enter me in plz Fight Club[Beylentine]
Count me in! I entered 02/26/12 - Toronto, 29 DAYS and placed third
Enter Me Please! I was in 29 Days on February 29th, 12 PM
Im in went to N.Y. spiral grand prix and D.C. leap year lashing.
Goldsboro, Valen-Beys day
Goldsboro, Blader Jam
I want in!
I competed and judged in Valen-Beys and Blader Jam 4.0 (2nd place). I'm in!
I was at valen-beys and blader jam 4.0 in Goldsboro. I hope I get lucky...
Second place in Block 1 at Oh, Bey Me! Enter me, please!
Can't wait to see what pops out of those new Boosters.

Count me in(fight club- beylantine)
Count me in(fightclub-beylantine)
Count me in(fight club - beylantine)
Got second at the Los Angeles, Super Beybattle 2nd Edition on 2/4/12!!
02/11/12 - Goldsboro, Valen-Beys day
Fun! fun! fun! fun! lookin forward to the boosters!
(Feb. 29, 2012 5:14 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]About time!
2nd place, Spiral Grand Prix (or Supiru Gurando Puri for Engrish fans)
Let's do this.
EDIT: Oh snap, that Azure Booster does look nice...I wonder if the 4D faces have been put in it lol.
That would be Gurando Supairu Purikusu.
I attended the Grand Spiral Prix.
outrageous placing in finals? 3rd was supposed to be me hehe...
02/25/12 - Washington DC, Leap Year Lashing
2-25-12, Washington DC, Leap Year Lashing.
i participated in the valen-beys day
i attended 02/04/12 - Los Angeles, Super Beybattle 2nd Edition and 02/25/12 - Simi Valley, Super Beybattle 3rd Edition
02/19/12 - New York, Spiral Grand Prix
02/19/12 - New York, Spiral Grand Prix yeah top six
I was in and judged Leap-year Lashing Enter me please
Can't copy-and-paste too well on my phone, so...
[Roanoke, VA, USA, 2/18/12] The Face Race 2
Woohoo! This sounds awesome!
2/25/12 - Marietta, Oh, Bey Me!