World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [SSS] [Kennesaw, Georgia] WBO Bey Lightning
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If you didn't know already, this is the Georgia WBO Summer Spin Showdown sponsored by ToyWiz.

Where: Swift-Cantrell Park
Address: 3140 Old US Highway 41, Kennesaw, Georgia
When: August 13th, 2011 1:00 PM

Meeting place:
Map of park near restrooms near park entrance.

No entrance fee.

1st: $75 certificate for shopping on ToyWiz
2nd: $50 certificate for shopping on ToyWiz
3rd: $25 certificate for shopping on ToyWiz

Bring your own stadiums for free play.

Post if you are going to come.

Kaiba Hiwatari
Plastic Zeus
storm dranzer

Coasters "R" Us
Haha, this is the same day I was planning to do my tourney. Tongue_out But since you've gotten yours approved, put me on the attendees list, I guess. Smile
(Jul. 21, 2011  12:49 AM)Kaioya Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, this is the same day I was planning to do my tourney. Tongue_out But since you've gotten yours approved, put me on the attendees list, I guess. Smile

Added. Smile
Count me in
My friend Basalt can come. Obviously he doesn't care enough to get on and say that himself, but he can come. Tongue_out
(Jul. 22, 2011  2:28 AM)Kaioya Wrote: [ -> ]My friend Basalt can come. Obviously he doesn't care enough to get on and say that himself, but he can come. Tongue_out

Okay. Then I'll add him to the attending list. Smile
This is great! Now I just need 4 more people to come! If only the people I PMed would reply...
Yeah, this is where my tournament kinda fell apart. Unhappy I had the same people that you have now, but my other four 'participants' hadn't said a word back to me.
Put me under "possible"
(Jul. 23, 2011  7:33 AM)BeyBladingFury Wrote: [ -> ]Put me under "possible"

Done. Smile
Wait never mind i cant come to the tournament
(Jul. 23, 2011  7:50 PM)Storm Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Wait never mind i cant come to the tournament

Gahhhh darn it. :\
OP update!: Meeting place!
Poll added!

I bought stadiums for the tourney and just received them! Man, they came fast!
Maybe you could tell people to say if they have a legal stadium we can use. Then we can keep track of how many we should have.
(Jul. 25, 2011  6:58 PM)Kaioya Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe you could tell people to say if they have a legal stadium we can use. Then we can keep track of how many we should have.

We shouldn't need more than 2 stadiums unless a whole lot of people suddenly decide to enter the tournament.
You should invite people to bring their own stadiums whether they are legal or not, for free play.
Put me on "possible" please. I would love to go but I'm not sure if I can.
By the way, are there any prizes? Like if you win 1st and 2nd and 3rd.
(Jul. 27, 2011  11:42 PM)storm dranzer Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, are there any prizes? Like if you win 1st and 2nd and 3rd.

You'll know soon enough.
tomorrow I'll ask my friend masamuneunicorn if he wants to go to the tourney at 6 flags.
Maybe I can go. I'll have to check out my schedule.
I will try to make it so just slap me under possible
I will try to make it so just slap me under possible
I ca't wai
I can't wait for this! ibeyblader, I think someone should bring a camera and put your tourney on bey channel Grin
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