World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Hey WBO New Blader Here - Printable Version

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Hey WBO New Blader Here - Toushiro - Jan. 06, 2013

Hey i'm a new member and blader. I can't wait to meet everyone else in WBO.

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - YsTrY7oN - Jan. 06, 2013

Hello there, and welcome to the World Beyblade Organization.
Please do not forget reading the message you received after joining, and the community rules ; they will keep you out of trouble.

Have a great time.

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - Desert Storm - Jan. 06, 2013

have a good time on the wbo dude

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - Toushiro - Jan. 06, 2013

Alright. Thanks for the warm welcome. Will do.

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - Coach - Jan. 06, 2013

Have a lot of fun, feel free to send a private message for any questions you have to (the members in blue, italics, or bold) they're mods, advanced, and hosts and all are willing to help out.

Most likely you'll never need to create a thread because the topic alread exists so use the search feature, or shoot a pm and somebody will help you out with finding your topic.

Hit up your regional thread if you're interested in tournaments, tournaments are made and run by the members and there has to be 8 bladers to get it going so they may need you!

Have fun and enjoy the site!

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - BeybladePants11 - Jan. 06, 2013

Welcome to the WBO.Have a great time here.Make sure you don't get warned and follow the community rules. Smile

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - Insane - Jan. 06, 2013

Welcome to the wbo!

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - Raykon - Jan. 06, 2013

Hey, welcome! You'll have a great time here and I'm sure you will meet many new people here.

RE: Hey WBO New Blader Here - DB - Mar. 17, 2013

welcome to the WBO.