World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: If you could be...
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so that i can do an even better job of annoying the hell out of people
(Jul. 20, 2009  12:35 AM)AnnieDuck Wrote: [ -> ]dizzy
so that i can do an even better job of annoying the hell out of people

Lol, but in the end you disappear and does she really count since she wasn't in the original Japanese anime?
Probably Ginga. He's so laid back and casual.
^ Untill he gets beaten by Ryuuga then hes not. lol
i be tyson because he is the main character and ginga too
(Jul. 23, 2009  3:01 PM)ichigokuro143 Wrote: [ -> ]i be tyson because he is the main character and ginga too

A lot of people think of it this way which isn't really a reason.
As much as I love Tetsuya, I would most likely like to be Kyouya. After being defeated by a foe who was obviously stronger than him (Ginga did beat him pretty easily) he doesn't give up and even uses "evil" ways to obtain more strenght, he's that determined.

Plus, he looks really cool.
I'd be Kenta becouse i sure like the way that guy thinks. Also, you gotta love Saggitario. Kenta is also a supporting charecter, and i like supporting charecters more then main ones becouse their average but still good. Ginga is awesome and all, but a little to awesome for my taste.
kenta is actually the best character in all of MFB

quote this if you're down
(Jul. 24, 2009  9:55 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]kenta is actually the best character in all of MFB

quote this if you're down

he gets points for being sane
I would be Tyson or Ginga! Tongue_out
my mom says i have the atitude of tyson..... so yea id be tyson....
max cuz i like ramen with mustard [or mayo] and i like turtles
i would be kai, my personality is somehow like his.
(Jul. 25, 2009  7:08 PM)LizHiwatari Wrote: [ -> ]i would be kai, my personality is somehow like his.

Religiously ambiguous? Confused
yeah, and lots more 8D
(Jul. 18, 2009  4:34 PM)KING Wrote: [ -> ]i'd have to agree with Brad being Hokuto for a day sounds awesome. I could get tons of publicity.
Dog that beyblades = Coolest pet ever

someone would probably lance you and take you to a lab for testing

Also if I could be a character, I'd be.. uh. I really don't know.

Moses I think is definitely the character most like me, but.

Whatever I'd be Driger so I could totally leave Ray for no reason and make him feel like he has to do a bunch of stupid carp to get me back, but then get bored of hiding in the mountains and come back
(Jul. 26, 2009  10:22 PM)Aftermath Wrote: [ -> ]Whatever I'd be Driger so I could totally leave Ray for no reason and make him feel like he has to do a bunch of stupid carp to get me back, but then get bored of hiding in the mountains and come back

I don't know what the deal with Brooklyn's character was, his character development is all carped up...I really liked him at first, laid back, care free...and then it seemed like without any build up at all he was just a douche. So, prior to him beybattling, that would be me.

Was there a change in writers mid season or something? Because it seemed like they were going a different direction and then completely changed course.
I would be Mystel because he was mysterious and carefree. Plus, who wouldn't love that mask thing he wore?
kai hes just cool
(Jul. 26, 2009  11:02 PM)Hyuuga Neji Wrote: [ -> ]I would be Mystel because he was mysterious and carefree. Plus, who wouldn't love that mask thing he wore?

*raises hand*
(Jul. 26, 2009  11:15 PM)Tempestas007 Wrote: [ -> ]*raises hand*

I'll second that. I thought it was pretty unnecesary and goofy looking.
(Jul. 26, 2009  11:02 PM)Hyuuga Neji Wrote: [ -> ]I would be Mystel because he was mysterious and carefree. Plus, who wouldn't love that mask thing he wore?

Oh God I Loved when he wore that mask. XD
Also he was a free runner.. and i wanna be one but completely fail -____- lol
1)Kenny. I think It would be really fun to be the tech master of the team.

2) Ginga. "I'm free to just go around beyblading the evil people my whole life to save people =D"
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