World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Write Your Own Stories - Printable Version

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RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Jan. 13, 2018

While I wait for arc 1 to progress and a few chapters to be done on the story I chose to type up a big point in arc 2 that I have thought about.

Shattered Spectrum: Vis vs Piluto

Vis walks up to the stadium and prepares a launch and the beyblades are released into the stadium. Sonar takes the center as Nemesis is circling. Suddenly Nemesis dives down and collides with Sonar tossing it into the wall of the stadium. Sonar slips back to the center and Vis says, "Go on the defensive, Sonar, Spiral Hold." Sonars layer retracts and free spins. Nemesis is undisturbed and continues to attack over and over again. "Hold it off now Sona..." Vis stops suddenly as he hears a crack. Piluto says, "We are done here, Nemesis, Armageddon." Nemesis charges with immense force and shatters Sonar. The sound is heard throughout the ruins and echos through Vis' head as he picks up the shattered remains of iris Sonar and leaves.

RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Feb. 02, 2018

Spectrum reformed: Piluto vs Vis rematch

"You getting used to your new bey?" Asks Zac observing the training Vis is doing with Norman, twin Nemesis gets knocked out of the stadium and lands at Zac's feet, he picks it up and says, "two clicks in upper mode, I guess you are." Vis acknowledges this and gets ready to launch again, This time Vis tells Norman to create a hologram of counterblow Nemesis to which Norman agrees and starts the system up. And Vis launches and after a strong clash the hologram gets flung out. Norman notices this and tells something to Zac. Zac turns to Vis and tells him, "You have gotten quite stronger, Perhaps a rematch is in order?" Zac points to the hologram and Vis nods.

Piluto walks up to the stadium as Vis waits, Piluto grins and gets his beyblade ready. Vis holds his launcher and takes a step back, when they are about to launch vis darts forwards and swings his launcher to the right this makes muted Sonar circle slightly lower than counterblow Nemesis and impacts making itself go to the center and Nemesis slam into the wall. Piluto says, "Rush shoot" and Nemesis bounces off the wall and into Sonar and continues this pattern in a barrage. Piluto then notices that Nemesis is bouncing off Sonar at an odd angle and then Nemesis hits the wall at a bad angle and looses it's momentum. Sonar continues to spin in the center and when Nemesis moves to the center Sonar knocks it back and Nemesis stops spinning. Vis grins as he gets ready for the next launch.

Piluto sets up a second launch and Vis switches his launcher to his left and stands still. The count starts and when the two bladers say "go" Vis quickly swings his launcher to the left to where with in the time it takes to say "Shoot" Sonar is already launched and bounced off the wall sending it to the center. Nemesis gets knocked back and starts to circle. It dives down to attack then gets knocked back and Sonar circles and knocks it back into the center which it is met by Sonar again when it tries to circle. Piluto says, "shield shoot" and goes on the defensive circling close to the center. Vis grins and says, "that will not save you," Sonar hits Nemesis and then goes to the circle trap again, "Sonar, Afterimage Barrage." The circle gets smaller giving Nemesis no time to break out. "Tighter," Vis says grinning. Sonar tightens the circle knocking Nemesis around even more, "Tighter," repeats Vis. Sonar tightens the circle and Nemesis gets hit even more, Piluto starts to panic and starts yelling out special moves, "Shield shoot," doesn't work, "Final Shield," doesn't work, "Shield crash?" doesn't work, Piluto's voice starts to shake, "Final Cra..." Nemesis bursts and Vis laughs and grabs Sonar. He stares at Piluto, who is panicking to grab the parts of his beyblade, and says, "Perfect." Vis leaves the stadium.

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 02, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Feb. 03, 2018

(Feb. 02, 2018  10:54 PM)Dragunix Wrote: So why does Zac agree to join this? Is he unaware of the dangers or?...

Zac supervises project Spectrum, he is the head scientist. He knows his brother's limits. If if gets too much for Vis, Zac can change the intensity of the program.

Project Spectrum and Project Draco are quite similar but the main difference is Project Draco's head scientist did not know the limits of Rykos.

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 03, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 03, 2018

This is the first time I write my own story, anyway I look forward to your posts and comments refering to it.

Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt - The Semi Finals

The time has come to find out who will be able to qualify for the big finals. More than 200 bladers from all around the world have come
to demonstrate their skills and moves and become the new Beyblade champion.
The red corner's door opens and Lui Shirasagi steps out to face his next opponent and the huge crowd cheering loudly for both of them.
It was obvious that he hates such loud noises and wild voices, the look in his eyes was rough, cold and furious.
He has trained very hard for this and he never has been so exhausted like that before. No wonder, his new Beyblade is made of heavy material
and he hasn't even got used to it completely yet.
Forgotten Longinus, the next step of the lance dragon's evolution, made of little but strong single pieces, born to crush every
opponent standing in it's way. The layer includes two solide wings fixed at the edge with upper attack because of the wings' diagonal form
and the claws at the front. By using a simple mechanism the wings can become free spinning and raise the Beyblade's defense.
"Forgotten Longinus," he says," your name and strength will never be forgotten anymore, after I crushed this guy into the ground."

