World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Printable Version

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Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011


I have done enough research on this for quite some time now. It is time I post my findings

Problem Statement
ED145 is generally a useless part when it comes to competitive play. Let's say a Right Spinning Bey using ED145 (Bey 1) is against another Right Spinning Bey without ED145 (Bey 2). When they collide, if the ED145 track on Bey 1 is hit by Bey 2, then the ED145 track on Bey 1 is sent spinning in the opposite direction from what Bey 1 is spinning, because ED145 is free spinning, and when 2 Right Spin Beyblades hit each other, they push against each other's force.

If a Beyblade using the ED145 track is against a Left Spinning Bey, like LLDrago 100 RF, LLDrago's spin steal effect will be canceled by the ED145 track, mostly because a left spinning bey like LLDrago should knock the ED145 on Dark Aquario ED145 WD to the left, partially nullifying LLDrago's spin steal ability. And also because the plastic of the track should absorb some of the impact, although that last statement is negligible.

Dark Aquario ED145 WD

Face: Normal - My MF's are being used towards a different kind of experiment right now, so they were not used in any of my testing. However, my results should be good enough without them.

Clear Wheel/Energy Ring: Aquario - Second to Bull in terms of weight, but is believed to have better weight distribution than Bull. Both wheels could have been interchangeable in this experiment, as they aren't different enough to affect the results, however I do not own a Bull wheel yet and I have 2 Aquario wheels.

Metal Wheel/Fusion Wheel: Dark - (NOTE: SEE TESTING RESULTS FOR FURTHER EXPLINATION ON WHY DARK WAS USED) The Dark wheel has many tightly packed protrusions, resulting in one of the lowest recoil metal wheels available. Earth would be a better choice normally, but Earth gave off too much recoil. Now, i am not talking Rock wheel recoil, I am talking barley any, but every time Ldrago landed a hit on Earth at max power Earth was instantly KO'd! When i re-tried but with Dark instead of Earth, (my 1st test on this theory involved Dark and ED145 as seen below) it wasn't sent flying as much and stadium outs were not as common.

(Spin) Track: ED145 Already explained in the problem statement and hypothesis.

(Performance) Tip: WD A top tier part. Using it doesn't need explanation.


Lightning Force Stadium
String Launcher for all Right Spin Beys
Long Ripcord for all Left Spin Beys
Sliding Shoot used with all Attack Types
All parts are Hasbro
LLDrago is always in Upper Mode
RF and WD are slightly worn.
HF is slightly misshapen

OS=Out spin
SO=Stadium Out

Test 1: Dark Libra ED145 SD vs. LLDrago 100 HF
*Dark Libra: 5 wins by OS (50% win, 50% lose)
*LLDrago: 3 wins by OS, 2 wins by SO (50% win, 50% lose)

Test 2: Earth Aquario ED145 WD vs. LLDrago 100RF
*Earth Aquario: 3 Wins by OS (30% win, 70% lose)
*LLDrago: 7 wins by SO (70% win, 30% lose)

*LLDrago: 2 WINS BY SO (20% WIN, 80% LOSE)


In order to confirm my hypothesis, I request the following; The same exact testing be repeated under the same conditions, but with a TT Attack Stadium, a Bey-Launcher L, and CS instead of WD. Thank you in advance to whoever can do this.

Also, if anyone has similar tests involving superior parts to the ones used (like LRF over RF), other left spinning beys like Meteo Ldrago, MF's instead of regular faces, ES in place of WD, Gravity Perseus (endless possibilities there), C145 in place of ED145, and/or EDS in place of WD, in addition to the conditions above. For example, Dark Aquario C145 WD vs. Meteo LDrago 90 LRF would be one thing to post. Again, all of this must be done in a TT Attack Stadium though.

Also note that Bull can be substituted for Aquario.

Thank you all for reading! Please let me know what you think! State any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas you may have about this topic. Happy Blading everyone!

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - KCPJ - Jun. 23, 2011

hmm,i have to test for myself,results seem unbelievable

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - BeybladeStation - Jun. 23, 2011

Spin Stealers meaning any Left Spin beyblade? It that's true, try LLD H145RF against it.

Also, for official testing, it is required to use the TT ATK Stadium, maybe post this in the Hasbro Combinations Testing thread?

