in his very first kiss like it was the best thing to happen to him.
Bri pulled back. "I love you~" she finally said to him...
Kira regained his composure. "I love you too..." he replied, and he hugged Bri for the longest time.
Looks like the problem has been solved...
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Miles had sent out the gang to go out and search for R-Dev once again. Miles heard a sound over his transceiver. It was Devin's.
"Devin, you found something?" he said.
There was no response, but there was a barrage of large clashing sounds, followed by the shattering of glass, snapping of wood, and the bending of metal.
"DEVIN!!!!" Miles shouted through the transceiver.
The sounds continued to pound through the speaker for many agonizing seconds, then, right before the speaker faded to static, the sound of an ambulance siren.
"NO!!!" Miles feared the worst. He called the gang back. After they all safely returned, Miles took Bryan and Kira with him to the hospital.
They immediately found Devin's room. It was a horrendous sight.
Both of Devin's bionic arms were demolished, a large gash on his shoulder was patched up, and a bandage that covered all of Devin's head, including one eye. Devin was also unconscious, but had a steady heartbeat.
Miles was emotional, and angry. "You see this. Kira...?" he said calmly.
"Y..Y-Yes?" Kira stuttered.
"This is what happens when a battle gets out of control... I don't want you ever losing your temper, or this could be you, ya hear me...?"
"Okay..." Kira silently replied.
"Good...." Miles said turning to him. "This... This should not be you.." Miles broke down after that, and Bryan took him into his arms.
Well into the night, around midnight or so, Miles was awaken by a moaning sound. He got up, thinking it was Devin.
However, it was Kira. He seemed to be fighting something in his dreams.
"Kira?" Miles asked.
Kira replied while sleeping. "No...get away..."
Miles couldn't help it. As Kira struggled more, Miles woke him up. Kira jolted awake.
"Kira? You okay? You were fighting in your sleep..."
"Oh.. Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." Kira replied.
"Something was happening in your dream..." Miles remarked.
"It's something personal..." Kira replied.
Miles nodded and went back to sleep.
The next morning, Devin had woke up, and was getting his bionic arms replaced. During that time, Kira stepped outside to get away from it all. Then, something started happening...
Kira's mind was being cluttered. Evil thoughts and scenes entered his vision. He couldn't shake them.
"Aaaahhhh!!!" Kira yelled out. "They hurt!!!"
Bryan stepped out to check on him. "Kira??" he said. "Something wrong?"
"OWWWWW!!!" Kira said, turning to Bryan. His nose was bleeding from all of the pain. "I'm not okay!! Help me Bryan!!!"
Then, as Kira's vision went black, he blankly started at Bryan, then fell flat on his face, his nose flowing with blood.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!" Bryan screamed. "HELP!!!!!"
Bryan couldn't say anything else. He was too scared by the terrible sight.
"Devin, you found something?" he said.
There was no response, but there was a barrage of large clashing sounds, followed by the shattering of glass, snapping of wood, and the bending of metal.
"DEVIN!!!!" Miles shouted through the transceiver.
The sounds continued to pound through the speaker for many agonizing seconds, then, right before the speaker faded to static, the sound of an ambulance siren.
"NO!!!" Miles feared the worst. He called the gang back. After they all safely returned, Miles took Bryan and Kira with him to the hospital.
They immediately found Devin's room. It was a horrendous sight.
Both of Devin's bionic arms were demolished, a large gash on his shoulder was patched up, and a bandage that covered all of Devin's head, including one eye. Devin was also unconscious, but had a steady heartbeat.
Miles was emotional, and angry. "You see this. Kira...?" he said calmly.
"Y..Y-Yes?" Kira stuttered.
"This is what happens when a battle gets out of control... I don't want you ever losing your temper, or this could be you, ya hear me...?"
"Okay..." Kira silently replied.
"Good...." Miles said turning to him. "This... This should not be you.." Miles broke down after that, and Bryan took him into his arms.
Well into the night, around midnight or so, Miles was awaken by a moaning sound. He got up, thinking it was Devin.
However, it was Kira. He seemed to be fighting something in his dreams.
"Kira?" Miles asked.
Kira replied while sleeping. "No...get away..."
Miles couldn't help it. As Kira struggled more, Miles woke him up. Kira jolted awake.
"Kira? You okay? You were fighting in your sleep..."
"Oh.. Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." Kira replied.
