World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Ichida Wrote:Why not just lay out three blades in front of you, then choose your blade at the last second, after your opponent chooses theirs? If your opponent's smart, though, you both could be waiting for some time. Or at least until whoever's refereeing their match gets pissed off.

There will be a rule in place to handle this.
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Trying to trick the opponent by leading them down the wrong path is a part of EVERY COMPETITIVE HOBBY EVER.

also the basic strategy of any tactician outside of the world of sports and games
Yes that said tacticians (as in war) is all about getting the upper hand/advantage so it boils down to I tricked you the terrain is now uneven and I am on top. But yes as Brad says it's basically deal with it.
Ozuma Wrote:
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Trying to trick the opponent by leading them down the wrong path is a part of EVERY COMPETITIVE HOBBY EVER.

also the basic strategy of any tactician outside of the world of sports and games
Yes that said tacticians (as in war) is all about getting the upper hand/advantage so it boils down to I tricked you the terrain is now uneven and I am on top. But yes as Brad says it's basically deal with it.

Isn't this the point of competing? I would hardly call it unfair as every player has the capacity to do it.
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Ozuma Wrote:
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Trying to trick the opponent by leading them down the wrong path is a part of EVERY COMPETITIVE HOBBY EVER.

also the basic strategy of any tactician outside of the world of sports and games
Yes that said tacticians (as in war) is all about getting the upper hand/advantage so it boils down to I tricked you the terrain is now uneven and I am on top. But yes as Brad says it's basically deal with it.

Isn't this the point of competing? I would hardly call it unfair as every player has the capacity to do it.
No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

However I'm of the opinion that what matters in battle is not the opponent or the "weapon" (sword, beyblade, even pool cue if you wanna go that far..) It's having the strength and skill to overcome whatever opponent you come against, but that's just my rather traditional way of looking at it.
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

I think Prediction is more skill and technique. Knowing an opponent and what they prefer to use. Getting inside the opponents head is skillful, deception is a useful technique and commonplace sure. I just don't approve of it personally. That just happens to be MY opinion.
Ozuma Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

I think Prediction is more skill and technique. Knowing an opponent and what they prefer to use. Getting inside the opponents head is skillful, deception is a useful technique and commonplace sure. I just don't approve of it personally. That just happens to be MY opinion.

When it's someone you're meeting for the first time, there's no way to know their playing style.

Maybe you should go play with AvatarKnight. Wink
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Ozuma Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

I think Prediction is more skill and technique. Knowing an opponent and what they prefer to use. Getting inside the opponents head is skillful, deception is a useful technique and commonplace sure. I just don't approve of it personally. That just happens to be MY opinion.

When it's someone you're meeting for the first time, there's no way to know their playing style.

Maybe you should go play with AvatarKnight. Wink

Yeah I think it's zen? Chocked_2
Why do you think I'm on here? I'm finding out what people prefer to use. Some people are quite vocal about it. This is research for me. Tongue_out
from what I heard about HMS, would the main contenders be DEMS and Wolborg MS, uncustomized? They seem to be amazing beyblades Chocked
Elmo Wrote:from what I heard about HMS, would the main contenders be DEMS and Wolborg MS, uncustomized? They seem to be amazing beyblades Chocked

I've talked a lot about what I expect to see people using on BBF, but these two will be quite popular. I think players will be able to make some accurate guesses based on the stadium, but I'm sure other players will counter those predictions ...
Does anyone need a roommate for BND? The price for a single is a little much, so a roommate would reduce the cost at least.
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

Unless both players use the same blade.
Blade12 Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

Unless both players use the same blade.


Stop it, please. Confused
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Blade12 Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Quote:No the point of competing in my mind is a one on one contest of 2 combatants using all their skill and technique against each other until one emerges victorious.

Deception is a part of skill and technique. Otherwise, it's sheer luck; picking a Beyblade at random and hoping the opponent doesn't pick a counter.

Unless both players use the same blade.


Stop it, please. Confused

Uh...what do you mean? Stop what?...
With your ridiculous examples backing up your argument.
Mr. Toto Wrote:Does anyone need a roommate for BND? The price for a single is a little much, so a roommate would reduce the cost at least.

I'm out of school then, so I may be able to go.
Well my dad gave me permission to go, but there's still all of the complicated things to deal with. I have to get a good priced plane ticket, renew my passport, & get the $$$ for everything. $$$ is my main issue here since I doubt my dad would let me work. I'll work on trying to let me get a job.

Also, how old do you have to be at least to board a plane alone? Was it 18? I might have to be flown as an unaccompanied minor.
G Wrote:Also, how old do you have to be at least to board a plane alone? Was it 18? I might have to be flown as an unaccompanied minor.


Seriously? Nm then I'm fine for that. I just need $ now
Tamer Brad Wrote:With your ridiculous examples backing up your argument.

Using the same beyblades has nothing to do with my argument.
I thought Ozuma liked skill and technique, so the same blades means you have to have skill and technique. I'm not suggesting everyone should use the same blades for BND.
Blade12 Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:With your ridiculous examples backing up your argument.

Using the same beyblades has nothing to do with my argument.
I thought Ozuma liked skill and technique, so the same blades means you have to have skill and technique. I'm not suggesting everyone should use the same blades for BND.

Your choice of Beyblade puts an upper limit on skill. No matter how you launch, there's an upper limit to the attack power of a zombie type customization, although you can't say that the custom is a bad custom- it's just a bad choice for the situation.
so who exactly put together this thing? who paid for it? whats anime north? how many people are gonna show? how many often show? will people dress up in cosplay since its anime related?
Brad is in charge of BND.
I think they're just going to pick a section and play.
Anime North=Anime convention in Canada.
Overall or from here?
It's an anime convention so yes. I'm not sure who here is though.
G Wrote:It's an anime convention so yes. I'm not sure who here is though.

I'm thinking about doing Z0, though EGL is pretty much a given. :B
oh god i hope nobody cosplays

brandonk129 Wrote:so who exactly put together this thing? who paid for it? whats anime north? how many people are gonna show? how many often show? will people dress up in cosplay since its anime related?

I'm putting it together. Anime North is sponsoring the event. We're expecting 20-30 people. At the last event we got 60+ but Beyblade is obviously not that popular anymore.

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