EDIT: Beat by KCJP

Other than that, this could end up a good Anti-Meta.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  7:34 PM)Ultimate Kcpj Wrote: you need takara tomy attack stadium for proper results dude

Not to sound mean, but I clearly stated in the title of the thread READ THE OP! And when i say that, I mean all of it. Read the requests section. It is bolded

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - Callum6939 - Jun. 23, 2011

defense right? WD is tier stamina, also Dark has too much recoil, also hasbro stadiums are not legal for testing, the results also are bad for a hasbro stadium...

also you need to supply efficient testing under the right circumstances before posting a thread...

this thread will be closed...

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - KCPJ - Jun. 23, 2011

he said he needs someone to test this in attack stadium,but still i doubt these results are correct

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  7:35 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: Spin Stealers meaning any Left Spin beyblade? It that's true, try LLD H145RF against it.

Also, for official testing, it is required to use the TT ATK Stadium, maybe post this in the Hasbro Combinations Testing thread?

EDIT: Beat by KCJP

Other than that, this could end up a good Anti-Meta.

Thanks. Glad to know my work wasn't for nothing. Stupid That was the goal of my research from the begining; to create a new anti meta. But from what I have learned, dark has to be used with ED145, and not earth. Maybe it will work differently in the TT Attack Stadium though.

And like i just said, I am requested official testing in the OP

Callum, everyone, I cant stress this enough. Please take less than 2 minuetes of your time and read the OP

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - Callum6939 - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  7:39 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: Thanks. Glad to know my work wasn't for nothing. Stupid That was the goal of my research from the begining; to create a new anti meta. But from what I have learned, dark has to be used with ED145, and not earth. Maybe it will work differently in the TT Attack Stadium though.

Dark is wider, and earth is more compact, so earth would be better due to the ED145 has more contact...

(Jun. 23, 2011  7:29 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: but Earth gave off too much recoil.

Earth has probably the lowest recoil out of all metal wheels, although the weight isnt to good, the recoil is good

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

Dark has almost no recoil because of all the indents in it. Earth has slightly more, although it is barley any. I only used Drak for that reason. Otherwise, Earth is always superior, but for this specific case, you need Dark.

This is intended to be an anti-meta bey, so the parts used are specific to a certain situation.

And ya, I guess all Left Spinning beys are spin stealers. I will edit the OP to fix that

Suprisingly, ED is just as wide as Drak, and Earth is a bit less wide. Again, in a TT Stadium Earth may/may not work, but in LF, Earth kept getting KO'd and Dark didn't, so I stuck with Dark. I had done pliminary tests to see which metal wheel to use, after Earth didn't do so well agianst Ldrago. Once i determined that, i then started Test 3

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - Callum6939 - Jun. 23, 2011

Earth has less due to its almost completely flat, Dark's indents give it more recoil, not less...

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

I heard differenly, that because there was more surface area, Dark had less recoil, hence why Rock has insane recoil.

If you would like, at a later time, I can redo tess 2 and 3 agian, but that won't be until tomarrow or over the weekend.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - BladeStorm - Jun. 23, 2011

When both Beyblades are spinning in the opposite direction, given that they are able to transfer energy successfully, the Beyblade with the most stability wins.

The left spin combos you are using have low stability. If you were to use Meteo L Drago 105WD instead, your theory breaks down.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

The first test vs LLD 100HF, was that SD or WD on Dark Aquario?

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - KCPJ - Jun. 23, 2011

Ok,heres my testing.

Lightning Ldrago 85RF VS Dark Aquario ED145WD

LLD wins:7 KO
DA wins:3 OS

Done in a Takara Tomy attack stadium,with Right string launcher for DA and Left string launcher for LLD at same power launcher,Sliding shoot was performed

post a vid up later

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spin Stealers (READ OP!) - Callum6939 - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  8:01 PM)Ultimate Kcpj Wrote: Ok,heres my testing.

Lightning Ldrago 85RF VS Dark Aquario ED145WD

LLD wins:7 KO
DA wins:3 OS

Done in a Takara Tomy attack stadium,with Right string launcher for DA and Left string launcher for LLD at same power launcher,Sliding shoot was performed

post a vid up later

thanks, and its even lower, so its more contact with ED145...

