World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Blood's Free Signature, Avatar, And More!(CLOSED!)
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TextTongue_outhantomKid at bottom right.
The backround color a green lightning.
Character: Kyoya in his aura at the left and Leone the bey or Leone the Lion at the top right. I fit is the bey can you try and make it spinning? It is a Sig please and if you can a avatar with Kyoya in his aura

How's it going with the avatar DeX?
I ordered a sig, are you working on it
(Nov. 11, 2011  3:58 PM)DeX Wrote: [ -> ]3. OH PLEASE FOR THE LAST TIME DON'T MAKE ME RUSH!! I NOW have a point counter:
| point:1 day Banned
|| point: 1 week Banned
||| point:1 month Banned

ahem... read please. I feel im getting rushed because of you. so please, THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING

EDIT: What Leone? Leone, rock leone, or fang leone?
OMG! This is awesome sauce! Thank you for the avatar.
Fang Leone please
Hey Dex, I'd like to make a signature request.. Smile Been a while eh?

Format: Signature

Details: I want the theme of it to be of RotMG (Realm of the Mad God)
You can use any sprites from the game, but I'd prefer something like the Mad God (my avatar) as the centerpiece. More of an evil scheme to it as well. Maybe some purple and red mixed together. If you need higher resolution pics, or if you can screenshot it, Google the images, or go to to see what the sprites are like.

Text: I'd like to have Realm of the Mad God on the signature. More centered towards the center (lol) of it, in a cool red font that can go along with the 8 bit theme, and maybe glowing?

A few references that I made. Grin

Sorry if you can't do it. :c
Oh, and you should actually try the game out, it's addicting! Eee

Thanks DeX!
Details: Have a Red Dranzer S in a flaming background. Flames spelling Phoenix Inferno Making the P with a wing.
Text Risen From Ashes
Pic:copy link
Thx. Now I'll be easier.
FormatConfusedignature & Avatar Matching Please
Details: the background is red with crystals falling with wing of pegasis on the side.
Text: The next generation~ Font:Comic Sans MS.Color:White with Black outlinning.
can u do banners?

if u can, can i request this:

format: (if u can) banner

details: a red orange feiry gravity perseus with firey backround.

text: bold, ms english font, THE ARGONAUTS on gravity perseuses sheild

pic: (1:18 of the vid)

thx if u can do itSmile
"can u do banners?" if i dont, why the hell did i made you one last time XD
Sure! no problemo, amigo!
@Mr ray sure thing!

I guess Everyone gets their sig this sunday, perhaps?
What about my request,DeX. I don't mean to spam the thread. Please don't warn me. I am just a kid!
Thats what they all say...

Yeah yeah, your included ...
(Nov. 24, 2011  7:42 AM)DeX Wrote: [ -> ] "can u do banners?" if i dont, why the hell did i made you one last time XD
Sure! no problemo, amigo!
@Mr ray sure thing!

I guess Everyone gets their sig this sunday, perhaps?
Last time u made a sig but now I understand. Am I also included? Thx
Hey Dex, not rushing you or anything,
Hows the Avatar going?
Do you really want a point? Im feeling rushed.

Pls, dont post Here until i give you your sig, understood?
Ok I'm sorry about that.... It wouln't happen again.
(Nov. 24, 2011  2:13 AM)NearLawliet1228 Wrote: [ -> ]can u do banners?

if u can, can i request this:

format: (if u can) banner

details: a red orange feiry gravity perseus with firey backround.

text: bold, ms english font, THE ARGONAUTS on gravity perseuses sheild

pic: (1:18 of the vid)

thx if u can do itSmile.

By gravity Perseus I meant the beast, but from the vid, it'll clear that up, just wanted to make u knew that so u wouldn't get confused.


Format : Signature
DetailsTongue_outurple and black background
Text: Gravity Perseus and user name in red
Pictures: Gravity Perseus
(Nov. 27, 2011  12:49 AM)DeX Wrote: [ -> ]SHOP CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!!!


To be honest, you should cancel either here or ryu's shop, tmoney. You are violating my rules, and WBO's.

And i cant believe you did not read whats on top of your post
Hey dude,you should let it open! I'm always here to help.Can I futfil their requests?Just been back from my vacation at London,so I can't help you out last week.
Hmm... Sure. I think i need help right now.

HOWEVER, i'll do Raigeko's sig and maeyer's, so i have something to do
Not to rush you at all you can take all the time you want but is mine in the making?
Hey DeX,If the Avatar image is too large can you look one up for me.But if you are already done with the image avatar stuff keep on going.
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