"Something was happening in your dream..." Miles remarked.
"It's something personal..." Kira replied.
Miles nodded and went back to sleep.
The next morning, Devin had woke up, and was getting his bionic arms replaced. During that time, Kira stepped outside to get away from it all. Then, something started happening...
Kira's mind was being cluttered. Evil thoughts and scenes entered his vision. He couldn't shake them.
"Aaaahhhh!!!" Kira yelled out. "They hurt!!!"
Bryan stepped out to check on him. "Kira??" he said. "Something wrong?"
"OWWWWW!!!" Kira said, turning to Bryan. His nose was bleeding from all of the pain. "I'm not okay!! Help me Bryan!!!"
Then, as Kira's vision went black, he blankly started at Bryan, then fell flat on his face, his nose flowing with blood.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!" Bryan screamed. "HELP!!!!!"
Bryan couldn't say anything else. He was too scared by the terrible sight.
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Kira was walking through a dark land in his head. It looked like Earth, but everything was drooping and black. All the trees were dead. Kira was afraid.
Then, in front of him, stood R-Dev. He did not even know what R-Dev looked like yet, but it was exact...
The dark black pants, coal black shirt, heavy black boots, black gloves, and his short black hair covered by his black cap. R-Dev stared with his evil black eyes at Kira. He was trembling. He made a run for it.
Kira turned to look behind him, and R-Dev was following. Kira did't have the stamina that R-Dev's inhumane body had. R-Dev caught up, and tackled Kira to the ground, hard. Kira tried to fight off R-Dev, but no luck...
Kira woke up from the nightmare to find Miles, Bryan, and Devin looking at him.
"Owww...my head..." Kira said, getting up slowly. "W-What happened...?"
"You started, like, having a nosebleed..." Bryan described. "Then you just passed out right on the concrete..."
Kira thought about his nightmare. "I think...I saw R-Dev...my god is he horrible..."
All four of them just stayed silent.
A few hours later Devin was completely okay and Kira had recovered, so they all left for home. Kira decided t stop by his favorite Zaxby's in town. "Man, I'm hungry..." he thought.
Kira was cutting across a back parking lot, but was stopped by a black figure coming out from behind the trees. Kira...was terrified...
It was R-Dev, appearing just as he did in his dream.
"Leave me alone!!!" Kira yelled out.
The snowflakes landing on R-Dev's body did not melt. He was that cold. He rose his hand, and an evil power surged through Kira.
"Stop!!!" Kira yelled out. "You're hurting me!!!"
Kira tried to fight off R-Dev's evil. For many grueling seconds Kira fought in excruciating pain. Finally, he was successful, and he fell in weakness.
R-Dev could've easily struck again and taken his body over, but he did not. He then walked back behind the trees and disappeared.
Kira slowly got up, recovering from the attack.
"I don't understand..." Kira said to himself. "I've barely been known by R-Dev, and he's already attacked me more often than Miles. What does he see in me that's more important than his bitter rival?"
Kira pondered this as he got up, forgot about the event, and went to fill his hunger...
Then, in front of him, stood R-Dev. He did not even know what R-Dev looked like yet, but it was exact...
The dark black pants, coal black shirt, heavy black boots, black gloves, and his short black hair covered by his black cap. R-Dev stared with his evil black eyes at Kira. He was trembling. He made a run for it.
Kira turned to look behind him, and R-Dev was following. Kira did't have the stamina that R-Dev's inhumane body had. R-Dev caught up, and tackled Kira to the ground, hard. Kira tried to fight off R-Dev, but no luck...
Kira woke up from the nightmare to find Miles, Bryan, and Devin looking at him.
"Owww...my head..." Kira said, getting up slowly. "W-What happened...?"
"You started, like, having a nosebleed..." Bryan described. "Then you just passed out right on the concrete..."
Kira thought about his nightmare. "I think...I saw R-Dev...my god is he horrible..."
All four of them just stayed silent.
A few hours later Devin was completely okay and Kira had recovered, so they all left for home. Kira decided t stop by his favorite Zaxby's in town. "Man, I'm hungry..." he thought.
Kira was cutting across a back parking lot, but was stopped by a black figure coming out from behind the trees. Kira...was terrified...
It was R-Dev, appearing just as he did in his dream.
"Leave me alone!!!" Kira yelled out.
