World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: GFX tournament round 2: SdamonCronous VS ga'hooleone
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Pages: 1 2
theme: Music

Entry 1:
[Image: 2U6oZ.png]

Entry 2:
[Image: Screenshot2011-09-27at52056PM.png]


entry 2 will have a penalty point. Just 1 for size
What was the theme
Music was the theme.
graphically entry 1 is the best but meaningly i find entry 2 having a deeper one but unfortunately its a gfx round so i have to vote for entry 1
Entry 1 everything in it is about music and has the basics of tag making so i vote for Entry 1
Entry is better graphically. It has a nice mix of C4D's and other stuff.
I vote for entry 1.
The theme is music, and with a cool theme, I'm gonna go with two.

There is just music, no robots.
I vote Entry 1.
I like the idea and concept of adding a robot and still having music in the GFX.
Entry 2 was to plain.
Score Check!

1: 4
2: 0 (since there was a 1-vote penalty for it)

A little gift for entry 2, since it's pretty obvious who made which by this point :\: Try playing that melody on a piano. The measure lines extend from first line (E) to fifth line (high F). Plus, as always, the swirl in the treble clef is on G. If you're a LoZ fan, you might recognize the tune. PM me if you think you know what is.
Music is rarely something I imagine as straight lines.
(Sep. 30, 2011  3:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Music is rarely something I imagine as straight lines.

May i ask why Kai-V?

I am voting for ENTRY 1, it's just a better GFX overall. Good background, has a meaning of a theme to it the robot is kindda weird too thou, and there is a real choice of color, as in a consistent theme if you understand
(Sep. 30, 2011  3:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Music is rarely something I imagine as straight lines.

The idea was to show a piano staff/stave, since I was actually making a real piece on the staff.
(Sep. 30, 2011  3:46 PM)Izuma Inzori Wrote: [ -> ]May i ask why Kai-V?

The music I listen to is alive. I do not know what sort of music you listen to that would be so boring it would show in your mind as straight lines.

GaHooleone Wrote:The idea was to show a piano staff/stave, since I was actually making a real piece on the staff.

There could have been something more expressive in the background, below or behind that stave.
i vote entry 1
What is your reason? You have to say why.
I vote entry 1, its color combo works well and entry 2 is cool but it just doesn't express it's self as much as entry 1, do you get what I am saying?
I just might point out that in entry 1 the robot seems like it may be a DJ, just looking at the way the hands are and the headphones.
i voted entry 1 cause it has better GFX and thats all
ENTRY 1. Its just graphicly better.
Entry 1 for DJ Bot and choregraphics background
(Sep. 30, 2011  9:36 PM)JINX Wrote: [ -> ]i vote entry 1

(Oct. 01, 2011  12:02 PM)JINX Wrote: [ -> ]i voted entry 1 cause it has better GFX and thats all

(Oct. 01, 2011  12:20 PM)qwertxj3 Wrote: [ -> ]ENTRY 1. Its just graphicly better.

really? this vote's are mot counted. you know the reason why

Oh, and the robot seems to be from cartoon network. that weird 'bot in toonami?
^Well, if you look at it that way, then...

Score Check!:

1: 7
2: 0

Anyone figured out what the song I arranged in the sig is yet? It takes all of 2 minutes to find out, and it's a nice tune as well.
Um, my friend said it was Princess Zelda's theme or something like that. I really don't know...
Nope. Something else. Try playing it on a piano.
When the Saints go marching in? I sold my piano about 6 moths ago Confused
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