World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Incompetent members, what should we do? - Printable Version

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Incompetent members, what should we do? - Half Nail - Jul. 17, 2011

I've been seeing a lot of "incompetent" members on the WBO lately. Some stuff - like grammar, spelling, etc. - must be tolerated, but along side that, many members have shown insufficent understanding to the site. It's probably just me, but those people make me mad. All you need to do is read around the site, people. I think some of the worst culprits of bad members is the Introduction forum and the Customization forum. Of course, in the customization forum, we have terrible combos and insufficent tests. In the introduction forum, we mainly have people who just show clear misunderstanding of the site. Some are just plain ridiculous. I remember one member who was lying across the board about being homeless and having 873,000, Beypoints or something. And of course, we all remember the thread about evolving wheels.

So, I think we need to discuss how we can teach new members how to be good members. It just really bothers me to see these members, and I know that we need to get more good members to help the WBO grow and prosper.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - TITAN - Jul. 17, 2011

Ink., I agree with you 1000%! I say that when someone like Django ("Homeless") comes around, nobody post. It makes life easier.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Raigeko13 - Jul. 17, 2011

Thank you for posting this Ink.
Well, what SHOULD we do about members that are just plain incompetent? We can handle (yes maybe a bit mad) the bad spellers, but there are just some who post the most idiotic things, that are useless.
Prime example.
I really don't know WHAT to say here... My immediate response would be just to ban them, but that's not even close to a solution. I think that when users register there should be a page or something that pops up when they login for the first time, with a timer on it that won't allow them to close it for about the amount of time that it takes a person to read the rules or something.
Those members will never have an effect on what they do here, me and th!nk have discussed it. People like him, me, you, and a TON of other members are the future of the WBO.
Then, there are "those" members.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - BeyCenter - Jul. 17, 2011

some people, make up stuff and think they're the #1 blader an think they know everything, when they obviously haven't learned the parts or skill yet.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - BeybladeStation - Jul. 17, 2011

Banning is the most cruelest thing I've ever heard for a first time, new member.

Actually, that's ridiculous, no offense Rai you still rock Smile

But, seriously, I think the introductory PM is not enough, we should include or add things such as tournaments because people always don't know about the stadiums, and we should include a link to the rule book in it.

If we haven't already, we should mention what happens with SPAM right in the PM and the warning system, seeing new member don't bother.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Half Nail - Jul. 17, 2011

You know what I think would help? A video, going over the rules, and how to post, and what the different forums in the WBO are about and the rules inside those. I'm just saying, because looking at the majority of these members, it looks like they can't write or read, so a video should make things interesting. Hell, I'd be willing to do this.

I also just thought about this, but what if everytime someone joins, there's a timer that doesn't allow them to post until they've been on the site for a certain amount of time, so that they can't post until they've actually looked around.

@Raigeko - Oh. My. God. I've made fecal waste with more meaning and intelligence than that thread.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - TITAN - Jul. 17, 2011

I have too, I have too...
But a video is a great idea! It should somehow pop up right when they join.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Primal - Jul. 17, 2011

I mentioned this over in the 'If you could add or change one thing to the WBO...' thread a while back. If possible, the commitee could implement a system that takes new users to their introductory PM. I know that it's a step away from impossible, but it'd be extremely helpful. But then there would be some people who just skip it, so we'll just have to whip them into shape, I guess. Not as intense as a ban, but just trying to slap some sense into them.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Kai-V - Jul. 18, 2011

I get private messages from people quoting the introductory message I automatically sent them, and they write : "thanks, but how do you battle?" while it is clearly written in that message : "Wondering how to battle? [...] Head over to the FAQ." with a link, of course.

Raigeko13 Wrote:I think that when users register there should be a page or something that pops up when they login for the first time, with a timer on it that won't allow them to close it for about the amount of time that it takes a person to read the rules or something.

I actually encountered a similar system on a message board I only visited once. I am not sure it was MyBB though, so that might not exist for us.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Half Nail - Jul. 18, 2011

Which is why I think we should do a video, because people obviously have trouble reading. Dunno why, as the only way to really understand this site is by reading.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Greimatter - Jul. 18, 2011

We should keep in mind that we should still have a level of kindness/tolerance to newer members. They don't know their way around yet, but given enough time, it's likely they will. The problem, the way I see it, is members who remain "incompetent" after being told how to do things, being warned, etc.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Ultimatefry - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 17, 2011  11:01 PM)Ink. Wrote: I remember one member who was lying across the board about being homeless and having 873,000, Beypoints or something.