The snowflakes landing on R-Dev's body did not melt. He was that cold. He rose his hand, and an evil power surged through Kira.
"Stop!!!" Kira yelled out. "You're hurting me!!!"
Kira tried to fight off R-Dev's evil. For many grueling seconds Kira fought in excruciating pain. Finally, he was successful, and he fell in weakness.
R-Dev could've easily struck again and taken his body over, but he did not. He then walked back behind the trees and disappeared.
Kira slowly got up, recovering from the attack.
"I don't understand..." Kira said to himself. "I've barely been known by R-Dev, and he's already attacked me more often than Miles. What does he see in me that's more important than his bitter rival?"
Kira pondered this as he got up, forgot about the event, and went to fill his hunger...
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Kira got food for everyone and arrived home. His friends, obviously hungry, dug into their stuff as quickly as possible.
Kira sat at the futon, while his friends sat at the table. Bri and Miles came through with their food to join him.
"They ran out of chairs..." Miles said, and the two sat beside him.
"I enjoy the company guys..." Kira said.
"No problem..." Bri said, giving Kira a peck on the cheek.
As they were eating, Kira was thinking whether to tell them what he saw on his way there. Finally, he made up his mind.
"Guys?" Kira asked. "Can I tell you something?"
"Sure..." Miles said, swallowing his bite. "What is it?"
"I think... *gulp* I saw R-Dev on my way to get food..."
Miles almost spit out the drink he had in his mouth.
"I was taking an empty parking lot way, and he came from behind a tree. He immediately tried taking me over!!"
"Oh my god...' Bri said. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah..." Kira replied. "He took up my energy, and I fell down, tired. I don't know why he didn't finish me off. He surely had enough energy..."
Miles was in a state of thinking. He was then hit by another flashback...
He was eight years old, and he ran into a stranger that looked just like R-Dev. He performed the same thing Kira was talking about. He knew that led up to something, but he wasn't sure of what...
As they finished up, Kira went to put his trash away. As he looked out the window, he saw R-Dev, staring back at him, as if he was waiting for him to walk out.
Kira backed away and ran to his bed, quivering. Miles noticed. "The hell you doing that for?" he asked Kira.
Kira pointed out the window. Miles looked out. He saw a black shade, like a cloud, disappearing behind another tree. Miles wasn't sure of what Kira saw, but he sure saw something...
"Come on, Kira..." Miles said. "We're going for a walk..."
Kira sat at the futon, while his friends sat at the table. Bri and Miles came through with their food to join him.
"They ran out of chairs..." Miles said, and the two sat beside him.
"I enjoy the company guys..." Kira said.
"No problem..." Bri said, giving Kira a peck on the cheek.
As they were eating, Kira was thinking whether to tell them what he saw on his way there. Finally, he made up his mind.
"Guys?" Kira asked. "Can I tell you something?"
"Sure..." Miles said, swallowing his bite. "What is it?"
"I think... *gulp* I saw R-Dev on my way to get food..."
Miles almost spit out the drink he had in his mouth.
"I was taking an empty parking lot way, and he came from behind a tree. He immediately tried taking me over!!"
"Oh my god...' Bri said. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah..." Kira replied. "He took up my energy, and I fell down, tired. I don't know why he didn't finish me off. He surely had enough energy..."
Miles was in a state of thinking. He was then hit by another flashback...
He was eight years old, and he ran into a stranger that looked just like R-Dev. He performed the same thing Kira was talking about. He knew that led up to something, but he wasn't sure of what...
As they finished up, Kira went to put his trash away. As he looked out the window, he saw R-Dev, staring back at him, as if he was waiting for him to walk out.
Kira backed away and ran to his bed, quivering. Miles noticed. "The hell you doing that for?" he asked Kira.
Kira pointed out the window. Miles looked out. He saw a black shade, like a cloud, disappearing behind another tree. Miles wasn't sure of what Kira saw, but he sure saw something...
"Come on, Kira..." Miles said. "We're going for a walk..."
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Kira hesitantly nodded and followed Miles out the door.
Both of them started walking down the street.
"Where are we going??" Kira asked.
"Don't worry. You'll see..." Miles replied.
"But, how do I know what to expect if I don't know what's going on?" Kira asked again.
"Exactly the point..." Miles answered.
Kira was more confused now as he and Miles walked down Quarterhorse Road, right on Progressive Church Road, and left onto Old Smithfield Highway.
