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Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Printable Version

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Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Naitrax - May. 16, 2011

Hi guys. This thread is 4 owl city fans only so please dont post any bad comments.
my fav songs are The Bird and the Worm, Vanilla Twilight, To the Sky, Hello Seattle and Rainbow Veins

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Own-Ray - May. 16, 2011

My favourite would have to be fireflies Smile

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Jaems1 - May. 16, 2011

I really like Owl-City. The first song I heard was "Hot Air Balloon" with a football skills video. Listening to it made me smile all day. In fact, a lot of the Owl-City songs are up beat and cheerful which is why I really like them ^^

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Dragoonrocks - May. 16, 2011

I 2 am a fan of Owl city...Their songs are so cheerful.They tend 2 cheer me up whenever im sad...The first song i heard ws Fireflies followed by Ill meet u there...Both songs were beautiful and cheerful as well...Cute

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Ga' - May. 16, 2011

While I love Owl City and all, the tune of the songs is a bit repetitive... They all have the same meaning.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Annoying-Fork - May. 17, 2011

Owl City's Fireflies could probably jack up a hard drive if put on the right frequency. Not even at a completely loud volume.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - sarabscientist - May. 05, 2012

(May. 17, 2011  1:17 AM)Syncrystal Wrote: Owl City's Fireflies could probably jack up a hard drive if put on the right frequency. Not even at a completely loud volume.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Ocean - Jan. 19, 2014

I really like pretty much all of Adam young's songs except for The Bird and the Worm which drives me crazy. Sorry for reviving an old thread.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Dual - Jan. 19, 2014

This is the band that did the Oreo commercial, right?

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - Ocean - Jan. 19, 2014

Wonderfilled? Yes and its only one person normally.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - agentbeyblade21 - Jan. 19, 2014

This is one of my favorite bands my favorite songs of his are good time, fireflies, and galaxy

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - batool100 - Jan. 25, 2014

I hate Owl City and all this "supposed to be indie" music people can't get over like Postal Service and Death Cab...ugh there is so much more out there. STOP WATCHING GARDEN STATE.

RE: Owl City: Anyone a fan? - USER_HAS_MOVED - Jun. 11, 2014

I LOOOVE OWL CITY! I have all there albums so far an I wanna see them in concert! The song tvey did for Wreck It Ralph was awesome!!! Grin