World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: WBO Writing Links and Reviewing Company!
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Hello fellow writers,

I have recently become aware that writing here as become much more popular then before, but many of the previous talented writers are slipping away from this forum. Many, have moved to a different forum, made by Temporal, who also, was a very talented writer. That forum is PenPad Forums I would like to start a reviewing section to this thread, much like Renegade Reviews. The entry form to apply to be a reviewer is at the end of this thread.

Here are some links to threads that should be read by every author on this forum:

Stairs to Becoming a Better Writer

Tips and Guidelines

The State Of The Your Creations Forum

The Writers Handbook

Now for the reviewing!


1. Reviews are to be requested in PMs.

2. We only review a story once.

3. In the PM, you must include:
The Name of the Story
The Link to it
One Chapter/All of it

4. Requests must be sent to the person you want to review it. Only people on the list are the Reviewers.

5. All stories can be reviewed.

6. If your story is reviewed, and you get a bad review, please do not rant about it here. Just get over it, try improve your story, add more chapters and PM the person who reviewed it and ask if they can edit it. Remember: Reviewers have the right to say no, if you ask for an edit.

The Reviewers (Click to View)

Four Reviews Added.

Application to become a reviewer (Click to View)

Thank you,
This again? Lulz, let's see if I can actually be accepted this time!

Username: Ga'Hooleone (call me Ga)
Age: over 9000 Really? Why does it matter? What if people want to follow Internet Safety Rules? 14, anywho.
Any Writing Experiences: I have an unfinished story: In All But Blood, and I have a completed one-shot called Drifen, based on a song I had to play in Orchestra.
Best Paragraph: Hmmm...Kinda hard to choose a single paragraph, but I linked my one-shot. It's not too long anyways, so shouldn't take too long to read. Any feedback is appreciated.

Username: Deltafate Call Me (Dell)
Age: 14
Any Writing Experiences: Well I've been writing since I was 11
A Paragraph of your best writing:
Haha, this is back again?! Okay, let me see...

Username: BeybladerPotter (BP or BBP for short)

Age: Seriously?! Eh, I'm 11.

Writing Experience: far I've been writing stories since March so....9 months. ^^ This is my latest project but it is put on hold because of the PenPad Inaugural Writing Tournament:

Best paragraph: The first chapter of the story I linked to you shall do fine.
(Dec. 30, 2011  11:43 PM)DeltaFate Wrote: [ -> ]Username: Deltafate Call Me (Dell)
Age: 14
Any Writing Experiences: Well I've been writing since I was 11
A Paragraph of your best writing:

You have a lot of grammar mistakes in your writing, and the tenses are wrong. Try fixing it up and then PM me your fixed up application.

(Dec. 31, 2011  5:27 AM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, this is back again?! Okay, let me see...

Username: BeybladerPotter (BP or BBP for short)

Age: Seriously?! Eh, I'm 11.

Writing Experience: far I've been writing stories since March so....9 months. ^^ This is my latest project but it is put on hold because of the PenPad Inaugural Writing Tournament:

Best paragraph: The first chapter of the story I linked to you shall do fine.

That story is very well laid out and the plot seems to be well thought out.

Huh, nice PP shoutout! I want to do some reviews. Though I must ask: Do people have to request them? I mean, that'll be pretty boring if we can't go: "Hey! This one is good, so I'll help get the word out!"

Name: Temporal (People call me Temp for short. I don't care about which is used, but to me Temporal sounds cooler.)
Experience: I've self-published 2 books, I was the winner of the WBO's first writing tournament, and I've been writing novels and short stories for about seven years not.
Age: 15. Though...should we be putting our ages out there?

My best writing? Here:

I also started PenPad forums, as you said. I would consider it a great honor to help out! Though I must point out something: I can sound snide at times.
May I ask, if this topic is really necessary?
(Jan. 02, 2012  2:56 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Though I must ask: Do people have to request them? I mean, that'll be pretty boring if we can't go: "Hey! This one is good, so I'll help get the word out!"

Name: Temporal (People call me Temp for short. I don't care about which is used, but to me Temporal sounds cooler.)
Experience: I've self-published 2 books, I was the winner of the WBO's first writing tournament, and I've been writing novels and short stories for about seven years not.
Age: 15. Though...should we be putting our ages out there?

My best writing? Here:

Wow, Temporal. I'd only read the first 3 chapters of that novel, the rest is amazing! Congratulations, you're in.

And I may change that, yeah. But I'll still allow people to PM us if they want a review.

(Jan. 02, 2012  4:15 AM)T. L-Drago 9207 Wrote: [ -> ]May I ask, if this topic is really necessary?

May I ask, why isn't it? It's sort of the WBO Writing Headquarters. You can get a review for your story or you can view others.
Username: Nwolf

Any Writing Experiences: well, should I name all? Started off at an early age on here writing my first beyblade story 'Drahelix is born!' which went down a storm. I have also entered many a competition and have won several. I am friends with an official author who is currently in the process of writing a novel. I entered the WBO tag team tournament with temporal and stayed in until the end. I am friends with Temporal, Sparta and most writers on here, and I normally help on the threads I find interesting. I am also in the progress of writing a novel which I hope when finished will be officially published, having already got the support from my author friend. I find that I can pick out flaws in stories as I have been writing for over a year now, possibly two.

A Paragraph of your best writing:

I warn you it's a long paragraph, unluckily it's the longest in the novel so far:

(Jan. 02, 2012  4:15 AM)T. L-Drago 9207 Wrote: [ -> ]May I ask, if this topic is really necessary?

