World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How often does you blade?
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i is blade quite oftenly

I blade mostly when I'm bored, and have nothing else better to do.
I beyblade every day
Now that I'm in Med School...on Saturdays only...
I blade on average at least every other day, whether it's testing a new combo, or just battling for fun...
I don't truly blade often when I have a new game to play,(this one is Pikmin 2) but when I get all my beys and my BB-10 in the mail, or when I'm truly bored, I start blading a lot.
Each week I proble play for 4 hours total.
I blade when I want top improve my skills and get better... I am the NUMBER 1 Blader In My Area..
Like 5-8 times a week because i'm working my way up to number 1 with my Leone.
Sadly its summer, so i barely have time to battle with other people. But i practice everyday.
lol, I'm the opposite; because it's summer, I spend about 4 hours a day blading, no joke.
about every other day using random customs

I never do it anymore. Only when im bored when friends come over.
I do it everyday.
Let's just say I launch a Beyblade at least once almost every day I'm at my house. 'Nuff said.
(Jul. 06, 2008  9:44 PM)red_eyes Wrote: [ -> ]I'm really interesting of that question how often does you guys blading?

Only a few times a month or one in one day a week, or every free second Grin

I really don't play much like once or twice a bit in a week when i get time, because to play alone isn't that funny.

And what's with you guys? I think the most uf the users spend more time here than they blade.

I blade as often as possible.
I used to get out my beyblades roughly a few times a week normally and a atleast once a day when I got something new. Now it's been months, probably nearly a year? Since i've properly played with them. Emotional stuff.
Everyday lol
I never Beyblade because I see no point in doing it by yourself. And I don't want to damage tips because the paint on the bottom of the Hasbro stadiums come off.
I blade whenever i have time. Bye, I'm going to battle.
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