World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: If you could be...
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I would just be myself, a shy girl named Ayumu with red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Of course, I'd bring my best friend Marissa with me! Her name would be Shiaka, and she'd have long brown hair that curls at the ends, and intimidating brown eyes. I would have Wave Libra, and she would have Flame Raven. Shiaka of course, would fall in love with Kyoya, and Kyoya with her. I would stay out of love, but I'd always be supporting Shiaka!

Masamune you rockTongue_out
I think I would be Tsubasa.

I think I would be him because when ever I battle I sometimes will literly scream out stuff like "I WILL WIN !!!! I WILL WIN !!!!.
Then a dark aura appears around me and my bey...... XD

(Apr. 03, 2012  7:29 PM)TriSix Wrote: [ -> ]I think I would be Tsubasa.

I think I would be him because when ever I battle I sometimes will literly scream out stuff like "I WILL WIN !!!! I WILL WIN !!!!.
Then a dark aura appears around me and my bey...... XD
Really? LOL! I don`t think that could happen in real life.....sorryJoyful_2
Ryuga of course there is no blader like him
I would be Chris because he's very calm when he battles but is very powerful
I would be Damian sinister and quite
Damians bey is too good to be true also.POWER OF HADES!!!!!!!!
I would be Teru i love his bey and hows he's calm and just when you think he's wimp to see how awesome he is
I'd be Kenta because we both have the same personality, (and Beyblade).
I would want to be Agito because I have always loved reptiles including dinosaurs.Joyful_2
(Jun. 03, 2012  3:15 PM)Agito fan 526 Wrote: [ -> ]I would want to be Agito because I have always loved reptiles including dinosaurs.Joyful_2

Barely any of us know who that is .. since 90% of us don't play the game.
(Jun. 03, 2012  3:21 PM)Cannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 03, 2012  3:15 PM)Agito fan 526 Wrote: [ -> ]I would want to be Agito because I have always loved reptiles including dinosaurs.Joyful_2

Barely any of us know who that is .. since 90% of us don't play the game.

Hey hey xD I'm part of the ten percent~ But does Agito even really like Dinosaurs? He wore the outfit and said these things because he'd been posessed by Nightmare Rex.
He really is cute but I'm just not sure if he is a fan of dinosaurs xD Especially after he'd gone mad because of a dinosaur bey.

I'm no sure who I would be... Hmm.. Maybe I'd be as crazy as Jack xD
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