World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Printable Version

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Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Fyuuor - Jul. 08, 2011

Tally of Votes:

Entry 1: 24 Votes
Entry 2: 6 Votes

*Voting Closes on the 15th of July*

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - ShadowL-Drago - Jul. 08, 2011

nice. i have to go with entry 1 looks very nice

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Callum6939 - Jul. 08, 2011

Defiantly 2, due to there's a lot more to it, 1 seems to be empty space.... get it?

Edit: lol, I spot a fault in entry 2, a star is slightly chopped a little, but its only minor Tongue_out

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Flaming Aries - Jul. 08, 2011

entry 1 is better quality to me I go for 1

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Giga-Impact - Jul. 08, 2011

1, all the way. I like the way it swirls.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Saint - Jul. 08, 2011

entry 2 it looks better cause one is kinda plane

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Imperial - Jul. 08, 2011

I vote for entry one although it is a little simple the quality is nice and the purple color looks cool

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Ultimate - Jul. 08, 2011

Entry 1 is quite plain but it's quality looks good

Entry 2 the orange lines look randomly placed and it's a bit messy and the stars aren't as good as entry 1.

But both are good! compared to whatever I can make.

EDIT: I chose entry 1, I forgot to type this but I think you guys know what I was talking about.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Fyuuor - Jul. 08, 2011

Entry 1. It seems easier on the eyes, there's quite a lot going on in Entry 2 and it detracts the sig itself.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Hov - Jul. 08, 2011

Giggety, Entry1! It looks like Sycthe Khronos finisher move or something. Very creative.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Temporal - Jul. 08, 2011

Meh. I say one on this one. Two looks very very busy, and it kinda hurts my eyes. (Probably because I'm squinting) One looks kinda lazy at first, but then you realize that space itself is lazy, so I see it working. (Otherwise, I'd vote two. The lack of activity highlights one, as space has VERY little activity.)

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - gma01 - Jul. 08, 2011

vote for entry 1Stupid

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - BeybladeStation - Jul. 09, 2011

Number 1, cool effect on the Noise Radius.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - RAW - Jul. 09, 2011

Definately number 2... It has a engaging question, cool effects and everything I like about space.

Number 1 is just too plain.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Resistance - Jul. 09, 2011

My vote goes for entry one since it is simple and the swirl in the middle seems to draw your attention to it and blends well together while entry 2 seems to be a bit everywhere with those 'laser things' going in all directions.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Sasukia - Jul. 09, 2011

# 1, I love it! Looks like a special move!

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Vintage - Jul. 09, 2011

Entry 1, it's nice and simple. Entry 2 looks a bit messy in my eyes, and I don't really like the text too much.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Primal - Jul. 09, 2011

I really like Entry #2. The energy burst or whatever that is makes me really like it.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Glad Hatter - Jul. 09, 2011

Entry one, the entry is simple but sends the right message.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - RustyXD - Jul. 09, 2011

I'll have to vote entry one it simple but it looks quite cool , although entry to is cool but i just don't like the font.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Sparta - Jul. 09, 2011


Entry 2, partly because it's a little lulzy, but I like the array of light next to the planet. It's kinda neat.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 09, 2011

Entry 1 Simple, but awesome.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - blah - Jul. 09, 2011

Entry one, simple yet eye catching and looks great.

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - Novae Rog - Jul. 09, 2011

entry 1 for sure, looks nice

RE: Round 1 GFX Battle: Hope Vs NoodooSoup - ControL_s SouL_ - Jul. 09, 2011

Entry one for sure, at first it looks plain but if you focus on it, you see the tiny little details.

My vote goes to entry 1.