Right in time the blue corner's door opens and Yuri Schmidt, the "Russian Fist", enters the battlefield and goes straight on to the arena, just like
Lui does. They stand in front of each other, look into each other's eyes to test each opponent's selfcontrol.
Lui: This must be a bad joke. And anyway I could almost laugh. I always thought that a rough guy like you wouldn't even be smart enough
to win the first three rounds. ( Laughs loudly)
Yuri: Tell me something, boy... do you even care the slightest bit about your fans?
Lui: What do you mean? I don't force anyone to like me. I just care abou winning, that's all that matters!
Yuri: Be grateful for everyone who stands behind you and supports you. You stand in front of a true fighter who lost his loved one and
fought his way up to the top on his own anyway. I won't give up till I find the missing gear that keeps running my soul!
Lui: Are you kidding me?? Just because of an unimportant person..... that's weakness! You aren't even worth it to battle against that amatures
taking part in this stupid tournament!!
Yuri: That's enough! It's time for you to learn the true meaning of fear!

Being continued
If you want me to write more, just write your comments Smile

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Eleanor - Feb. 03, 2018

(Feb. 03, 2018  3:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: This is the first time I write my own story, anyway I look forward to your posts and comments refering to it.

Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt - The Semi Finals

The time has come to find out who will be able to qualify for the big finals. More than 200 bladers from all around the world have come
to demonstrate their skills and moves and become the new Beyblade champion.
The red corner's door opens and Lui Shirasagi steps out to face his next opponent and the huge crowd cheering loudly for both of them.
It was obvious that he hates such loud noises and wild voices, the look in his eyes was rough, cold and furious.
He has trained very hard for this and he never has been so exhausted like that before. No wonder, his new Beyblade is made of heavy material
and he hasn't even got used to it completely yet.
Forgotten Longinus, the next step of the lance dragon's evolution, made of little but strong single pieces, born to crush every
opponent standing in it's way. The layer includes two solide wings fixed at the edge with upper attack because of the wings' diagonal form
and the claws at the front. By using a simple mechanism the wings can become free spinning and raise the Beyblade's defense.
"Forgotten Longinus," he says," your name and strength will never be forgotten anymore, after I crushed this guy into the ground."

Right in time the blue corner's door opens and Yuri Schmidt, the "Russian Fist", enters the battlefield and goes straight on to the arena, just like
Lui does. They stand in front of each other, look into each other's eyes to test each opponent's selfcontrol.
Lui: This must be a bad joke. And anyway I could almost laugh. I always thought that a rough guy like you wouldn't even be smart enough
        to win the first three rounds. ( Laughs loudly)
Yuri: Tell me something, boy... do you even care the slightest bit about your fans?
Lui: What do you mean? I don't force anyone to like me. I just care abou winning, that's all that matters!
Yuri: Be grateful for everyone who stands behind you and supports you. You stand in front of a true fighter who lost his loved one and
         fought his way up to the top on his own anyway. I won't give up till I find the missing gear that keeps running my soul!
Lui:  Are you kidding me?? Just because of an unimportant person..... that's weakness! You aren't even worth it to battle against that amatures
        taking part in this stupid tournament!!
Yuri: That's enough! It's time for you to learn the true meaning of fear!

Being continued
If you want me to write more, just write your comments Smile

nice story...Do continue writing...

RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Feb. 03, 2018

(Feb. 03, 2018  4:36 AM)Dragunix Wrote: Draco tbh has his own mind...not exactly the loyal "slave" the organization thought he would turn out to be.

But I'm still kinda confused. I see how it helps that Zac is the head scientist, but does he not know that they'd brainwash Vis or??

Like I said Project Spectrum is in a different branch of the organization then the snake pit, plus as the head scientist Zac has control over the project and nixed the brainwash.

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 03, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 03, 2018

(Feb. 03, 2018  3:15 PM)Eleanor Wrote:
(Feb. 03, 2018  3:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: This is the first time I write my own story, anyway I look forward to your posts and comments refering to it.

Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt - The Semi Finals

The time has come to find out who will be able to qualify for the big finals. More than 200 bladers from all around the world have come
to demonstrate their skills and moves and become the new Beyblade champion.
The red corner's door opens and Lui Shirasagi steps out to face his next opponent and the huge crowd cheering loudly for both of them.
It was obvious that he hates such loud noises and wild voices, the look in his eyes was rough, cold and furious.
He has trained very hard for this and he never has been so exhausted like that before. No wonder, his new Beyblade is made of heavy material
and he hasn't even got used to it completely yet.
Forgotten Longinus, the next step of the lance dragon's evolution, made of little but strong single pieces, born to crush every
opponent standing in it's way. The layer includes two solide wings fixed at the edge with upper attack because of the wings' diagonal form
and the claws at the front. By using a simple mechanism the wings can become free spinning and raise the Beyblade's defense.
"Forgotten Longinus," he says," your name and strength will never be forgotten anymore, after I crushed this guy into the ground."