The idea isn't new. Before, another member had "Renegade Reviews", which was a hit. Unfortunately, the head reviewer never logged on, and thus we never had anything to do. That's where I built up a lot of my "Idiot comment/Snide remarks" reputation as a reviewer. For the most part, we got a lot of experience, and weeded out the good from the bad. And a lot of people established themselves as people you want reviewing a story. Of course, when people DID give advice, some ignored it, and tried to make us look like the bad guys.
(Jan. 02, 2012  11:31 AM)â–‘Mercuryâ–‘ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 02, 2012  2:56 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Though I must ask: Do people have to request them? I mean, that'll be pretty boring if we can't go: "Hey! This one is good, so I'll help get the word out!"

Name: Temporal (People call me Temp for short. I don't care about which is used, but to me Temporal sounds cooler.)
Experience: I've self-published 2 books, I was the winner of the WBO's first writing tournament, and I've been writing novels and short stories for about seven years not.
Age: 15. Though...should we be putting our ages out there?

My best writing? Here:

Wow, Temporal. I'd only read the first 3 chapters of that novel, the rest is amazing! Congratulations, you're in.

And I may change that, yeah. But I'll still allow people to PM us if they want a review.
(Jan. 02, 2012  4:15 AM)T. L-Drago 9207 Wrote: [ -> ]May I ask, if this topic is really necessary?

May I ask, why isn't it? It's sort of the WBO Writing Headquarters. You can get a review for your story or you can view others.
You mean the reviewers can view others? Or is it just guests clicking on the links? Or will this be like the WBO Library? Where we will pick nice stories and put it up there?
Mercury how much longer will i have to wait before I know if I am in.
This seems like a good idea.

Name: SwiftShadow or Swift for short
Writing Experiences: I've been writing for a while but took a break from it for the past month or so. I have an unfinished story Lost In Darkness. I also have another story The Arsonists which I started to work on but never really got anywhere with it.
Paragraph of best writing: I guess this will do. It's from the first chapter of Lost in Darkness.

A never ending cycle of these battles had haunted my past, although they always ended the same way. I had memorized it, but could never overcome the devastating defeat. By now, he would have me trapped against the wall of the building with the one sword he still had at my neck. I would struggle to free myself, but the efforts were always futile. He would raise his hand and the one sword that I knocked away from before would make its way back to him. With one upward strike, he would send my swords hurdling up into the endless sky, never to be seen again. And lastly, he would turn away and stab me, burying his blade into my right rib. His grip on the sword would intensify, as shockwaves of energy from his dark soul would erupt into my body. My bones would shatter as he would finally disappear through the wall of the building that I was trapped against, muttering out the word "pitiful" as he left.
(Jan. 02, 2012  1:51 PM)Nwolf Wrote: [ -> ]Username: Nwolf

Any Writing Experiences: well, should I name all? Started off at an early age on here writing my first beyblade story 'Drahelix is born!' which went down a storm. I have also entered many a competition and have won several. I am friends with an official author who is currently in the process of writing a novel. I entered the WBO tag team tournament with temporal and stayed in until the end. I am friends with Temporal, Sparta and most writers on here, and I normally help on the threads I find interesting. I am also in the progress of writing a novel which I hope when finished will be officially published, having already got the support from my author friend. I find that I can pick out flaws in stories as I have been writing for over a year now, possibly two.

A Paragraph of your best writing:

I warn you it's a long paragraph, unluckily it's the longest in the novel so far:

Accepted! Smile

(Jan. 03, 2012  3:50 AM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: [ -> ]You mean the reviewers can view others? Or is it just guests clicking on the links? Or will this be like the WBO Library? Where we will pick nice stories and put it up there?

I'm not really sure what you meant there. You can pick a story, review it, PM it to me and I put it in the OP

(Jan. 03, 2012  5:46 AM)DeltaFate Wrote: [ -> ]Mercury how much longer will i have to wait before I know if I am in.

I'm no longer accepting applications. You did apply before I closed, but you to work a bit on your plot and grammar. When I re-open for applications, I'll consider yours.

(Jan. 03, 2012  6:23 AM)SwiftShadow Wrote: [ -> ]Great Application...

Accepted! Smile

nice to know i'm in, it's good to be working alongside temporal again! Also I do think that this will be a mix of the library and reviews? as in you can click on the link to the story that has been reviewed? is that the case?
Guys, I am bumping this. I think people really need this thing.
So do I. Would someone mind doing Stealth Serpents story? I can't.
Send me the link and I'll try.
hey good to have another reviewing company... glad i inspired people.
hope it kicks off well. If you need tips my reviewing company is still open
(Jan. 03, 2012  3:40 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 02, 2012  4:15 AM)T. L-Drago 9207 Wrote: [ -> ]May I ask, if this topic is really necessary?

The idea isn't new. Before, another member had "Renegade Reviews", which was a hit. Unfortunately, the head reviewer never logged on, and thus we never had anything to do.

in my defence i'd like to say i did log on, but i didn't much.
My reason was because i was away on holidays plus grounded and wasn't able to access the internet.
However, Sparta and I are working to get Renegade Reviews back on track.

This is my version of Renegade Reviews. A competitor it seems. Anyways, I'm just reviewing Stealth Serpents story, so no need for you to do it, BeyBladerPotter.

EDIT: Added. Smile
(Jan. 07, 2012  1:08 PM)Nwolf Wrote: [ -> ]nice to know i'm in, it's good to be working alongside temporal again! Also I do think that this will be a mix of the library and reviews? as in you can click on the link to the story that has been reviewed? is that the case?

I never saw this. Its a Reviewing Company with some links at the top. Thats it for now.
I think we might want a name. Anyway, I'll review some stories and hit you up with a PM.
Thanks BP. BP's review is in the OP.

I'm currently accepting two more reviewers.

And yes, we need a name. Please PM me with suggestions.
Hrm... I would like to do something. Any reviews that need to be done?
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