The walk on Old Smithfield felt like one of the longest walks you would ever take. It continued for what seemed like hours, and not one single car passed them.
Miles kept walking, very nonchalant, as they entered Goldsboro from Princeton. They crossed over 581, walked by Cherry Hospital, and into downtown.
Miles then walked down George Street and then right on Holly Street. Finally, after nearly 2 hours and 30 miles of walking, Miles finally stopped at an old rundown house.
Kira still had no idea. Miles walked up to the door, and walked in. Unsure, Kira followed him.
Inside, the house was definitely unused. There was nothing but broken furniture and papers all over the floor. The walls were cracked in many places.
"Nobody has lived in this house since it was first built..." Miles said. "I heard many stories about this house, that it was haunted or that it was going to fall down soon... However, I know what it is..."
"What?" Kira asked.
Grinning, Miles reached into the crack in the wall, and pushed what sounded like a button. The floor between Kira's legs started opening. Panicked, Kira jumped out of the way. The open floor revealed a staircase, and Miles walked down. Kira quickly followed.
When they walked in, Miles took a look around. "I remember this..." he said smiling.
Kira looked too. It was a giant almost factory-like area. Metal and machinery all over the room...
"Let's see if it still works!" Miles said. He turned on the machine, and it started. Miles typed in 5 on the keypad, and pressed enter. 5 robots, all carrying beys on a beylauncher walked out.
Kira thought this was bad news, and hid.
"Ha!" Miles said. "It works!!" He pulled out Pegasis^2 and fired at the robots. They fired back. Miles battled with the robots and Kira watched as Miles defeated all five of them.
"Now, Kira, it's your turn!"
Miles walked over to the machine, and typed in a number. Suddenly, Kira's eyes widened as 100 robots came out, all using different types of beys.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Kira yelled at Miles. "I can't possibly take all of them down!!!!"
"Yeah you can..." Miles responded. "I know for sure, you can..."
Kira readied his Gryph Begirados LW160LRF, and the robots readied theirs.
3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!
Both of them started walking down the street.
"Where are we going??" Kira asked.
"Don't worry. You'll see..." Miles replied.
"But, how do I know what to expect if I don't know what's going on?" Kira asked again.
"Exactly the point..." Miles answered.
Kira was more confused now as he and Miles walked down Quarterhorse Road, right on Progressive Church Road, and left onto Old Smithfield Highway.
The walk on Old Smithfield felt like one of the longest walks you would ever take. It continued for what seemed like hours, and not one single car passed them.
Miles kept walking, very nonchalant, as they entered Goldsboro from Princeton. They crossed over 581, walked by Cherry Hospital, and into downtown.
Miles then walked down George Street and then right on Holly Street. Finally, after nearly 2 hours and 30 miles of walking, Miles finally stopped at an old rundown house.
Kira still had no idea. Miles walked up to the door, and walked in. Unsure, Kira followed him.
Inside, the house was definitely unused. There was nothing but broken furniture and papers all over the floor. The walls were cracked in many places.
"Nobody has lived in this house since it was first built..." Miles said. "I heard many stories about this house, that it was haunted or that it was going to fall down soon... However, I know what it is..."
"What?" Kira asked.
Grinning, Miles reached into the crack in the wall, and pushed what sounded like a button. The floor between Kira's legs started opening. Panicked, Kira jumped out of the way. The open floor revealed a staircase, and Miles walked down. Kira quickly followed.
When they walked in, Miles took a look around. "I remember this..." he said smiling.
Kira looked too. It was a giant almost factory-like area. Metal and machinery all over the room...
"Let's see if it still works!" Miles said. He turned on the machine, and it started. Miles typed in 5 on the keypad, and pressed enter. 5 robots, all carrying beys on a beylauncher walked out.
Kira thought this was bad news, and hid.
"Ha!" Miles said. "It works!!" He pulled out Pegasis^2 and fired at the robots. They fired back. Miles battled with the robots and Kira watched as Miles defeated all five of them.
"Now, Kira, it's your turn!"
Miles walked over to the machine, and typed in a number. Suddenly, Kira's eyes widened as 100 robots came out, all using different types of beys.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Kira yelled at Miles. "I can't possibly take all of them down!!!!"
"Yeah you can..." Miles responded. "I know for sure, you can..."