Right in time the blue corner's door opens and Yuri Schmidt, the "Russian Fist", enters the battlefield and goes straight on to the arena, just like
Lui does. They stand in front of each other, look into each other's eyes to test each opponent's selfcontrol.
Lui: This must be a bad joke. And anyway I could almost laugh. I always thought that a rough guy like you wouldn't even be smart enough
        to win the first three rounds. ( Laughs loudly)
Yuri: Tell me something, boy... do you even care the slightest bit about your fans?
Lui: What do you mean? I don't force anyone to like me. I just care abou winning, that's all that matters!
Yuri: Be grateful for everyone who stands behind you and supports you. You stand in front of a true fighter who lost his loved one and
         fought his way up to the top on his own anyway. I won't give up till I find the missing gear that keeps running my soul!
Lui:  Are you kidding me?? Just because of an unimportant person..... that's weakness! You aren't even worth it to battle against that amatures
        taking part in this stupid tournament!!
Yuri: That's enough! It's time for you to learn the true meaning of fear!

Being continued
If you want me to write more, just write your comments Smile

nice story...Do continue writing...

the story going on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

This is the beginning of the first battle and Lui and Yuri already know that there is no time for analysing the opponent's strategy anymore, they even have had enough
opportunity for that when they have been able to watch each opponent's former battles.
Lui ( in thoughts):... It's weird... why does it feel so weird? Should I have watched his battles more? No!! My mind is no place for worries! I am the champion,
                             that's what I've always been!
Yuri ( in thoughts):... He's focused. At least he tries to be it, but there is no thing I have to worry about. I've done my homework, boy. I watched all of your
                              battles, and there is no doubt that you try to hide something. Guess what.... I can tell's your inner emptyness, caused by
                               your pride, your need to win every single time. But boy, we all lose something during our life time. Unlike other people, I will get back what I have lost,
                             and you, you will learn, that a defeat is more important than a victory!
The judge raised his arms to start the first battle: "Ready...set!!"
"Three...Two...One...Let It RIIP!!!"
Lui starts with one of his most powerful Nightmare Boosts he ever did, Yuri does one step to the right by bounding off with his left leg, then a turn to power up
Akalon's speed. He knows that an imbalanced Beyblade like his one loses stamina very quickly.
Both Beys enter the arena with incredible speed and prepare for a heavy collision. Lui has fixed Longinu's wings before the battle to go for the attack.
These wings, screaming like a chainsaw and carrying the pair of dangerous claws for the upper attack, hit the defensive side of Akalon.
Lui hasn't expected that his attack would be deflected by the free spinning metal balls inside the carapace.
Countered by that Longinus was forced to move closer to the arena's center because it has already lost some stamina.
This was the chance for Akalon to strike back. Using its weight to move more quickly into the centre the driver still seems to pick up speed.
The second contact: but instead of a soft metal balls's touch, Longinus has to feel a deadly kiss of Akalon's Metal sting hitting the unprotected part of the layer.
Yuri: This is it, kid! Go Akalon, rip it apart!!
That is too much, even for a big metal monster like Forgotten Longinus. Even the strongest dragon is covered with flesh somewhere. And this flesh starts to bleed now,
because Akalon just needs this strike to burst Longinus into pieces. A Burst Finish: two points for Yuri. And the semi final hasn't even started.

being continued

Thanks for reading, guys. I hope you enjoyed the little story, because in that case I will continue it. Smile

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 04, 2018

(Nov. 06, 2017  3:27 AM)Eleanor Wrote: As a part of audience...I have a request to the authers here...the battle description is very much good...but can U make a story where the protagonist saves world or a part of the world by fierce battle between him/her and the enemy....
And some different type of dialogues would be appreciated....its just a request...

Just like you I enjoy fierce battles, but creative dialogues as well. So I think that your request, your opinion will appreciated Smile

(Feb. 03, 2018  8:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote:
(Feb. 03, 2018  3:15 PM)Eleanor Wrote: nice story...Do continue writing...

the story going on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

This is the beginning of the first battle and Lui and Yuri already know that there is no time for analysing the opponent's strategy anymore, they even have had enough
opportunity for that when they have been able to watch each opponent's former battles.
Lui ( in thoughts):... It's weird... why does it feel so weird? Should I have watched his battles more? No!! My mind is no place for worries! I am the champion,
                             that's what I've always been!
Yuri ( in thoughts):... He's focused. At least he tries to be it, but there is no thing I have to worry about. I've done my homework, boy. I watched all of your
                              battles, and there is no doubt that you try to hide something. Guess what.... I can tell's your inner emptyness, caused by
                               your pride, your need to win every single time. But boy, we all lose something during our life time. Unlike other people, I will get back what I have lost,
                             and you, you will learn, that a defeat is more important than a victory!
The judge raised his arms to start the first battle: "Ready...set!!"
"Three...Two...One...Let It RIIP!!!"
Lui starts with one of his most powerful Nightmare Boosts he ever did, Yuri does one step to the right by bounding off with his left leg, then a turn to power up
Akalon's speed. He knows that an imbalanced Beyblade like his one loses stamina very quickly.
Both Beys enter the arena with incredible speed and prepare for a heavy collision. Lui has fixed Longinu's wings before the battle to go for the attack.
These wings, screaming like a chainsaw and carrying the pair of dangerous claws for the upper attack, hit the defensive side of Akalon.
Lui hasn't expected that his attack would be deflected by the free spinning metal balls inside the carapace.
Countered by that Longinus was forced to move closer to the arena's center because it has already lost some stamina.
This was the chance for Akalon to strike back. Using its weight to move more quickly into the centre the driver still seems to pick up speed.
The second contact: but instead of a soft metal balls's touch, Longinus has to feel a deadly kiss of Akalon's Metal sting hitting the unprotected part of the layer.
Yuri: This is it, kid! Go Akalon, rip it apart!!
That is too much, even for a big metal monster like Forgotten Longinus. Even the strongest dragon is covered with flesh somewhere. And this flesh starts to bleed now,
because Akalon just needs this strike to burst Longinus into pieces. A Burst Finish: two points for Yuri. And the semi final hasn't even started.

