World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I would be Nile on the MFBE.

predicting people's fates from a wagon/trailer all day would be fun.
do i really have to say???? Brooklyn of course,doing king od darkness on people,all the natrual talent,his cool hair,his cool launcher,and the fact is anybody P's me off i get Black angle wings and can like bend gravity O.o
I would be Ginga because at most times he is calm and cool and has no worries. His Pegasis is the main reason I want to be Ginga..
I would be Reiji. He is beast, and his Serpent is actually a cool-looking, semi-goodish beyblade. His Dark move rocks, too.
Id be Gingka or Brooklyn cause i like all forms of Pegasus and just like Brooklyn im misunderstood and a loner
(Dec. 19, 2010  8:43 PM)Gingka Hegane Wrote: [ -> ]Id be Gingka or Brooklyn cause i like all forms of Pegasus and just like Brooklyn im misunderstood and a loner

since when did brooklyn become a loner?
I'ld be Yuu.
I would be Masamune! Just for they fun of it + He has Ray Unicorno!

[Image: N7vE.gif][Image: tkob.gif][Image: fT8r.gif]
I'd be me and glomp Ginga haha he's so cute Smile
Errr... Was that necessary to say?
I'd be Tsubasa because if I was him, I would go to the extent of beating up Yuu!
(Dec. 27, 2010  11:21 AM)究極のブレーダー Wrote: [ -> ]I'd be Tsubasa because if I was him, I would go to the extent of beating up Yuu!
And then I'd be Ryuuga so I can then own you, hah.
Though Tsubasa is clearly pwnage, uber epic, awesome, ownage, pro and epic - or for shortnice, He's clearly not as ugly as Ryuuga.
Tsubasa, I like his voice and attitude. I'd cut my hair if I were him tho.
Hm, Damian Hart is also pretty cool, too. I'm stuck between Ryuuga and Damian. >< Hahah
Definately Damian or Jack.
(Dec. 03, 2010  3:55 PM)JÆMS Wrote: [ -> ]At the moment for me its:

plus i am very intrigued with with the Egyptian Gods/Twelve Olympians.

Percy Jackson and The Red Pyramid? xD I loved those books, My favorite. RICK RIORDAN FTW
I'd wanna be Hyoma.

Telling people Koma Villiage isn't over there or it's right there would be funSmile
Oh and cause Clay Aries is my constellation bey.
Speechlesshyoma as they say he is as cool as a cucumber;
all reijis unite!!
hyoma. or that random cool looking guy in the back ground that no one pays attention to...
Well since I only remember some characters from the original Beyblade, and I don't know anyone from season 2 it'd have to be Ryuuga. I just always like being the bad guy XP
I'd be either Wang da Xiang or Kyouya Tategami. (Didn't see that coming!?)
they're both such Beasts! Only... One of them makes a high-pitched noise when fighting... WTHKBD145DS i do to so I'd probably be Xiang.
Tsubasa or Kyouya..
NILE, He's just so awesome and calm, Like ME Grin, I love his reaction to Masamune's challenge, So... Nile all the way, I also Have Vulcan Horuseus, I like Nile's hair too, I just don't like his Name, Tongue_out.
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