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I'm sure we've all done this at one point. We've all probably hidden from our friends the fact that we like Beyblade. Have you done it? Do you still do it? Talk about it here.

I never really told my friends about me liking Beyblade because I was embarrassed about it. Back in late August of 2011, I got my first serious gf (We're broken up, but she's now one of my two best friends now). I didn't want her, or my other best friend Josh to find out about it. Because of this, my Beyblades are in a box in my closet, and I haven't touched them since early September. Although they've been watching My Little Pony, and are a tad embarrassed about it, so I guess it's fine really. I've been thinking about pulling out my Beyblades and playing with them again. They'll probably understand.

I also haven't watched the anime since season 1 ended, but that's because I'm just lazy, I'll probably get back to that too.

So, what's up with you guys? Do any of you do anything like this?
People in my school who now how wild I can get, know about it, but people who know me as shy and doesn't-talk-at-all, don't know I do. I don't want to many people knowing though.
My true friends were the ones who got me into beyblades back in the day and they have a good time seeing how things have changed since so I don't hide it from them. As for my more recent friends, we're not really close enough for it to constitute "hiding" IMO.
my freinds are like beyblades are for kiddos and im like always trying to explain that how intresting they are but for them its just a toy for 4 year olds.......
but that hasnt stopped me from beyblading Smile
Nope, I flash it all around town. I am not afraid to admit that I play BeyBlade!!!
my friends know i like beyblade and take the mick sometimes, but i dont care, i live to beyblade.
I am in year 7 of school and all my friends think that beyblade is stupid.

I play with my beys all the time, but if a friend comes over, they go immediatley in the closet.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

- C.S. Lewis

Y'all are still kids so that quote probably hasn't hit home. Just remember what C.S. Lewis said when you grow older, haha.
Man, if someone knew, they'd make fun of me infinitely.
My cousins play with me, though. 11, 10, and 7.
(Apr. 02, 2012  11:16 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

- C.S. Lewis

Y'all are still kids so that quote probably hasn't hit home. Just remember what C.S. Lewis said when you grow older, haha.

It resonates pretty well with me, being that I live with people who figure if you so much as own any toys you're a perpetual child.
That's a really cool quote.

For me, I did make a Beyblade box in woodwork, but it was basically "I have those Beyblades still under my bed so I need a place to put them."

"oh yeah, beyblades! I have some of those, they were fun!"
Haha, we're a pretty good school as far as respect, it's just different when there's several girls involved in the same conversation, haha.
Best advice I can give in this thread: it passes. By the time you're in your late teens/early 20's most people won't care what you do with your spare time. And if they do ... you don't have to be around them.
My two best friends and another friend got me into beyblading. I talk about it at school, in a low, quiet voice, since I will get ridiculed for liking beys. My friends that got me into it now are sort of regretting it, since I have a HIGHLY addictive attitude, and am now importing beys from Japan! That really gets on their nerves, but I told them they would regret it. I also now have more beys in 2 months of blading than they have including Plastics and HMS beys, except for my blonde friend, who has 10 plastics and 3 MFB. Now, the people at my school are vicious, soul-sucking vampires who feed on gossip and weirdos, which I would become more of one. If I go down, all my friends do too, even if they don't like beyblading. So my secret getting out spells impending doom for me and all my friends. Also, those are some true words there, Brad.
(Apr. 03, 2012  1:44 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Best advice I can give in this thread: it passes. By the time you're in your late teens/early 20's most people won't care what you do with your spare time. And if they do ... you don't have to be around them.

Totally agree with what you said. I think the most important part is to embrace your opinion towards things and simply not listen to others blindly. I wouldn't recommend going like "I LOVE BEYBLADES" to someone you just met but once you get to know someone better they'll most likely be acceptable of it if you admit that it is a geeky hobby that you love to do on your spare time haha
I've always found this strange commonality. People who personally insult someone over liking a spinning top game (or any hobby that doesn't require going outside at an absolute 100%), probably think they are on top of the hip-hop scene or are literary elites....