That guy was Django. He was cool until he faked homelessness.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Kai-V - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:18 AM)Ultimatefry Wrote: That guy was Django. He was cool until he faked homelessness.

He was never cool. He faked knowing Japanese as well. Everything he wrote was a huge lie, how could you find that cool ?

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Minho - Jul. 18, 2011

faked japanese? Google translate? By the way i think we should get rid of spam and bullcarp threads such as the one about evolving wheels and ones where people claim to be beyblade scientists. IMO.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Fury - Jul. 18, 2011

ya definatly agreed. that one guy saying he has 873k beypoint and whatever. its stupid and fake. i agree that we should have a page that makes them have to read it before they can move on. SUPPORT

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Kai-V - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:26 AM)Bunnii2165 Wrote: faked japanese? Google translate? By the way i think we should get rid of spam and bullcarp threads such as the one about evolving wheels and ones where people claim to be beyblade scientists. IMO.

Yes, just Google translate.

They are already locked or close, how do they bother you ...

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Minho - Jul. 18, 2011

how can they not bother you... things such as this is false, and in the wrong thread and the guy calls himself a pro blader. Yeah i agree there should be a page or they should be locked out of all the boards until until they've visited the Welcome page and they have read it. Maybe you could have the welcome page and then have questions on it to make sure they know?

EDIT: thank God that threads closed!

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Callum6939 - Jul. 18, 2011

Yeah, I agree, there are too many new members that think 'Storm Aries C145 D is a great combo', but then they don't even test it, I know we know it's completely bad, but it's the fact most 'newbies' go onto the customisations forum, and post saying stuff it can beat a dark bull... And it usually has no tests, then there are people who test correctly, but can't use other beys (attack).

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Minho - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:38 AM)Callum6939 Wrote: Yeah, I agree, there are too many new members that think 'Storm Aries C145 D is a great combo', but then they don't even test it, I know we know it's completely bad, but it's the fact most 'newbies' go onto the customisations forum, and post saying stuff it can beat a dark bull... And it usually has no tests, then there are people who test correctly, but can't use other beys (attack).

Storm Aries C145D? Good!?! Hasbro has messes with their minds... Minute of Silence for all the noobs who listen to Hasbro.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - DynaZord - Jul. 18, 2011

Those people are usually the ones that listen to the star ratings on the back of Hasbro packaging. Then there's the people that say Storm Pegasis and Galaxy Pegasis 'suck' because lack of stamina. They don't realize that's the point and that if they had an ACTUAL stadium (WBO Legal ones, since they are truly the best you can buy) they'd know differently. The thing that pains me is that several users here are too lazy to actually read here, and post anyway. They say Rock Leone is good, and it can beat anything, do they post results, no. Is it the best, HECK NO. I'd continue, but ranting on about this stuff could make a long post...

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Callum6939 - Jul. 18, 2011

. . .

Well since the silence is over, yeah bunni newbies like that combo alot... No pity lol.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Hero - Jul. 18, 2011

Hah. I hate even more these customization threads:

"Hi, i hav this really reallly really strong combo that beats everytging. i tried it agianst my brothers storm pegasus, l drago, and earth virgo in pegasus thunder whip. here it is
face bolt: L drago
energy ring: wolf
fusion wheel: lightning
track: 105
tip: q

try it yourself, its really strong !!!!"

Seriously, there should be an auto ban for that. Tired"

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - BeyCenter - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:38 AM)Callum6939 Wrote: Yeah, I agree, there are too many new members that think 'Storm Aries C145 D is a great combo', but then they don't even test it, I know we know it's completely bad, but it's the fact most 'newbies' go onto the customisations forum, and post saying stuff it can beat a dark bull... And it usually has no tests, then there are people who test correctly, but can't use other beys (attack).

Yes and other highly out classed combos like Dark Saggitario M145Q (Tired;Wink. And then the people who made the combo say they can defeat any bey and they are the #1 blader in the universe and all that carp.

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Callum6939 - Jul. 18, 2011

Hero Omg, that combo is sick, is it called L Drago? The reason for that sarcasm was there are a few people that think faces have names, then name the bey after the face...

RE: Incompetent members, what should we do? - Minho - Jul. 18, 2011

(Jul. 18, 2011  1:47 AM)Hero Wrote: Hah. I hate even more these customization threads:

"Hi, i hav this really reallly really strong combo that beats everytging. i tried it agianst my brothers storm pegasus, l drago, and earth virgo in pegasus thunder whip. here it is
face bolt: L drago
energy ring: wolf
fusion wheel: l drago
track: 105
tip: q

try it yourself, its really strong !!!!"

Q. Thats.... Just..... Sad.