Kira readied his Gryph Begirados LW160LRF, and the robots readied theirs.
3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!
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Miles and Kira trained with the robots til they almost passed out. Nevertheless, they walked, sometimes, Miles dragging Kira, back to their house.
They walked in the door just as it turned 9pm. Bri took Kira off Miles' hands, and Miles walked upstairs to catch some sleep.
When he arrived, Bryan was waiting up there for him.
"Hey, Bryan~" Miles said.
"Hi, Miles..." Bryan replied. "Tired, aren't ya?"
"Heh, yeah..."
"Sure looks like it!"
"Dragged Kira home, soooo...yeah..."
Well, no wonder you're tired! Come on, you need to get some shuteye..."
Miles nodded and laid down beside Bryan.
The next morning, Mile got up to find a note beside him. He read it...
"Going to the tennis courts in town to do some practicing. See ya around noon!!
Miles nodded and threw the note away, as he waited for Bryan.
Time passed, and the clock turned 1:30, and Bryan still wasn't home. Miles was worried, so he went to go find him and check on him.
Miles arrived, and found out what was taking Bryan so long; R-Dev and A.E.M.
A.E.M. had Bryan surrounded, and it looked like they were gonna land a physical wallop on him.
Miles flashed back, to a moment where this same thing happened to him. But he had to time to waste on thinking back. He had to save Bryan, now...
So, Miles charged onto the courts. R-Dev commanded the gang to charge him.
Miles started by landing an easy punch to Dark's stomach, dropping him easily, then when Lashie grappled him, Miles landed three elbows to his stomach, taking him down.
Next was Jakester. He had the speed to land a few to Miles' face, but Miles stopped him by tripping him, to where Jakester fell and faceplanted on the concrete. Star, the brute force charged blindly at him. Miles sidestepped at just the right time to send him charging into the fencepost.
G-A mirrored all of Miles' punches, and wasn't letting up. Then, Miles pulled a fake, and instead of going high, went low. That stopped G-A. Lastly, there was CD, the tallest guy. CD had the speed and force to make it happen, but Miles was faster than fast, and got CD with an uppercut to the chin, causing CD to fall like a tree.
All of them were knocked out. When Miles turned to R-Dev, he had Bryan in a choke, Bryan tearing up in pain.
"Let go of him, now!!!" Miles commanded.
"No..." R-Dev replied. "You do what I say..." R-Dev started building a power in his fist. " or Bryan may not be the Bryan you, or he, remembers..."
Bryan looked at Miles, panicked. Miles sighed. "Fine...what do you want...?"
"Pegasis^2..." R-Dev said.
Miles was internally stunned for a second. Even Bryan was stunned. He couldn't say anything, maybe because R-Dev's arm was blocking his mouth.
Miles had to choose; either lose his bey or possibly lose his best friend. Miles thought carefully, then made his choice...
He calmly pulled Pegasis^2 out, and placed it on the ground in front of him.
They walked in the door just as it turned 9pm. Bri took Kira off Miles' hands, and Miles walked upstairs to catch some sleep.
When he arrived, Bryan was waiting up there for him.
"Hey, Bryan~" Miles said.
"Hi, Miles..." Bryan replied. "Tired, aren't ya?"
"Heh, yeah..."
"Sure looks like it!"
"Dragged Kira home, soooo...yeah..."
Well, no wonder you're tired! Come on, you need to get some shuteye..."
Miles nodded and laid down beside Bryan.
The next morning, Mile got up to find a note beside him. He read it...
"Going to the tennis courts in town to do some practicing. See ya around noon!!
Miles nodded and threw the note away, as he waited for Bryan.
Time passed, and the clock turned 1:30, and Bryan still wasn't home. Miles was worried, so he went to go find him and check on him.
Miles arrived, and found out what was taking Bryan so long; R-Dev and A.E.M.
A.E.M. had Bryan surrounded, and it looked like they were gonna land a physical wallop on him.
Miles flashed back, to a moment where this same thing happened to him. But he had to time to waste on thinking back. He had to save Bryan, now...
So, Miles charged onto the courts. R-Dev commanded the gang to charge him.
Miles started by landing an easy punch to Dark's stomach, dropping him easily, then when Lashie grappled him, Miles landed three elbows to his stomach, taking him down.
