World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Greensboro, North Carolina] 5/22/11 Yankee Invasion: Second Wave
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Use my extended excuse!
High of 87, low of 67. That's for sunday in Raleigh, might be different in GBRO.
(May. 19, 2011  1:27 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Use my extended excuse!

I'll try. Sweet talk tomorrow.
87 = shorts weather. It has been decided!

Just tell your mom to give it a shot and that it isn't just kids; there are older "kids" there, too.

IKMV said he might go to this, but slim chance.
Wait were going to be outside
Oh, IKMV. I had no clue what you were talking about at first. The more the merryer, and the better chance of this happening!
(May. 19, 2011  1:40 AM)cyberbeyblade78 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait were going to be outside
No, I don't do outdoor tournaments anymore after I got warned for canceling one due to rain.
Oh snap! Wer doing this at a venue? I thought we wer gonna be outside.
well do u think u can give us directions cus i dont know how to get there
how do i get to the comic place cus generally ima yankee(from ct)
Use map quest
(May. 19, 2011  1:37 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]87 = shorts weather. It has been decided!

Just tell your mom to give it a shot and that it isn't just kids; there are older "kids" there, too.

IKMV said he might go to this, but slim chance.
Wait Speaking IKMV then Greater chance for me to go Road Trip
IKMV isn't going in our car...

My father is coming with us because he won't let me use his car without him and we're staying two nights in two different hotels. One is in a suite.
Can I get the suite?
We're all sharing the suite -__-
(May. 19, 2011  2:02 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]We're all sharing the suite -__-
?.? will I be able to get back home on sunday? Lips_sealed
Yes. You need $50 for gas.
just so u know im a yankee
Shotz, you live in the south. You're a confederate. xD
(May. 19, 2011  2:07 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. You need $50 for gas.
who said the Gas Tank Size was Bigger?
(May. 19, 2011  2:21 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]what?
i was born in ct der
i was born in ct
(May. 19, 2011  2:08 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Shotz, you live in the south. You're a confederate. xD

not really im from conneticut
im ron i live in michigan andi i want to start a tournament in michigan
im not a fet im from conneticut
>_> <_< *hides in deh suite* I wish i could come with you guys on this one -_- deikailo you better bring another one to virgina or ima finds out where you live and sleep under your bed at nighjt >:D
rong place bub
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