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011


"Test 1: Dark Libra ED145 SD vs. LLDrago 100 HF"

Ultimate: Thank you for your contribution. Could you try it with Earth now, if it isn't to much trouble of course

BladeStorm: Interesting. Sadly I don't have Meteo Ldrago (II) Would there be another way to make Ldrago more stable with the parts I have? Perhaps LLDrago 105WD could be a temporary substitute? In addition, what tips currently surpass WD? Just curious. If what you say about Meteo is true, then i need to enhance my Aquario further to allow it to keep up.
Bolded portion of the requests section updated. Thank you for your imput Callum6939 =)

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - BladeStorm - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  8:10 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: BladeStorm: Interesting. Sadly I don't have Meteo Ldrago (II) Would there be another way to make Ldrago more stable with the parts I have? Perhaps LLDrago 105WD could be a temporary substitute? In addition, what tips currently surpass WD? Just curious. If what you say about Meteo is true, then i need to enhance my Aquario further to allow it to keep up.

It is a good subsititute as long as contact can be maintained and energy can be transfered without significant laspses. Different tips for different purposes I guess - e.g. FS is better than WD in some combos.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

Never would have guessed FS could beat WD at all. haha

based on all your imputs, the new tests will be as follows, under the same condtions

MF Dark Aquario ED145 CS vs LLDrago 105 WD
MF Earth Aquario ED145 CS vs LLDrago 105 WD

NOTE: I do not have CS yet, so the re-tests may have to wait for some time, but I will make getting CS my #1 beyblade related priority. If some one beats me to the punch, do it in a TT Attack Stadium, with a Beylauncher-L. And meteo is preffered over LLDrago but LLDrago will do. Thank you

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

Test was done in a Hasbro Lightning L-Drago Stadium.
All parts that were used are Hasbro, except for Dark.

Lightning L-Drago 100HF
Gear: L/R Launcher with a grip/rubber.
LLD 100HF wins: 8 KO, 1 OS
LLD wins 9 times with a win percentage of 45%.

MF Dark(TT) Aquario ED145WD
Hasbro String Launcher with a grip.
MFDA ED145WD wins: 0 KO, 11 OS
MFDA wins 11 times with a win percentage of 55%.

Honestly, even in a TT ATK I still see this thing getting pushed around like crazy, and getting K.O'd. Yes I do realize these aren't accurate results as they're in a Hasbro stadium, but I just wanted to contribute SOMETHING like this for a change.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - ControL_ - Jun. 23, 2011

I've substituted ED145 with WD145 which acts as an improvement for lowering the centre of gravity.

Dark Aquario WD145WD v MF Lightning L-Drago BD145R2F (downgrade? Non-full potential)

MF Lightning L-Drago BD145R2F wins 17
Dark Aquario WD145WD wins 3

Lightning win rate: 85%
Dark Aquario win rate: 15%

Crazy easy to knock out...

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - H8R - Jun. 23, 2011

isnt this a copy of the two pack bey dark libra ED145SD????

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

Basically yes, except for the Aquario CW, and the metal face.
MF affects it's performance to a noticeable degree, while Aquario doesn't. I'm not calling this combo trash, but there are definitely better combos out.

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  8:32 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: All parts that were used are Hasbro, except for Dark.

Hasbro Dark>TT Dark. TT Dark is useless, however everything else about your tests look good

(Jun. 23, 2011  9:48 PM)Mc Frown Wrote: i read the op and just /smack/

"smack" as in facepalm or "smack" as in...?

if you going to criticize, at least make it constructive

on the bright side, atleast I know for sure atleast one person read the OP haha

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - Raigeko13 - Jun. 23, 2011

I can re-do that test if you'd like.


Now back on topic. Smile

RE: Dark Aquario ED145 WD: Possible Anti-Meta for Left Spinning Beys (READ OP!) - LeonTempest - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  9:03 PM)ControL_ Wrote: I've substituted ED145 with WD145 which acts as an improvement for lowering the centre of gravity.

While I appreciate the testing help...what was the point? WD145 is an immbobile version of ED145, making your test pointless. Not trying to be mean, but this was to see the effect of free spinning parts on right spin beys agianst left spin ones. Although, your results are essentialy the same as everyone elses lol

I must have done something wrong in my tests. It may be LF but we can prove that RF works in LF now, so what the hell happened here? I will fix this!

(Jun. 23, 2011  10:25 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: I can re-do that test if you'd like.


Now back on topic. Smile

U don't have to if you don't want to.

Gratz on getting 1000 posts!

NOTE: The Libra present in the Metal Wing Smash Face Off Set is Dark Libra ED145 SD, so the preformance tip and clear wheel are different