World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: March of the Bladers [London, UK 26/03/11] - Regents Park
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put me down plz i am coming
can you put my friend down for the tournament hes name is capricorne
(Mar. 21, 2011  4:47 PM)a.k.a jake Wrote: [ -> ] can you put my friend down for the tournament hes name is capricorne

Please read my post furthur up
IM defiantly coming last time i couldnt make it as my mum was unwell but this time im gonna kick some butt just wondering is anyone gonna be selling launchers as mine is messed up
(Mar. 21, 2011  6:44 PM)flamewolf Wrote: [ -> ]IM defiantly coming last time i couldnt make it as my mum was unwell but this time im gonna kick some butt just wondering is anyone gonna be selling launchers as mine is messed up

Selling thread:

I have nearly every MFB launcher for sale.
out me on plz
Srry wrong account add me not galaxynovaxl
sry cant come
(Mar. 21, 2011  6:54 PM)EpelepticTofu Wrote: [ -> ]Srry wrong account add me not galaxynovaxl
sry cant come

...So you don't want me to add you to the confirmed list?
If I get my beys on time then I may come...
Winkl am coming l amcoming plz lit me in plzStupid
l am coming plz let me in plz
yeah i'm coming can you add me to the list
please add me to the attendees list
Please add "TINY SPARKZ" to the attendees list. Thanks.
(Mar. 19, 2011  10:47 PM)LeeDraciel Wrote: [ -> ]We can't keep having people putting down there friends and other members. If they want to enter then they must post here, we are fed up with people making up user names on the spot and thinking they can enter tourneys. It makes our lives very difficult so all attendies please post yourself to confirm.
i can now confirm i will defeinately be able to come
i am able to conferm to compete in the tournament
hi i am excited and i will be able to come so you can put me in the list above please
i forgot am i allowed to switch beys every round like i uise a bay for da starter rounds and then i switch in to keep things fresh?
(Mar. 22, 2011  7:11 PM)doctor blade Wrote: [ -> ]i forgot am i allowed to switch beys every round like i uise a bay for da starter rounds and then i switch in to keep things fresh?

Blitz kindly advised you to read the rules in the opening post. If you did, then you would have learned that you must use the same beyblade for a match consisting of rounds up until a player has won 3 rounds. You can change for a new opponent when the match ends.
Change me to a maybe please. Il tell if I can come later this week.
put me in
im definitley comin
looks like fun
count me in
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