World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Greensboro, North Carolina] 5/22/11 Yankee Invasion: Second Wave
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but anyway do it for beyblade:p
Let us know what happens asap, I was excited for this tourney. Besides that I need to get my beypoints back up there lol
By the way, is the weather hot down there yet? Do I need to wear shorts?
(May. 18, 2011  11:41 PM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, is the weather hot down there yet? Do I need to wear shorts?

Not by my terms. It might suddenly get really hot this weekend though. DM owes me 3 explosion beys, maybe I'll trade my beys for this. I wear shorts anyway. It isn't cold.
i got another person add beymasta hes from my team pm him hes lost
in forest city were i live its raining like carp
(May. 18, 2011  11:43 PM)Titan Blader Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 18, 2011  11:41 PM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, is the weather hot down there yet? Do I need to wear shorts?

Not by my terms. It might suddenly get really hot this weekend though. DM owes me 3 explosion beys, maybe I'll trade my beys for this. I wear shorts anyway. It isn't cold.

Can you let us know the weather for sure? I sweat easy lol
im epic like that
Ship, NJ was warm so I think it will be hot down there. I'm packing shorts because it's NC. My father is driving us so we have two nights in a hotel. I'm going to try to get one with a pool on saturday night.
it supposedly is sunny but might rain so if u have a jacket and a place to keep are beys from getting wet
if u need help in nc let me know i have a huge map of nc
We have two GPSs so no worries.
One thing you should see in Greensboro is the ACC Hall of Fame. And if you go to the Triangle, eat at Time-Out in Chapel Hill.
did u apologize to doesnt matter? he pmed me wat happened and y do have to apologize
What kind of food does Time-out have? Maybe we can all go before the tournament for lunch. Smile
ehh idk ill look it up my friend goes to collegue in greensborgue so ill check
Tell your friend to come Beyblade, haha!
again...shes in collegue
(May. 19, 2011  12:27 AM)shotz Wrote: [ -> ]again...shes in collegue

So am I
A female, even better! Grin
IN collougue has school cat come
(May. 19, 2011  12:22 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]What kind of food does Time-out have? Maybe we can all go before the tournament for lunch. Smile

Well, unless one opened in the triad, it's over an hour away from there. They have southern food in general. Their specialty is chicken and cheddar biscuit. Again, over an hour from there.
titan plz apologize to doesnt matter
wat happened
I'll apologize, but I'm not saying he will accept it.
he pmed me he wants 1
I have just confirmed with cyberbeyblade78's parents that cyberbeyblade78 will be traveling with us in Adam's place.
I apologized to him. Now we wait until he accepts or starts carpin' off at me. His mom and my mom need to say OK still.
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