World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Fleetscut Wrote:
Spinster Wrote:
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Elliot, we'll be fine.

1. You're not the only one with a car.
2. You'll probably have a car.
3. There is extensive subway and bus support.

i believe we took the subway there one year. i think it was the first year we went. if i remember correctly the restaurant is at the same intersection as spadina subway station. so if worse comes to worse you just gotta spare the 2.80 for bus fare. it itsnt much of a long ride either

It's only $2.80?!? You mean I've been cramming 38 people in my car each year for the past 4 years, and it's only $2.80 to take the damn subway?!?

when i started highschool it was like 2-2.25

Yeah, well, in the States, gas is like, $3.00 a gallon, and as I understand it, it's even more expensive in Canada, soooooo.... Subway it is!
Spinster Wrote:
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Elliot, we'll be fine.

1. You're not the only one with a car.
2. You'll probably have a car.
3. There is extensive subway and bus support.

i believe we took the subway there one year. i think it was the first year we went. if i remember correctly the restaurant is at the same intersection as spadina subway station. so if worse comes to worse you just gotta spare the 2.80 for bus fare. it itsnt much of a long ride either

It's only $2.80?!? You mean I've been cramming 38 people in my car each year for the past 4 years, and it's only $2.80 to take the damn subway?!?

How much did you think it was?
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Spinster Wrote:
Fleetscut Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:Elliot, we'll be fine.

1. You're not the only one with a car.
2. You'll probably have a car.
3. There is extensive subway and bus support.

i believe we took the subway there one year. i think it was the first year we went. if i remember correctly the restaurant is at the same intersection as spadina subway station. so if worse comes to worse you just gotta spare the 2.80 for bus fare. it itsnt much of a long ride either

It's only $2.80?!? You mean I've been cramming 38 people in my car each year for the past 4 years, and it's only $2.80 to take the damn subway?!?

How much did you think it was?

Hell if I know... more than $2.80, that's for sure!
when i was in baltimore over the summer their transit fare was 1.15 or something. i was surprised when i heard how much it was

and now that i think about it it might be 2.75. its the student fare thats 1.80
It's all about getting a day pass. something like 8.50 will get 4/5 of us on with unlimited travel options. 4 people chip in $2 and we're there and back for nearly half the normal price.
That's good to know, Emily. Smile

So! Subway Beybattles?
we've done it before. even got some random people to join in
Sounds like fun to me. Just be careful our blades don't go rogue and smack some random passerby in the face.

I honestly didn't think it was a good idea. I'm surprised you agreed.
Tamer Brad Wrote:So! Subway Beybattles?

"This is our TTC match! Using the physics of the train to our advantage!"
Okay that looks like fun.

If the train isn't packed, I'm in.
XDD, I remember that! It was awesome. Looking forward to doing that again. *train brakes hard, blades go flying through glass*
Kei Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:So! Subway Beybattles?

"This is our TTC match! Using the physics of the train to our advantage!"

that was right after our dinner at Real Thailand at north 05. i keep forgetting i put those videos up. i didnt notice at the time but one of the blades rebounds off the pole
I rather enjoy the video from that set where I'm ripping into someone about a "Super Baby Vegitta". I'd forgotten about that until I saw it. Now I hate the Dragonball series with even more furvor.
Spinster Wrote:I rather enjoy the video from that set where I'm ripping into someone about a "Super Baby Vegitta". I'd forgotten about that until I saw it. Now I hate the Dragonball series with even more furvor.

ARE YOU NUTS MAN!!?? Dragonball series is awesome cept for GT that was bad but DB and DBZ were Kick carp!!!! if you want something to insult insult Be daman
Litrid Wrote:
Spinster Wrote:I rather enjoy the video from that set where I'm ripping into someone about a "Super Baby Vegitta". I'd forgotten about that until I saw it. Now I hate the Dragonball series with even more furvor.

ARE YOU NUTS MAN!!?? Dragonball series is awesome cept for GT that was bad but DB and DBZ were Kick carp!!!! if you want something to insult insult Be daman

What basically killed DB for me was one day my sister came in while me and my buddy were watching it. She sat down for about 20 minutes of the episode and then said "so it's basically a show about screaming loudly and hitting things?"

I honestly couldn't counter with a reasonable argument, and realized that as the show progressed, it just got worse and worse. Let's be honest, there really is VERY little plot to it after the part where Piccollo trains Gohan in the wilderness.

I generally prefer a bit more substance to the television I watch, which is why there's really not a lot on TV now that I'll watch. I love Avatar, and I've recently gotten into Heroes, the Bionic Woman, and I adore the HBO series, Carnivále, but that's about it. Oh, and Reaper is surprisingly good. Great casting on the part of the Devil.
Dragonball sucks.

Most anime sucks.

Deal with it.
Tamer Brad Wrote:Dragonball sucks.

Most anime sucks.

Deal with it.

Tamer Brad Wrote:Dragonball sucks.

Most anime sucks.

Deal with it.

No Dragonball was original. DBZ got WAY too much hype and it sucked and GT had nothing to do with Akira so it sucked HARD.

Dragonball was amazing in it's own right. It focused more on the tournaments and various different martial arts stuff (Flying Crane technique with Tien).

However once it involved aliens and Buu killed it for me. But that's not what this topic is about. Are we gonna try to use the new rules system we were all talking about for this or not?
Ozuma Wrote:Are we gonna try to use the new rules system we were all talking about for this or not?

I've been putting a lot of thought into this, actually.

While there will be a modified rules set, it will mostly cover clarifications (regarding to things like wearing condition, grip customization, etc.), I don't have any plans at this time to ban any parts. I want to see what everyone comes up with to deal with BC-variants in TB, and how to deal with attackers in TBTS. To be honest, I'm more worried about TBTS polarization than TB.
is the tournament going to alternate between TB and TBTS? or is the stadium going to be chosen at random?
Fleetscut Wrote:is the tournament going to alternate between TB and TBTS? or is the stadium going to be chosen at random?

I don't think there'll be more than 3 matches at a time. Stadium will be random.
I am currently failing trigonometry and I can't go if I don't pass. So someone give me the ultimate secret tip.
Cye Kinomiya Wrote:I am currently failing trigonometry and I can't go if I don't pass. So someone give me the ultimate secret tip.

Tamer Brad Wrote:
Cye Kinomiya Wrote:I am currently failing trigonometry and I can't go if I don't pass. So someone give me the ultimate secret tip.


I think I will lay off of other things that keep me busy for a while (until my grades come up). I wouldn't miss this for the world. I wanted to meet you all so badly and I missed out, twice. I was just about to go to the WC. And, I missed GBT.
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