being continued

Thanks for reading, guys. I hope you enjoyed the little story, because in that case I will continue it. Smile

The story goes on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

The second battle, and Yuri has won two points already with a Burst finish. He still needs one point to win the match, but what about Lui's next straten?
It first Seems like Lui is hesitating for a long Moment, like he was worried about What went wrong. But then, he suddenly begins to laugh.
Yuri: What's so funny to laugh about, Boy? Don't you 
         Realize that this will end with your defeat?
Lui: You are strong, indeed. But i'm just laughing about my mistake because I underestimated you. You never have Seen me fighting seriously, don't you? I promise, you will see it RIGHT NOW!!
Lui activate Forgotten Longinus fixing mechanism to unlock the wings. Instead of a solide position at the layer he wants to use them as free spinning defense wings.
"Ready... Set", the judge says to Start the next round.
"Three...Two....One.... let it Riiip!!
Both beys Enter the arena with awesome speed and They just need one second for the First contact.
The dangerous metal sting of Akalon Hits the free spinning wing and is reflected. Longinus counters the next following sting attacks the same way and After only a half Minute Akalon has almost lost its complete stamina. It finally did its last spins before it stopped, Losing the second round with a survivor finish of Longinus..
Being continued.
I know this Part of my story isnt the Best, but I leave it to you to say something about it.

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 04, 2018

(Feb. 04, 2018  2:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote:
(Nov. 06, 2017  3:27 AM)Eleanor Wrote: As a part of audience...I have a request to the authers here...the battle description is very much good...but can U make a story where the protagonist saves world or a part of the world by fierce battle between him/her and the enemy....
And some different type of dialogues would be appreciated....its just a request...

Just like you I enjoy fierce battles, but creative dialogues as well. So I think that your request, your opinion will appreciated Smile

(Feb. 03, 2018  8:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: the story going on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

This is the beginning of the first battle and Lui and Yuri already know that there is no time for analysing the opponent's strategy anymore, they even have had enough
opportunity for that when they have been able to watch each opponent's former battles.
Lui ( in thoughts):... It's weird... why does it feel so weird? Should I have watched his battles more? No!! My mind is no place for worries! I am the champion,
                             that's what I've always been!
Yuri ( in thoughts):... He's focused. At least he tries to be it, but there is no thing I have to worry about. I've done my homework, boy. I watched all of your
                              battles, and there is no doubt that you try to hide something. Guess what.... I can tell's your inner emptyness, caused by
                               your pride, your need to win every single time. But boy, we all lose something during our life time. Unlike other people, I will get back what I have lost,
                             and you, you will learn, that a defeat is more important than a victory!
The judge raised his arms to start the first battle: "Ready...set!!"
"Three...Two...One...Let It RIIP!!!"
Lui starts with one of his most powerful Nightmare Boosts he ever did, Yuri does one step to the right by bounding off with his left leg, then a turn to power up
Akalon's speed. He knows that an imbalanced Beyblade like his one loses stamina very quickly.
Both Beys enter the arena with incredible speed and prepare for a heavy collision. Lui has fixed Longinu's wings before the battle to go for the attack.
These wings, screaming like a chainsaw and carrying the pair of dangerous claws for the upper attack, hit the defensive side of Akalon.
Lui hasn't expected that his attack would be deflected by the free spinning metal balls inside the carapace.
Countered by that Longinus was forced to move closer to the arena's center because it has already lost some stamina.
This was the chance for Akalon to strike back. Using its weight to move more quickly into the centre the driver still seems to pick up speed.
The second contact: but instead of a soft metal balls's touch, Longinus has to feel a deadly kiss of Akalon's Metal sting hitting the unprotected part of the layer.
Yuri: This is it, kid! Go Akalon, rip it apart!!
That is too much, even for a big metal monster like Forgotten Longinus. Even the strongest dragon is covered with flesh somewhere. And this flesh starts to bleed now,
because Akalon just needs this strike to burst Longinus into pieces. A Burst Finish: two points for Yuri. And the semi final hasn't even started.

being continued

Thanks for reading, guys. I hope you enjoyed the little story, because in that case I will continue it. Smile

