World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Hey guys!!! (I have a YT) - Printable Version

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Hey guys!!! (I have a YT) - Beybl9d3 312 - Jun. 15, 2016

Hey guys, I am new here check out my YouTube, which is my nickname, if you want, go subscribe, I will do sub for sub also if you guy need advertisement.

RE: Hey guys!!! (I have a YT) - FIREFIRE CPB - Jun. 15, 2016

hey friend welcome to WBO!!

I will subscribe you for sure but for that i will need links :p or you can sub me i will sub you

also do read rules and register for beymap as it's very imp for all members

most important. have fun!!

RE: Hey guys!!! (I have a YT) - Beybl9d3 312 - Jun. 15, 2016

Ok, I will register for beymap, here is my channel