Oct. 22, 2021 12:31 AM
The gazebo is at the green X
This is a Burst Standard event. Please refer to the rulebook link below to review the game play rules for the event:
Challonge Links:
1st stage
Please see additional event information and any local or federal requirements below in regards to COVID 19.
WBO Tournament info:
If you have a question about the tournament, please post it in this tournament thread. Generally, that is the quickest way to get an answer. Also, please read through the tournament thread as your question may have already been answered. Private messages are inefficient as many members ask the same questions.
Tournament Prizes – Sponsored by MallOfToys.com
The winner (1st place player) of this tournament will receive an online coupon code for products on MallOfToys.com, the official worldbeyblade.org sponsor! The online coupon code will be distributed via private message directly to the winner after this event has been successfully processed by WBO Staff.
- 1st Place: $30 USD Coupon Code
* Please be aware of the new community rules. Registering for the tournament and not showing up is a Tournament Violation. https://worldbeyblade.org/Announcement-Community-Rules
Event Schedule
12:30PM-12:50PM Registration
12:50PM-01:00PM Bracket Set-up
01:00PM Announcements and Tournament Starts.
*Tournaments can last up to 5 hours
**Please meet for registration outside of the gazebo if the the gazebo is occupied. We have the gazebo reserved starting at 1:00PM
***Once the registration concludes, players cannot be added.