The story goes on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

The second battle, and Yuri has won two points already with a Burst finish. He still needs one point to win the match, but what about Lui's next straten?
It first Seems like Lui is hesitating for a long Moment, like he was worried about What went wrong. But then, he suddenly begins to laugh.
Yuri: What's so funny to laugh about, Boy? Don't you 
         Realize that this will end with your defeat?
Lui: You are strong, indeed. But i'm just laughing about my mistake because I underestimated you. You never have Seen me fighting seriously, don't you? I promise, you will see it RIGHT NOW!!
Lui activate Forgotten Longinus fixing mechanism to unlock the wings. Instead of a solide position at the layer he wants to use them as free spinning defense wings.
"Ready... Set", the judge says to Start the next round.
"Three...Two....One.... let it Riiip!!
Both beys Enter the arena with awesome speed and They just need one second for the First contact.
The dangerous metal sting of Akalon Hits the free spinning wing and is reflected. Longinus counters the next following sting attacks the same way and After only a half Minute Akalon has almost lost its complete stamina. It finally did its last spins before it stopped, Losing the second round with a survivor finish of Longinus..
Being continued.
I know this Part of my story isnt the Best, but I leave it to you to say something about it.

The third battle between Lui Shirasagi and 
Yuri Schmidt is about to begin:

Lui has figured out how to counter Yuri's technique called Akalon Ripper. But anyway he still has the advantage caused by the Score of 2 to 1.
Lui looks at his Beyblade Forgotten Longinus. Maybe 
it has a plan or an advice, too.
Lui: The first battle I have lost was my fault. I must have been more attentive. He's likely thinking that I am fooling around like a little child. But this is no game, is it, Longinus? This is a test of ambition.
Longinus suddenly Shows a little spark, just like it's responding.
One Minute later the judge wants the bladers to get ready. Then there is no time for thinking anymore.
It happens much faster then before, just by an Instant 
"Three...Two....One...Let it Riiip!!!
There is Lui's Nightmare Boost again providing Longinus with terribly much energy.
Yuri shows his own move as well, the single jump to the right combined with a turnaround, a launch called
"Destiny Step". 
Yuri has expected Lui to go for the defense Mode again, that's why he has used an angled launch, although he doesnt even know whether it Works.
Both Beys go for the centre but then, Longinus hits Akalons weakspot between the sting and the carapace Part of the layer, before its even able to reach the centre. It is obvious that Lui has Seen how Yuri Would launch, that's why he tries to prevent, that Akalon uses the arena's form to gain speed for strong attacks.
One critical Hit of Longinus, then another one, Akalon isn't fast enough to recover. Akalon's Metal sting manages the right position for a furious smash attack. The sting seems to collide with one of the wings, but nobody Would have expected that the wings are fixed now, and Not free spinning.
Lui: I don't even need a direct hit to crush you!
Yuri: How can you..?
Yuri totally forgot Longinu's upper attack. The sting hardly hits the wing, instead of a collision Akalon is almost thrown in the air, Losing its Balance After it finally touches the ground again. The last few seconds don't matter, because Longinus wants to end this quickly. The Small lance behind the wing, even the risk of recoil is high, was strong enough to kick Akalon out off the stadium. There it is: a draw of 2 to 2 caused by a ringout finish. 
Being continued.
The next Part of the story will be the last one and i hope some of you guys look forward to it

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 05, 2018

(Feb. 04, 2018  7:51 PM)DraconicArt Wrote:
(Feb. 04, 2018  2:06 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: Just like you I enjoy fierce battles, but creative dialogues as well. So I think that your request, your opinion will appreciated Smile

The story goes on: Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

The second battle, and Yuri has won two points already with a Burst finish. He still needs one point to win the match, but what about Lui's next straten?
It first Seems like Lui is hesitating for a long Moment, like he was worried about What went wrong. But then, he suddenly begins to laugh.
Yuri: What's so funny to laugh about, Boy? Don't you 
         Realize that this will end with your defeat?
Lui: You are strong, indeed. But i'm just laughing about my mistake because I underestimated you. You never have Seen me fighting seriously, don't you? I promise, you will see it RIGHT NOW!!
Lui activate Forgotten Longinus fixing mechanism to unlock the wings. Instead of a solide position at the layer he wants to use them as free spinning defense wings.
"Ready... Set", the judge says to Start the next round.
"Three...Two....One.... let it Riiip!!
Both beys Enter the arena with awesome speed and They just need one second for the First contact.
The dangerous metal sting of Akalon Hits the free spinning wing and is reflected. Longinus counters the next following sting attacks the same way and After only a half Minute Akalon has almost lost its complete stamina. It finally did its last spins before it stopped, Losing the second round with a survivor finish of Longinus..
Being continued.
I know this Part of my story isnt the Best, but I leave it to you to say something about it.

The third battle between Lui Shirasagi and 
Yuri Schmidt is about to begin:

Lui has figured out how to counter Yuri's technique called Akalon Ripper. But anyway he still has the advantage caused by the Score of 2 to 1.
Lui looks at his Beyblade Forgotten Longinus. Maybe 
it has a plan or an advice, too.
Lui: The first battle I have lost was my fault. I must have been more attentive. He's likely thinking that I am fooling around like a little child. But this is no game, is it, Longinus? This is a test of ambition.
Longinus suddenly Shows a little spark, just like it's responding.
One Minute later the judge wants the bladers to get ready. Then there is no time for thinking anymore.
It happens much faster then before, just by an Instant 
"Three...Two....One...Let it Riiip!!!
There is Lui's Nightmare Boost again providing Longinus with terribly much energy.
Yuri shows his own move as well, the single jump to the right combined with a turnaround, a launch called
"Destiny Step". 
Yuri has expected Lui to go for the defense Mode again, that's why he has used an angled launch, although he doesnt even know whether it Works.
Both Beys go for the centre but then, Longinus hits Akalons weakspot between the sting and the carapace Part of the layer, before its even able to reach the centre. It is obvious that Lui has Seen how Yuri Would launch, that's why he tries to prevent, that Akalon uses the arena's form to gain speed for strong attacks.
One critical Hit of Longinus, then another one, Akalon isn't fast enough to recover. Akalon's Metal sting manages the right position for a furious smash attack. The sting seems to collide with one of the wings, but nobody Would have expected that the wings are fixed now, and Not free spinning.
Lui: I don't even need a direct hit to crush you!
Yuri: How can you..?
Yuri totally forgot Longinu's upper attack. The sting hardly hits the wing, instead of a collision Akalon is almost thrown in the air, Losing its Balance After it finally touches the ground again. The last few seconds don't matter, because Longinus wants to end this quickly. The Small lance behind the wing, even the risk of recoil is high, was strong enough to kick Akalon out off the stadium. There it is: a draw of 2 to 2 caused by a ringout finish. 
Being continued.
The next Part of the story will be the last one and i hope some of you guys look forward to it

The story's last chapter- Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

There is still one battle to fight, but that's why both
Competitors, even if they both have a realistic Chance to join the finals, hesitate for a Moment.
Lui: You seem nervous, Yuri. Do you've finally recognized that it was luck that helped you with getting some points.Don't worry, this will be quick, and 
you'll still be able to See me in the finals: as a part of the audience, hahahaha!!
Yuri: We'll see...get ready to face your nightmare, boy!
The fourth battle finally starts.
"Three...Two...One...Let it Riiip!!!"
This Battle might be the last for one of those two
Talented bladers. Yuri's Destiny Step confronting Lui's Nightmare Boost: That's what the crowd expect to See.
And they do see it again. Yuri is wondering which Mode Lui has chosen for Longinus this time.
He finds out it no time, when their beys collide the first time this battle.
Yuri (in thoughts): This is Hard. I only find out about his used Mode by hitting the wings. But Longinus also has These lances behind the wings causing smash attack as well...
He suddenly get's interupted by what he is seeing now:
Longinus is spinning slowly. It's slower than before and keeps moving around Akalon spinning imbalancedly. Its stamina is more than enough to use Akalon's full potential, but what is Lui's plan?
Lui: I see it in your Eyes. You think I am fooling around again. But you should have learned the basics in 
The kindergarten: If the launch is optimal a left spinning bey can burst a right spinning one easily with less Spin. 
No defense Mode of course, if Lui predicts something like that. Yuri keeps watching Akalon blocking Longinu's attacks with the metal ball covered carapace. It likely must have taken a Lot of damage yet, if he's right. Then it happens:
Akalon strikes back with a sting attack hitting Longinu's Layer behind the wings. The recoil is high enough to kick it away and Lui is just hearing the prongs moving more than only one step to the right side of the layer.
Lui:What??.. Is this...
But he is wrong. Longinus doesnt burst. Instead of that it does a Kind of U-turn and attacks again gaining a little bit more speed.
Yuri (in thoughts): he used Akalon's sting for a speed up attack?!
"Crack!!!...", is the last noise both are hearing during this battle. And it is Akalon which is on the ground...and Longinus Single parts next to it.

This is it, guys. The battle is over and both bladers did very well, didnt they? Just write your comments or give a like if you want. At least I enjoyed entertaining you with my story. Grin

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Eleanor - Feb. 05, 2018

(Feb. 05, 2018  7:40 PM)DraconicArt Wrote:
(Feb. 04, 2018  7:51 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: The third battle between Lui Shirasagi and 
Yuri Schmidt is about to begin:

Lui has figured out how to counter Yuri's technique called Akalon Ripper. But anyway he still has the advantage caused by the Score of 2 to 1.
Lui looks at his Beyblade Forgotten Longinus. Maybe 
it has a plan or an advice, too.
Lui: The first battle I have lost was my fault. I must have been more attentive. He's likely thinking that I am fooling around like a little child. But this is no game, is it, Longinus? This is a test of ambition.
Longinus suddenly Shows a little spark, just like it's responding.
One Minute later the judge wants the bladers to get ready. Then there is no time for thinking anymore.
It happens much faster then before, just by an Instant 
"Three...Two....One...Let it Riiip!!!
There is Lui's Nightmare Boost again providing Longinus with terribly much energy.
Yuri shows his own move as well, the single jump to the right combined with a turnaround, a launch called
"Destiny Step". 
Yuri has expected Lui to go for the defense Mode again, that's why he has used an angled launch, although he doesnt even know whether it Works.
Both Beys go for the centre but then, Longinus hits Akalons weakspot between the sting and the carapace Part of the layer, before its even able to reach the centre. It is obvious that Lui has Seen how Yuri Would launch, that's why he tries to prevent, that Akalon uses the arena's form to gain speed for strong attacks.
One critical Hit of Longinus, then another one, Akalon isn't fast enough to recover. Akalon's Metal sting manages the right position for a furious smash attack. The sting seems to collide with one of the wings, but nobody Would have expected that the wings are fixed now, and Not free spinning.
Lui: I don't even need a direct hit to crush you!
Yuri: How can you..?
Yuri totally forgot Longinu's upper attack. The sting hardly hits the wing, instead of a collision Akalon is almost thrown in the air, Losing its Balance After it finally touches the ground again. The last few seconds don't matter, because Longinus wants to end this quickly. The Small lance behind the wing, even the risk of recoil is high, was strong enough to kick Akalon out off the stadium. There it is: a draw of 2 to 2 caused by a ringout finish. 
Being continued.
The next Part of the story will be the last one and i hope some of you guys look forward to it