Or can pick up ladies with just a wave of an index finger....
First of all i used to hide the fact that i liked Beyblade to my friends, but then they found out and they thought i was babyish, so i started telling them about the WBO and how cool Beyblades really are, they didn't believe me. However, now they like Beyblades, its just they don't know where to buy them and they are really bad at it.
not realy a problem hidding beyblade from my friends as we share a common intrest in video games or beys, it's more of a problem of school in general. as long as i don't play beyblade in the school grounds, i can be left alone in peace with my thoughts at my newest school, but at my last school, i had to either be lucky or hide in the toilets to be left alone and get teased by any kid in that part of the school, even if they were 4 years younger than me, but then i never really cared what other's thought. i wished i was in the younger part of the school cause nearly every boy there had a bey of some sort.
I used to hide beyblade from all of my friends at school, and I still kinda do.

I get called a nerd and get ridiculed whenever my schoolmates see me playing with them, even if they play Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon. I've just taken it as nothing recently....
(Apr. 03, 2012  11:51 AM)DefStamina88 Wrote: [ -> ]I used to hide beyblade from all of my friends at school, and I still kinda do.

I get called a nerd and get ridiculed whenever my schoolmates see me playing with them, even if they play Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon. I've just taken it as nothing recently....

I don't really talk about beyblade I my school.I just talk about it once and a while with my friends.
DefStamina88,they can't call you a nerd if they like pokemon.
Are you offending Pokemon? I get called a nerd because I get good grades, and when I was in Elementary school I was notorious for my Pokemon skills, video games and cards. I won many packets of gum then. Oh, don't get me started on my Bakugan craze with all the boys in the 4th and 5th grade.
I told my friends that I played with Beyblades 2 years ago and none of them judged me, mainly because a few of them worked at the local TRU.

Some of my friends, including my ex were interested in MFB were I introduced it to them, they didn't understand the competitive use of toys until I showed them some of the threads on here.
Wish I had friends like you. I just revealed this 'nerdy past time' to one of my most trusted friends who don't blade. She said and I quote:
Quote:Yea, but your an awesome nerd. Smile
It was cool.
At my old school, there was a Beyblade club, and even the high schoolers were in it. The funny thing was, they used Battle Strikers instead of Beyblades. I also invented a Pokemon/Yu-gi-oh card game at my school called Creaturesgon, and made at least $100 off of it. At my high school now, they have a Pokemon club, but no Beyblade club, and I was dissappointed.
I have hidden it from all but 1 person, my best friend. I hide my beys in a box by my bed, which also doubles as my nightstand, so nobody thinks anything of it. All my friends who come over use it as a table, so its all good. I'm happy none of my girlfriends have ever been to my house, because they would've looked under it and found out. Its kinda embarrassing because I know a few people who Beyblade at my school, and they are basically social outcasts and I don't wanna end up there.
A thread that makes me post interesting Tongue_out_wink

Yeah, I've been hiding my beys alot, and actually was so embarresed that I left them all the way since BBP DX set came out as that i bought straight away, soon after my embarresment and shame for collecting them grew.

I ended up stopping completely buying beys until around two weeks ago, during the time of the lets say session I quit I ignored all existence of them, and when the oldest anime came up in convosation (as my mates dont know I like beys), I went kinda quite and stayed out the convos as if I had no Knowledge of their existence.

Another reason was college work (Media Deploma level 3) as that was getting out of hand, and the lack of cash to spare to get them. But recently got a Twisted (hasbro Pinching_eyes_2) and MLD assault as well as Phantom Orion. I may possibly be buying the Ultimate DX set for Duo and the spares later today, and plan to get Variares in a later purchase.

That kinda wraps that up, sorry if the paragraph above this one kinda diverts from the thread, I just havent posted here in a while... Joyful_2
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