Next was Jakester. He had the speed to land a few to Miles' face, but Miles stopped him by tripping him, to where Jakester fell and faceplanted on the concrete. Star, the brute force charged blindly at him. Miles sidestepped at just the right time to send him charging into the fencepost.
G-A mirrored all of Miles' punches, and wasn't letting up. Then, Miles pulled a fake, and instead of going high, went low. That stopped G-A. Lastly, there was CD, the tallest guy. CD had the speed and force to make it happen, but Miles was faster than fast, and got CD with an uppercut to the chin, causing CD to fall like a tree.
All of them were knocked out. When Miles turned to R-Dev, he had Bryan in a choke, Bryan tearing up in pain.
"Let go of him, now!!!" Miles commanded.
"No..." R-Dev replied. "You do what I say..." R-Dev started building a power in his fist. " or Bryan may not be the Bryan you, or he, remembers..."
Bryan looked at Miles, panicked. Miles sighed. "Fine...what do you want...?"
"Pegasis^2..." R-Dev said.
Miles was internally stunned for a second. Even Bryan was stunned. He couldn't say anything, maybe because R-Dev's arm was blocking his mouth.
Miles had to choose; either lose his bey or possibly lose his best friend. Miles thought carefully, then made his choice...
He calmly pulled Pegasis^2 out, and placed it on the ground in front of him.
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"Good boy..." R-Dev said, still holding Bryan in the headlock. He walked up to the bey, and picked it up.
Miles stayed still. As R-Dev turned, he then realized something. "Wait..." he said. "This is too light to be--"
As he turned back to Miles, -CRACK- , Miles lands one of the strongest kicks to R-Dev's chin, knocking out a few of his teeth. Bryan fell free of R-Dev's grip, and he scattered away.
R-Dev stood up, obviously pissed. He grabbed Bryan by the ankle before he could escape, and started torturing him by twisting his ankle slowly. Bryan screamed out.
Now Miles was angered. He defended himself, now his best friend was getting hurt. That was taking it too far for Miles. He tackled R-Dev to the ground, forcing him to let go of Bryan. Miles threw as many strong punches as he could to R-Dev, and stpped when Bryan pulled him off.
R-Dev was knocked out beyond belief. He was still alive, but definitely beat up. Miles pulled out the real Pegasis^2 from his pocket.
"I care a lot about my bey..." Miles said. "But I care about my friends more..."
"Thank you, Miles..." Bryan said. "There's no way I could possibly thank you enough for this..."
"It's alright..." Miles replied. "Come on, let's go back to the house..."
When the two arrived back, it was time to get down to business. Miles and his six friends were gonna need a plan to get R-Dev back.
The group decided that Miles had to be the one that was going to get him back. His friends could help, but the battle to get him back would have to be up to him. Confident, the group went to go get R-Dev.
However, when they went there, he and his gang were gone. They split up and tried to find him again, with no luck. The sun sank, so the group went back home.
Laying down, Bryan and Miles talked to each other.
"Ok, now tell me this' why play tennis when it's snowing?!" Miles scolded.
"I thought it would be fun!" Bryan said with a grin.
Both of them covered up.
"So Miles..." Bryan asked. "Do you think we'll ever get him back?"
"We have to..." Miles replied. "We just have to..."
"What if something happens?"
"Nothing will happen..."
"How can you be sure??"
"I just a--" Miles paused. He had a flashback to when he was a kid, and his dad was telling him a story.
"And unfortunately..." his dad had said, "after the battle, he didn't make it..."
"So..." Miles had said, "Mr. R-Sev isn't here anymore?"
"Mhm..." his dad replied. "his son R-Dev is devastated... I just hope that never happens to poor R-Dev..."
Miles snapped out of the flashback with a gasp.
"Miles, something wrong? Did you see anything?" Bryan asked.
"Uh, no, uh, nothing important... Cone on, let's rest up for tomorrow..."
Bryan nodded and fell asleep. Miles was even more scared now. "It can't happen...." he thought to himself. "I won't let it..."
Miles stayed still. As R-Dev turned, he then realized something. "Wait..." he said. "This is too light to be--"
As he turned back to Miles, -CRACK- , Miles lands one of the strongest kicks to R-Dev's chin, knocking out a few of his teeth. Bryan fell free of R-Dev's grip, and he scattered away.
R-Dev stood up, obviously pissed. He grabbed Bryan by the ankle before he could escape, and started torturing him by twisting his ankle slowly. Bryan screamed out.