The story's last chapter- Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

There is still one battle to fight, but that's why both
Competitors, even if they both have a realistic Chance to join the finals, hesitate for a Moment.
Lui: You seem nervous, Yuri. Do you've finally recognized that it was luck that helped you with getting some points.Don't worry, this will be quick, and 
you'll still be able to See me in the finals: as a part of the audience, hahahaha!!
Yuri: We'll see...get ready to face your nightmare, boy!
The fourth battle finally starts.
"Three...Two...One...Let it Riiip!!!"
This Battle might be the last for one of those two
Talented bladers. Yuri's Destiny Step confronting Lui's Nightmare Boost: That's what the crowd expect to See.
And they do see it again. Yuri is wondering which Mode Lui has chosen for Longinus this time.
He finds out it no time, when their beys collide the first time this battle.
Yuri (in thoughts): This is Hard. I only find out about his used Mode by hitting the wings. But Longinus also has These lances behind the wings causing smash attack as well...
He suddenly get's interupted by what he is seeing now:
Longinus is spinning slowly. It's slower than before and keeps moving around Akalon spinning imbalancedly. Its stamina is more than enough to use Akalon's full potential, but what is Lui's plan?
Lui: I see it in your Eyes. You think I am fooling around again. But you should have learned the basics in 
The kindergarten: If the launch is optimal a left spinning bey can burst a right spinning one easily with less Spin. 
No defense Mode of course, if Lui predicts something like that. Yuri keeps watching Akalon blocking Longinu's attacks with the metal ball covered carapace. It likely must have taken a Lot of damage yet, if he's right. Then it happens:
Akalon strikes back with a sting attack hitting Longinu's Layer behind the wings. The recoil is high enough to kick it away and Lui is just hearing the prongs moving more than only one step to the right side of the layer.
Lui:What??.. Is this...
But he is wrong. Longinus doesnt burst. Instead of that it does a Kind of U-turn and attacks again gaining a little bit more speed.
Yuri (in thoughts): he used Akalon's sting for a speed up attack?!
"Crack!!!...", is the last noise both are hearing during this battle. And it is Akalon which is on the ground...and Longinus Single parts next to it.

This is it, guys. The battle is over and both bladers did very well, didnt they? Just write your comments or give a like if you want. At least I enjoyed entertaining you with my story. Grin

Nice battle description...

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 05, 2018

(Feb. 05, 2018  7:43 PM)Eleanor Wrote:
(Feb. 05, 2018  7:40 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: The story's last chapter- Lui Shirasagi vs. Yuri Schmidt

There is still one battle to fight, but that's why both
Competitors, even if they both have a realistic Chance to join the finals, hesitate for a Moment.
Lui: You seem nervous, Yuri. Do you've finally recognized that it was luck that helped you with getting some points.Don't worry, this will be quick, and 
you'll still be able to See me in the finals: as a part of the audience, hahahaha!!
Yuri: We'll see...get ready to face your nightmare, boy!
The fourth battle finally starts.
"Three...Two...One...Let it Riiip!!!"
This Battle might be the last for one of those two
Talented bladers. Yuri's Destiny Step confronting Lui's Nightmare Boost: That's what the crowd expect to See.
And they do see it again. Yuri is wondering which Mode Lui has chosen for Longinus this time.
He finds out it no time, when their beys collide the first time this battle.
Yuri (in thoughts): This is Hard. I only find out about his used Mode by hitting the wings. But Longinus also has These lances behind the wings causing smash attack as well...
He suddenly get's interupted by what he is seeing now:
Longinus is spinning slowly. It's slower than before and keeps moving around Akalon spinning imbalancedly. Its stamina is more than enough to use Akalon's full potential, but what is Lui's plan?
Lui: I see it in your Eyes. You think I am fooling around again. But you should have learned the basics in 
The kindergarten: If the launch is optimal a left spinning bey can burst a right spinning one easily with less Spin. 
No defense Mode of course, if Lui predicts something like that. Yuri keeps watching Akalon blocking Longinu's attacks with the metal ball covered carapace. It likely must have taken a Lot of damage yet, if he's right. Then it happens:
Akalon strikes back with a sting attack hitting Longinu's Layer behind the wings. The recoil is high enough to kick it away and Lui is just hearing the prongs moving more than only one step to the right side of the layer.
Lui:What??.. Is this...
But he is wrong. Longinus doesnt burst. Instead of that it does a Kind of U-turn and attacks again gaining a little bit more speed.
Yuri (in thoughts): he used Akalon's sting for a speed up attack?!
"Crack!!!...", is the last noise both are hearing during this battle. And it is Akalon which is on the ground...and Longinus Single parts next to it.

