World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145-MF
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HiSmile This one is my favorite combo, since it works very well as a Jack of all tradesSmile
It will win with some if not most of top tier combos of every types but the thing is that to win against some combo you have to use different style of shooting Smile

I use these equipment:
-TT Attack Stadium(came with GP dx-set)
-Every test against each combo were tested 20 times( some redone will be stated)
-Hell Kerbecs always launch after another bey

Against Defend types

Against Stamina Type

Against Attack Types

I updated some results that I've already tested last nightSmile but I haven't test it against Gravity Persues in its attack combo yet, I'll test theme if I can Smile but if anyone could test it for me, that would be a million thanks to youWink

Loll...I just learned how to add spoilerSmile
Those are not "stamina types", 85 is completely outclassed, BD145/TH170/230 takes care of that without a sweat.

230WD is a bad combo to make, I think I found that something like Flame85D can outspin that.
230CS/D > 230WD for OSing.

Quote:HK : 12 wins out of 20 by OS
5 win out of 20 by KO
BC : 30 win out of 20 by OS
What the heck does this mean?

Is that bad maths, how did you get 30 wins out of 20 by OS for Basalt Cancer.

No tests against 230CS (the main enemy for OSing)?

Also this has been discussed before, has there been a thread for this already?
I would not go as far as to saying 85 is outclassed. If you didn't notice, Basalt 85WD/SD/D beats BD145 customs rather easily. Even 230 combos can be taken down by 85 combos. Also, why would 230CS be the main enemy?
Hah , i made this combo but it doesn't do to well compared to CS.

And guys above maybe take this to PM as it is a bit off topic for his thread.
I have not seen more than three posts actually related to the OP. You both should know better to take an off-topic argument to PMs.
I too have made this combo, I thought this would not be discovered
Like I said, I'll post more result afterward(Combo with CS bottom are also included) Smile After I got home, that is~!
I can provide tests if needed Tongue_out
But tests against attackers would be nice as i would like to see how it does compared to the CS variant.
Of course, please any test are welcomeSmile it'll help alot !
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Well, I'm actually pretty impressed with this combo so far against random beys, but for the testing I did I revisited the MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230 CS and WD issue for some matchups that you might find in my metagame.

My equipment/setup:
TT Attack Stadium
3 segment grip (black)
string launchers (red)

MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145MF vs. MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230WD
230 shot first, Hell is tornado stalled
MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145MF 16/20 (14 OS, 2 KO)
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230WD 4/20 (4 OS, 0 KO)
No ties
HK wins 80%

The tornado stall is the key for this combo matchup - the only times HK lost is when it made contact early and lost momentum - but of course the other 2 times it made contact early it scored a KO, so on the whole not terrible either.

MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145MF vs. MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230CS
Basalt 230CS shot first aggressively banked, Hell is tornado stalled
MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145MF 11/20 (3 OS, 8 KO)
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230CS 9/20 (2 OS, 7 KO)
11 ties by double KO
HK wins 55%

Against Basalt 230 CS, it's a whole different ball game. If the CS is calm and shot toward the center, Hell wins fairly easily just as in the WD testing above. But - and this is a big but - if the cs is aggressive or if you bank aggressively to put the Basalt wheel up near the tornado ridge then this matchup is pretty much a carp shoot.

Overall, I don't think I will add this to my lineup, but I think that it could find a place for some folks to beat a lot of random beys.
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(Jul. 21, 2011  9:57 PM)CurlyMagic Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 21, 2011  8:01 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]MF-H Hell Kerbecs 230MF vs. MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230WD
230 shot first, Hell is tornado stalled
MF-H Hell Kerbecs 230MF 16/20 (14 OS, 2 KO)
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230WD 4/20 (4 OS, 0 KO)
No ties
HK wins 80%

Isn't the combo from this thread MF-H Hell Kerbecs BD145MF ?
Alongside my combo which was XF rather than MF.

Uhhh, yup. My typo. Sorry! Have corrected above.