World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Brisbane, Australia] Bey Fury! - 23/1/2011
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Alright guys only a few short hours until 'Bey Fury!' kicks off! I'll be leaving soon in order to set up the Tournament, so I'll probably get there around 10 -10:30am. If anybody has any questions please don’t hesitate to give me a PM as I’ll be regularly checking my PM’s on my phone.

Since I can’t leave the Tournament unattended unfortunately if anybody happens to get incredibly lost I won’t be able to come and help search for you, though in case that does happen where you can’t find the Tournament please send me a PM telling me that you’re lost and I’ll respond my giving you by personal mobile number. Just give me a call and I’ll be able direct you, though I want to stress that I'm giving out my personal mobile number if your incredibly lost and it looks as if you’ll end up on the other side of Brisbane, ha.

*Please note if anybody needs to send me a message but they are unable to due to lack of Internet access, there are a few computers with Internet access available inside the Roma Street Train Station which are near the baggage lockers.*
Hope everyone has fun at the tournement Smile
Good luck to everyone who is going to this Smile.
Good Luck with the tournament Guys!

The Deikailo Tournament in New York on Sunday too But it seems its already Sunday in Brisbane lol
Good Luck Guys
fyuuor i might be a bit late for the tournament by 5mins
So how did it go?
IT WAS AWSOME!!! i came fourth though so close to the finals i wish i got in hey fyuuor when will u host another?!!
It's good you had fun there Grin. How many people went? Also who came 1st 2nd and 3rd?
bladerace u came 5th not 4th my brother came 4th and got 3rd place prizes
oh so he got the 3rd place prizes how
cause the host won and u lift and we have 5 win each so i got 3rd place prize
(Jan. 23, 2011  10:21 AM)BladerAce Wrote: [ -> ]oh so he got the 3rd place prizes how

I'm extremely Sorry BladerAce but we couldn't find you anywhere when were deciding 4th place. Since we couldn't find you and the amount of wins that you and Nitrobey recorded were the same we decided to give the prize to Nitrobey, though originally we had decided to let you BladerAce and Nitrobey have a battle to decide whom would take home 3rds prizes. Though unfortunately since we couldn't find you we decided to give the prizes to Nitrobey by default.


Thank you everybody who came to 'Bey Fury!' today, you've all made it a wonderful Tournament though I must say I honestly hadn't anticipated such a large amount of participants entrants as I originally assumed we'd have a turn out of 8 - 12. Officially we had 24 competitors with the majority non-WBO members whom I'll need to create accounts for.

At this stage I'm not sure whether or not there'll be another Tournament, though if there was another I'd run things slightly differently as it simply took too long for use to reach the Finals, definitely no Round Robin.

Now for the Top 3 placings:

3rd: njrk97
2nd: neoknux_009

And first place went to...

1st: Fyuuor

Since it would have been unfair for the Tournament organizer to receive the prizes which were allocated I decided to give the prize for 1st place to 2nd, with 3rd place receiving 2nd's prize whilst finally the participant whom finished 4th received the prizes which were originally going to be given to 3rd place.

Once again thank you so much to everybody for attending, I hope you guys all enjoyed the Tournament as much as I did. A special thank you to E-mans mother whom helped out with the bookwork if it wasn’t for your generosity in donating your time the Tournament would most probably still be happening, lol. At the moment I’m not sure whether or not they’ll be another Tournament though seeing the excitement on everybody’s faces and on how much they enjoyed today it certainly makes me tempted to host another Tournament. I must say that seeing GreenXBlader's father enter the Tournament was quite entertaining, the thing is he actually knew what he was doing, lol.

*Please note that the allocation of Bey Points may take a little while as I need to sort everything out as at some points during the day it became quite chaotic*
fyuuor who that person that u buy bey off
AkirasDaddy his a great seller, can't recommended him enough. Offers the best prices on the net coupled with excellent service, incredibly fast postage while always having the newest Bey which are released, his even selling Screw Capricorne 90MF and it was only released yesterday! He'd be my personal favorite.

If your interested in buying something just give him a PM with what your after and he'll send you instructions for what you need to do next, it's really easy. If you have any troubles don't hesitate to give me a PM Wink
awwww i wish i stayed longer for the 3rd prize but was the bull takaratomy becuse in only interested in the takaratomy ripcord launcher becuase of the long ripcord an the luancher has no grooves
The Dark Bull for 3rd place was a Hasbro Beyblade, unfortunately it doesn't come with an exceptionally long rip cord like the Takara Tomy/Sono Kong Starters.

But seriously if you had stayed I could have given you a Light Launcher and a few Takara Tomy ripcords, I've got a whole shoe box full of them that I don't use, lol.
Lol, Fyuuor your 230CS combo dominated. Sorry I couldn't go, but comforted in the fact that people had fun, hah.
I was quite surprised by how well it did, though the majority of participants used a LSTC.

For the majority of the Tournament I used MF - L Flame Bull 230CS though for one battle I changed Flame to Earth Mold 1 my Earth Wheel ended up breaking, ha. It was actually quite cool on how it happened since both Beys collided in mid-air, lol.
I've organized and sent in the Beypoints Smile
i havent got my beypoints yet
Don't worry I've sent them in. It may take a few days since they need to sort through not only the results of ‘Bey Fury!’ but also several other Tournaments from around the World which were scheduled around the same time as ‘Bey Fury!’. Please be patient, I’m waiting for my Bey Points to come through as well, lol
Haha Looks like a Good Tourney for the First Brisbane tourney ever.
Fyuuor won. Surprise, Surprise. Nah well done!
(Jan. 23, 2011  12:34 PM)Fyuuor Wrote: [ -> ]I was quite surprised by how well it did, though the majority of participants used a LSTC.

For the majority of the Tournament I used MF - L Flame Bull 230CS though for one battle I changed Flame to Earth Mold 1 my Earth Wheel ended up breaking, ha. It was actually quite cool on how it happened since both Beys collided in mid-air, lol.

yehh it was pretty epic aye:L felt kinda bad when i did it though
and fyuoor can u get neoknux to msn/ pm me
(Jan. 28, 2011  1:55 PM)daniel20417 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 23, 2011  12:34 PM)Fyuuor Wrote: [ -> ]I was quite surprised by how well it did, though the majority of participants used a LSTC.

For the majority of the Tournament I used MF - L Flame Bull 230CS though for one battle I changed Flame to Earth Mold 1 my Earth Wheel ended up breaking, ha. It was actually quite cool on how it happened since both Beys collided in mid-air, lol.

yehh it was pretty epic aye:L felt kinda bad when i did it though
and fyuoor can u get neoknux to msn/ pm me

Don't worry about it man, those are the sort of things that happen in battle. If anything you should feel good since it shows that you have a strong launch as those things don't happen very often in MFB. Plus I thought that it looked pretty cool when it happened, lol.

I gave Neoknux_009 your MSN but he said it was invalid. You can try sending him a PM.


On another note there should be some footage of the Tournament up over the weekend. Once it's up i'll post a link here for you guys to be able to check it out.
yeah it was fun.

guess ill just have to beat fyuoorr next time. ;]

btw...when are pics and videos and stuff up? i havent seen any D;
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