World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Do you hate one of your teachers? - Printable Version

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RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Branderrp - Jun. 03, 2011

I hate my math teacher Mr Salameh or we like to call Salami coz he is fat
I swear just cause our class didn't get good marks he assumes the fact that we where sitting next to our friends
Guess what we now have to sit Boy Girl. I swear I learnt sitting next to my friends because it won't be silent and we will have a good time but no now with Boy Girl people don't learn and they are not happy

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - KidTala - Jun. 05, 2011

I can't really hate non of my teachers because I know that they're doing what they're doing for my own good. But one teacher just goes too far... Ms Pommells...

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - SnakeFangsâ„¢ - Feb. 08, 2012

There is a teacher called mrs. Brundner and she punished me for touching a frog so I shoved it in her face.
The next day me and my friends got everybody to hold up frogs around mrs. Brunder and say "What about not touchng frog again?"

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Hazel - Feb. 08, 2012

Sounds like you and your friends were not disciplined properly as children and have no respect whatsoever for authority. I'm not exactly sure why you decided to make yourself the villain in your story, but way to go!

I think it would've been perfectly acceptable of her to suspend each of you for that. Doing that around any parent I grew up with would've gotten you belted across the face.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - DefStamina88 - Feb. 08, 2012

I have no teachers this year that I hate, but I did have one 2 years ago (in 7th grade) that I absolutely hated. She was Mrs. Newell, she taught English, and she came from college, which is where she should have been. She was too formal and strict for me to deal with. None of the kids could keep up. If you did not get EVERY SINGLE THING written down, then you got wrote up and sent to the principal's office (See what I did there? Conditional Statement. Integrated Math 3 FTW). It happened to me once, and she said directly to me, "If can't keep up with what I say, you shouldn't be at this school". Harsh aren't we? Then I left, came back in 8th, and now I go to Wayne School of Engineering in NC.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Wizard - Feb. 08, 2012

(Feb. 08, 2012  12:35 PM)Hazel Wrote: I think it would've been perfectly acceptable of her to suspend each of you for that. Doing that around any parent I grew up with would've gotten you belted across the face.
If he did that in my schools' marching, god only knows how many push ups he would be doing...

Although, I'm gonna take a wild guess that this kid i between the ages of 8 and 11, so it's an 87.4% chance that he made that story up....

And a belt to the face? That sounds painful. I always got hit in my rear and it hurt like being slapped by Bruce lee... Pinching_eyes_2 Thank god my parents didn't use switches.... Uncertain

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Hazel - Feb. 08, 2012

To "belt someone across the face" is to backhand them across the face.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Wizard - Feb. 09, 2012

Oh... I used to get that when I was little too....

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - mindfake - Feb. 09, 2012

i hate my chemistry teacher
she dont allow us to get out from the class at break time
she explain the chemistry material at breaktime!
she doesnt care about the break time
so we just starving and listen to her lesson

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Vongola-Hibari - Feb. 09, 2012

I really don't like my English teacher. Every time I turn in something to her she does not grade it. She always grades everyone else work, but most of the time forgets mine when my work is in the same stack as everybody else in the class. My other teachers have done it, but my English teacher does it the most. Some times I just feel like............

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Annoying-Fork - Feb. 09, 2012

(Feb. 09, 2012  5:44 PM)mindfake Wrote: i hate my chemistry teacher
she dont allow us to get out from the class at break time
she explain the chemistry material at breaktime!
she doesnt care about the break time
so we just starving and listen to her lesson

Basically you're in a more serious grade where playtime is not expected in any one class? Oh such a shame.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Kai-V - Feb. 09, 2012

Hm, even here in university, we get out of the classrooms during the breaks to go eat, go take water, just get up and walk, etc.

And no, I am not in a "goofy" university.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Annoying-Fork - Feb. 09, 2012

Over here, in our high schools, the only break you get is lunch or one of the very rare few from teachers.

If you pass the first three months without a C, an entire class period can be removed from schedule.

Maybe I was hardened by my math teacher from Junior High?

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Katniss - Feb. 09, 2012

My teachers are really nice!

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - ElevatorMadness - Feb. 09, 2012

My Maths and Science teacher, unfortunately for me, they're the same teacher.

Today, she gave me detention for dropping torn up paper onto the floor... I was like, seriously... Tired

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Hazel - Feb. 09, 2012

(Feb. 09, 2012  8:43 PM)Stealth Serpent Wrote: My Maths and Science teacher, unfortunately for me, they're the same teacher.