Now Miles was angered. He defended himself, now his best friend was getting hurt. That was taking it too far for Miles. He tackled R-Dev to the ground, forcing him to let go of Bryan. Miles threw as many strong punches as he could to R-Dev, and stpped when Bryan pulled him off.
R-Dev was knocked out beyond belief. He was still alive, but definitely beat up. Miles pulled out the real Pegasis^2 from his pocket.
"I care a lot about my bey..." Miles said. "But I care about my friends more..."
"Thank you, Miles..." Bryan said. "There's no way I could possibly thank you enough for this..."
"It's alright..." Miles replied. "Come on, let's go back to the house..."
When the two arrived back, it was time to get down to business. Miles and his six friends were gonna need a plan to get R-Dev back.
The group decided that Miles had to be the one that was going to get him back. His friends could help, but the battle to get him back would have to be up to him. Confident, the group went to go get R-Dev.
However, when they went there, he and his gang were gone. They split up and tried to find him again, with no luck. The sun sank, so the group went back home.
Laying down, Bryan and Miles talked to each other.
"Ok, now tell me this' why play tennis when it's snowing?!" Miles scolded.
"I thought it would be fun!" Bryan said with a grin.
Both of them covered up.
"So Miles..." Bryan asked. "Do you think we'll ever get him back?"
"We have to..." Miles replied. "We just have to..."
"What if something happens?"
"Nothing will happen..."
"How can you be sure??"
"I just a--" Miles paused. He had a flashback to when he was a kid, and his dad was telling him a story.
"And unfortunately..." his dad had said, "after the battle, he didn't make it..."
"So..." Miles had said, "Mr. R-Sev isn't here anymore?"
"Mhm..." his dad replied. "his son R-Dev is devastated... I just hope that never happens to poor R-Dev..."
Miles snapped out of the flashback with a gasp.
"Miles, something wrong? Did you see anything?" Bryan asked.
"Uh, no, uh, nothing important... Cone on, let's rest up for tomorrow..."
Bryan nodded and fell asleep. Miles was even more scared now. "It can't happen...." he thought to himself. "I won't let it..."
Spoiler (Click to View)
Miles woke up the next morning to find Bryan not beside him.
"Oh Bryan, what did ya do this time?" Miles joked to himself.
Unusually, however, Bryan didn't leave a note. He then went to ask Dan if he knew, but he wasn't in his room.
"That's...strange..." Miles said. "Dan's always in his room!"
He then went to find Cloud, who usually always sat downstairs. However, downstairs, there was nobody. Miles listened carefully. There wasn't a single sound in the house, not even as much as the A/C. It was nothing but quiet.
"W-Where is everybody?" Miles said, worried.
Then, from the front door, Cloud came in with his head down and a sigh.
"Cloud! Man, I'm so glad I found you!" Miles said relieved. "Nobody's here, and I can't find them. They didn't leave a note or anything! Do you know where they might've went?"
Cloud groaned, almost as if in pain.
"Cloud? You alright?" Miles asked.
Cloud rose his head, and as soon as he looked at Miles, his eyes flashed red. He then started, almost zombie-like, walking towards Miles.
Miles freaked, and ran to his room. As soon as he made it inside, Dan was trying to get in, also taken over. Miles pushed Dan back, and locked the door.
"I can't fight them!!" Miles thought, "I just can't! They're my friends!" He looked for Pegasis^2 so he could maybe fend them off. He couldn't find it.
He heard their numbers increase. Devin was now there at the door, then Bri, then Kira. Even Bryan was taken over. The force of Miles' six friends was way too much for the door to handle.
In a last ditch effort to get away, Miles jumped the two stories from his room's window to get away. He then tried to make a break for it. But he then realized; He couldn't move!!
His possessed friends came out from the house, and slowly started getting closer.
"No!" Miles yelled. "It can't be possible!!!"
Across the street from him stood R-Dev. Miles grew furious, then realized; R-Dev was controlling them.
R-Dev motioned his hands for them to attack. Afterwards, he disappeared into nothingness.
They kept getting closer. No matter how hard Miles tried to move his feet, he couldn't.
"No! No! No!" Miles screamed, "NO! NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Miles jolted awake. He was breathing very heavily.
"So...that moment...all of it..." he thought to himself. "It was all....a dream??"
