World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Greensboro, North Carolina] 5/22/11 Yankee Invasion: Second Wave
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Although this tourney was small it was fun. NC has a nice little community of bladers. Joyful_2
(May. 23, 2011  12:14 PM)Titan Blader Wrote: [ -> ]What were the winning combos. Was LT there.

There was a lighting tank there. That was the only thing I lost to. He hit me so hard my RS tip broke. I should've used a WD tip or something. And the combo I use in the tournament was MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145 RS/WD
Dark its up to you to build NCs blader community!
(May. 23, 2011  2:42 PM)Ship Wrote: [ -> ]Dark its up to you to build NCs blader community!

Thats what im gonna do.
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