Today, she gave me detention for dropping torn up paper onto the floor... I was like, seriously... Tired

Littering gets you a monetary fine in the real world, if someone catches you.

Be glad.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - mindfake - Feb. 10, 2012

(Feb. 09, 2012  7:30 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote:
(Feb. 09, 2012  5:44 PM)mindfake Wrote: i hate my chemistry teacher
she dont allow us to get out from the class at break time
she explain the chemistry material at breaktime!
she doesnt care about the break time
so we just starving and listen to her lesson
Basically you're in a more serious grade where playtime is not expected in any one class? Oh such a shame.
(Feb. 09, 2012  7:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Hm, even here in university, we get out of the classrooms during the breaks to go eat, go take water, just get up and walk, etc. 
And no, I am not in a "goofy" university. 
yeah such a shame
im only 10 grader(in indonesia first year of high school)
im in the high school that popular with science olympiad
my chemistry teacher have no mercy
but thats just happen in chemistry lesson

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Tyler Le - Feb. 10, 2012

I hate my Math teacher so much. Her lessons are boring, and when you get a mark, she won't bother to write it in her Students List( a list to write students' marks in). She is always yelling at us even if we just only made a samll, unimportant mistake, when at the first lesson she told us that everybody is imperfect so she wouldn't ground us because we make a mistake. You see that?
Sadly, she is our form teacher Unhappy.
Something is funny about her name if you read it in english.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - DarkNebula - Feb. 16, 2012

my maths teacher is also a pain he sends an email 2 my mum saying that i in class found it funny that i got 36% i didnt laugh 1nce and if u ask me i got above average in that test lol
in my school one of my friends got suspended for pretending to h*** behind the teachers back and he realised lol

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Flameos - Feb. 17, 2012

My 5th grade teacher which hates me and gave me bad grades I'm in 6th now came uP 2 days ago and took everyone's beys and guess wat it says nothing in the rulebook about not being able to have " toys" at school and now everyones beys are sitting in that prison of a desk she took about 20 beys 1 beylocker 10 launchers and returned a near visit to the jury anger and a near murder ( no not me ) sooo she's the diomon
(Feb. 09, 2012  8:30 PM)championleone Wrote: My teachers are really nice!

Hazel strikes again lol SERIOUSLY HAZEL STOP IT!! :ARGH:

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Hazel - Feb. 17, 2012

(Feb. 17, 2012  4:41 AM)Flameos Wrote: Hazel strikes again lol SERIOUSLY HAZEL STOP IT!! :ARGH:


RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Cannon - Feb. 17, 2012

I have an English teacher who is the worst! She just rambles on and on and makes us write things from the board. She makes everyone in my class want to sleep!

Next is my Science teacher, she just talks and talks but no-one really understands her because she's Scottish. (No offense to Scottish people) She just makes us type on our laptops (All students at my High School gets Laptops). Then, out of nowhere, she just gives us an assignment out of nowhere..

And finally, there's my co-ordinator, he is strict. No-one even likes him. He gives detentions & study sessions even if you have a bracelet on .. and it isn't mentioned in the rules that you aren't allowed to have one.. -__-

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Janstarblast - Feb. 17, 2012

I hate my Physics Professor, to be extremely honest.
Physics is a tough subject, and must be explained quite well, so that the students can learn well. But our Professor doesn't even care!
He completed explaining a whole chapter related to Force (everything related to it; Laws of Motion, Numerical problems, Real/Pseudo Force, etc.) within 2 hours!
And let me tell you, the explanation sucked. Certain points were wrong, but if we opposed, we were smacked with a duster. Tired

No wonder I seriously enjoy Physics-related posts by the likes of Arupaeo, Kai-V, etc.; because that at least gives me some knowledge about Physics...

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - rajatgovind123 - Feb. 17, 2012

I really really hate my Maths Teacher.
Maths Teacher-I want to make my maths teacher like anything, as you know Maths is really a Boring subject.The first period starts with him.I don't like him.He will throw scales and dusters on us if we will not solve the problem properly.If he is happy he will take anybody's cheeks and he will squeeze like a tooth paste.If our hair is long he will take our hairs and he will put 10 rubber bands.One day when he started the Symmetry topic the first question only he said that to do by yourself and he only said what is Symmetry.
I hate my Maths Teacher Really,Really,Really.

RE: Do you hate one of your teachers? - Dragoon. - Feb. 17, 2012

I hate my maths teacher. She is kind of jealous of me and another boy for doin the sums before she explained. She cut the whole and asked to do the whole sum 3 times again and the other one opposed her and he was slapped 2 times hardly for back answering.
I really hate her.