He looked next to him at the clock. 1:37 A.M. Then he looked at Bryan, who woke up to the sound of Miles panting.
"Miles..." Bryan said, exhausted, "It's 1:37. There must be something wrong if you're up right now..."
Miles looked to the window. It was open, and who was there watching?
R-Dev was, and he was controlling Miles' dreams the whole time. Enraged, Miles picked Pegasis^2 beside him, and fired.
R-Dev dodged, and Pegasis^2 ricocheted back to hit Miles in the head. R-Dev fired and landed a direct hit in the side of Miles' head. Miles fell off the bed, and as Dragoon^2 returned, R-Dev made an escape.
"Miles!" Bryan yelled out.
Miles got up and went to the window, and fired one more shot at R-Dev. It was a direct aim. He had to hit him.
But before it touched him, R-Dev turned to dust, vanishing right before Miles' very eyes. He called Pegasis back.
"The hell was all that, Miles?" Bryan asked.
Miles was too tired and stressed out to tell the whole story. He simply answered with a sigh, "I'll tell you in the morning..."
"Oh Bryan, what did ya do this time?" Miles joked to himself.
Unusually, however, Bryan didn't leave a note. He then went to ask Dan if he knew, but he wasn't in his room.
"That's...strange..." Miles said. "Dan's always in his room!"
He then went to find Cloud, who usually always sat downstairs. However, downstairs, there was nobody. Miles listened carefully. There wasn't a single sound in the house, not even as much as the A/C. It was nothing but quiet.
"W-Where is everybody?" Miles said, worried.
Then, from the front door, Cloud came in with his head down and a sigh.
"Cloud! Man, I'm so glad I found you!" Miles said relieved. "Nobody's here, and I can't find them. They didn't leave a note or anything! Do you know where they might've went?"
Cloud groaned, almost as if in pain.
"Cloud? You alright?" Miles asked.
Cloud rose his head, and as soon as he looked at Miles, his eyes flashed red. He then started, almost zombie-like, walking towards Miles.
Miles freaked, and ran to his room. As soon as he made it inside, Dan was trying to get in, also taken over. Miles pushed Dan back, and locked the door.
"I can't fight them!!" Miles thought, "I just can't! They're my friends!" He looked for Pegasis^2 so he could maybe fend them off. He couldn't find it.
He heard their numbers increase. Devin was now there at the door, then Bri, then Kira. Even Bryan was taken over. The force of Miles' six friends was way too much for the door to handle.
In a last ditch effort to get away, Miles jumped the two stories from his room's window to get away. He then tried to make a break for it. But he then realized; He couldn't move!!
His possessed friends came out from the house, and slowly started getting closer.
"No!" Miles yelled. "It can't be possible!!!"
Across the street from him stood R-Dev. Miles grew furious, then realized; R-Dev was controlling them.
R-Dev motioned his hands for them to attack. Afterwards, he disappeared into nothingness.
They kept getting closer. No matter how hard Miles tried to move his feet, he couldn't.
"No! No! No!" Miles screamed, "NO! NOOOOOOOOOO!"
Miles jolted awake. He was breathing very heavily.
"So...that moment...all of it..." he thought to himself. "It was all....a dream??"
He looked next to him at the clock. 1:37 A.M. Then he looked at Bryan, who woke up to the sound of Miles panting.
"Miles..." Bryan said, exhausted, "It's 1:37. There must be something wrong if you're up right now..."
Miles looked to the window. It was open, and who was there watching?
R-Dev was, and he was controlling Miles' dreams the whole time. Enraged, Miles picked Pegasis^2 beside him, and fired.
R-Dev dodged, and Pegasis^2 ricocheted back to hit Miles in the head. R-Dev fired and landed a direct hit in the side of Miles' head. Miles fell off the bed, and as Dragoon^2 returned, R-Dev made an escape.
"Miles!" Bryan yelled out.
Miles got up and went to the window, and fired one more shot at R-Dev. It was a direct aim. He had to hit him.
But before it touched him, R-Dev turned to dust, vanishing right before Miles' very eyes. He called Pegasis back.
"The hell was all that, Miles?" Bryan asked.
Miles was too tired and stressed out to tell the whole story. He simply answered with a sigh, "I'll tell you in the morning..."
I will update the OP with chapters at least once a week or two. Feedback is appreciated, and REQUIRED when voting...