This is it, guys. The battle is over and both bladers did very well, didnt they? Just write your comments or give a like if you want. At least I enjoyed entertaining you with my story. Grin

Nice battle description...

You probably like stories and creativity. I Wonder why You dont write a story. I'm sure this Would be an awesome presentation

RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Feb. 05, 2018

Hey @[DraconicArt], mind if I do something like Vis vs Yuri? I have only written one battle involving Vis' new MGC-H muted Sonar.Or.Ct so far. Plus it would be a fair match up. Raw attack (Akalon) vs Strong stamina with a trick. (Sonar)

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 06, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 06, 2018

(Feb. 06, 2018  12:42 AM)Dragunix Wrote:
(Feb. 05, 2018  8:55 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: You probably like stories and creativity. I Wonder why You dont write a story. I'm sure this Would be an awesome presentation
Umm...I just want to suggest one thing...

If you put the previous chapter underneath a spoiler tag, the posts would be a tad bit shorter...


[ spoiler ]
Insert text here.
[ /spoiler ]

Remove the spaces between the brackets and you're done.

Just a suggestion, nothing major. I don't intend to belittle you, just suggesting something...

This Sounds very good. I should have followed this suggestion earlier. You definitely know how to write good stories, that's my opinion Smile

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Eleanor - Feb. 06, 2018

(Feb. 05, 2018  8:55 PM)DraconicArt Wrote:
(Feb. 05, 2018  7:43 PM)Eleanor Wrote: Nice battle description...

You probably like stories and creativity. I Wonder why You dont write a story. I'm sure this Would be an awesome presentation

Thank U for complementing...But story writing requires explanation of each and every thing...Say a battle is going on...The movement of the beyblade is to be explained precisely..Which U and the others  here r capable of doing...I am not good in that...So I dont write....☺

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Ayane_2355 - Feb. 06, 2018

To post a story here, it does not have to involve a bey battle, correct?

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 06, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - Ayane_2355 - Feb. 06, 2018


RE: Write Your Own Stories - Dragunix - Feb. 06, 2018

Deleted post

RE: Write Your Own Stories - DraconicArt - Feb. 06, 2018

(Feb. 06, 2018  2:31 AM)Eleanor Wrote:
(Feb. 05, 2018  8:55 PM)DraconicArt Wrote: You probably like stories and creativity. I Wonder why You dont write a story. I'm sure this Would be an awesome presentation

Thank U for complementing...But story writing requires explanation of each and every thing...Say a battle is going on...The movement of the beyblade is to be explained precisely..Which U and the others  here r capable of doing...I am not good in that...So I dont write....☺

I understand. Writing is a complicated thing. But thank you for being interested in our ideas. I appreciate that

RE: Write Your Own Stories - MWF - Feb. 06, 2018

The shattered spectrum and spectrum reformed events revised into a true story.

 After the tournament a letter was given to Zac. The letter was concerning Vis and it was a challenge. Zac told Vis about the letter and they agree. The stadium was found in the center of a pristine white marble ruins. Remnants of pillars surround the stadium and the remains of the ceiling create a complex echo. A blader stands at the stadium, rocking side to side in a fluid like movement, waiting for a challenger. Vis walks up and gets a test launch ready. The blader moves forward in a snake like movement and launches. Sonar stays in the center as the opposing bey dives down and flings Sonar to the edge of the stadium. This surprises Vis as Sonar returns to the center. The beyblade charges again but the attack misses due to Sonar rolling around the attack. The beyblade attacks again this time flinging Sonar out.

Zac wonders who this blader is as Vis gets a bounce shoot ready. The two launch and the opposing beyblade gets knocked out by the speed. The two bladers launch again and the beyblade goes for a barrage, akin to the rush shoot, knocking Sonar around until it’s gimmick activates making the attack roll around it. Vis says, “Sonar Spiral hold” and Sonar prepares for the beyblades attack. The blader says “dual Impact.” which surprises Vis and breaking through the spiral hold and leaving a small crack in the layer. The beyblade attacks again and again until a more audible crack occurs. In response the blader says, “we’re done here,” The opposing beyblade winds up an attack at the wobbling Sonar, “Nemesis, Armageddon.” Zac realizes who the blader is and yells, “Dodge the attack!” By the time Sonar starts to move Nemesis charges into Sonar breaking the layer into multiple pieces. The sound of Sonar echoes throughout the ruins creating a haunting noise which attacks Vis. The blader just grabs their beyblade and says, “Perfect.”

Zac worries for his brother, after Sonar shattered he has been very quiet. He has always hated silence, Silence to him is like absolute darkness to the average person. He was always doing something involving beyblades from battling to listening to past battles and everything in between. Now he barely even talks about it. Zac starts to wonder what he could do then suddenly a letter appears through the mail slot. It is addressed for Zac and describes an opportunity to become the head scientist for a new beyblade project. Zac is amazed by the letter and then reads further. The final line said, “If you accept this opportunity you must bring your brother to be the topic of the experiment.”

-end of part 1-